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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Vicky and all moms: this is what I have to look forward to when my kido grows up I love kids this reminds me of my brothers and my younger days Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Anniversary Eve

    hey bud : you have real great positive attitude, you are really inspiring me with your positive outlook, I hope to get that strength and not dwell in my negatives of not able to use my left hand yet life is grand if viewed with gratitude Asha
  3. Butch: reading your account of that day raises hair on my neck. I know from experiene you all caregivers equally wen through hell, this whole ordeal is not easy, and I agree with steph kudos to you all caregivers without them we might be in nursing home Asha
  4. hey Sue: I am so happy for you both, alredy found friends in new church, and even got job lined up that's pretty neat. see you were worried for no reason at all, God has already taken care of things for you wishing you well on your new spiritual journey Asha
  5. Sheila: I agree with pam and sandy, I went through same journey but now after 2 years I have gone back to my old ways which is not good Asha
  6. HostAsha


    Jean: just wondering aloud, does long courtship gurantees successfu marriage. I marrid my hubby meeting him after 2 times, and I think personally by adjusting to quirks of others and supporting one another in every situation is reason for successful marriage and forgiving one another and moving on. I feel you can't have happy or successful marriage if you keep two separate account. Asha
  7. HostAsha


    hey Kim: welcome back, when I first saw your blog somehow I thought it's you, but then didn't understand why would join as different membername and not tell, but anyhow where were you, missed your comments.BTW before I also wondered did you ever suffered stroke cause I used to get confusedwhether you are survivor or caregiver but blame it on my brain. so how u been, how's work Asha
  8. HostAsha

    why is it?

    hi simpleman: nice to see you blogging already, but one thing I will tell you as friend, if someone is flaming, why do you have to wear that hat on you and think it's always aganist you, it could be other 3999 members, and also if someone is getting angry, sometime letting it go also helps, instead of fighting back we all are adult here slapped with bad luck. I hope you are recovering well, and I m glad to see you on the site as every one of us need this site and outlet and a friend which for me is this site Asha
  9. HostAsha

    Dirty little secrets

    Pam: I don't know who you are talking about but let's leave at that, but people come here for support and interaction with others, and not always we can get along with everyone but its big world and big site let them lead their own life and we stay out of theirs if we don't like them, and they should have little brain to stay out of our way but what can we say here all of us who come here comeswith unique brain damage and that social skills broken to understand the limits. I agree with Sandy lets eat great food and do spome shopping online love Asha
  10. HostAsha

    The Countdown...

    hey SuzieQ: 1st anniversary is hard but its great benchmark too, not that you just survived the stroke but how far you have come since stroke, my first year was dreadful it was oh man how I used to be before when I did this or that, but now in second year it has been easy I got my 1st year memory to compare with it. what i m trying to say don't look back at your past, look how far have u come and its going to be improvement only, maybe not very drastic but its still improvements Asha
  11. hey Aussie: welcome to blog world, I guess I will get to know u better if you keep writing blogs, that'a my favorite part of this site. you have come quite far from where you have started Asha
  12. Sue: when I first read the newsI thought of you and Ray and was worried, I m glad it was far from you guys, as any disaster strikes we worry about our friends and pray for people who got affected in it, you are quite uptodate on what happens when disaster happens, I have nimby attitude, if I think about it more then it stresses me out, which includes my life so I leave it on God, he will take care of all of us, we will do our part in life best, rest is left onto God Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Good news

    hey Mary: I am so happy for your Mum, I think you should take it easy and travel after 4 weeks. In the crisis mode there are lot of other people there to help your mom, but when things quiet down, you can spend quality time with your mom, it will work out great Asha
  14. HostAsha


    Vicky: did doctors found out cause of TIA, are you taking aspirin I m glad you are doing okay, if it's your work which is stressing you out, then I think you should quit it, its not worth risking your health Asha
  15. Amy: glad you are back, I miss ur comments on my blog, if bobody reads then what's the point in writing eh I know you had great time with ur sister&company. with damaged or not damaged brain monday is always hard for me 2, you always have to get back to rhythm of life. this week our kido also has exam going on, but he is already at the stage where he does not like to tell me stuff, so I have no idea what's going on in his test, and why they have arts&literacy for 2 days. I guess I m going to call his teacher&find out, I m pretty sure ur parent teacher conferenc will go great, you already know what to ask pictures were great Asha
  16. Sue: your blogs touches my heart sometime too deep, it raises hair on my arm and back of my neck, well what do you know I m hairy person I agree with everyone ray is very lucky to have you. you and Jean always inspire me Asha
  17. Sheila: Moms can push our buttons sometime, my mom does that to me all the time, and not just mine she has capability to push buttons of single one of us. sometime you just have to ignore and still love her because she is doing all that out of concern for you. I m sorry about your sleepless might with headache. have you try using prop pillow and sleep, for me sleeping on bed with husband pillow propped on wall works very well, that way I can slep any time of the day Asha
  18. Vicky: did you keep *beep* on how many times you fell, and you have great kido Asha
  19. HostAsha

    Plans for today

    Pam: Happy Birthday, I got good chuckle out of making roll from your fat, I used to think its all fat no use, I can now tell kido about use of my gelly tummy. Good luck with your move to south, I m sure you will do great you are making me J with all fun you arer having Asha
  20. Sue: It is always pleasure to read your blog, I have somehow addicted to blogs, I don't care much about message board, I guess I don't think I have gathered enough wisdm yet to give it to others. Asha
  21. Amy: I did mistake and told my few good friends about my blog and now I regret it cause have to be very careful about what I write, and this happens to be my work friends talk about stupidity Asha
  22. HostAsha

    A. A. A. D. D.

    Fred: your blog sounded like quiz, at the end of it even I forgot where you kept your car keys. I guess I can use this blog to quiz my son about car keys I think you can train your mind to follow 1 rule which is finish first what you have set it out to do before picking up other ctivity Asha
  23. HostAsha

    Stroke Prevention

    hey scooterman: call me selfish or whatever I m generally not interested in finding out how to prevent it, I want them to cure it, I reached in hospital in 1/2 hour of my stroke and they never administered the wonder drug TPA they all list so highly on in all magazines. so what interests me is how to reverse the effect of stroke or cure it Asha
  24. HostAsha

    Another Day

    Steph: nice to see you blog, I have never kept journal in my whole life but I kinda like blogging it makes me see my journey through all my dark, good and spiritual days, and I love reading great people's comments on it. Jean: I call my forgetfulness Dorrie syndrom,which is rare(thank God) Asha
  25. hey AJ: I m glad you had great night with ur nephew. I have 3rd grader at our own home who also has wicked sense of humor, so life is never dull in our house. actually while praying in night he never prays for mom's recovery, he thinks then I will be back to work again and not be able to spend time with him and I will become more powerful such that he will loose all his physical fights with me. everyday he invents new games which he can play with his mom and ofcourse that has to involve pushing mommy down and pinch her while she tries to kiss him. he calls it pinching butt and slobbering kisses games I love to watch all kiddy movies with my son, its always our snuggle time in our papasan chair Asha