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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Janice:


    congratulations for your son's birthday, I di not realise kids can be still goofy at 21, he likes to dress as spiderman my 8 yr old has now moved on darthvedar, every time I turn around he is breathin on my neck with his mask.

    have fun on your son's birthday, time just flies by, I bet you still remember him as baby



  2. Bonnie:

    I know sometime things are harder but we have to live life an give all our worries and problems to God, and he will take care of us, I lost my day old baby on my sister's birthday in febuary, and also got my stroke in feb, but try to find something positive in every negative experience. I firmly believe God never gives us more than we can handle, and it also surrounds us by support system







    after careful consideration of your type of men, I cold not place my hubby in any category, maybe you are missing mr. right category and that's where my hubby belongs






    hey stan :


    i m no southener, heck i m not even northner, I m asian(Indian to be precise), I do know VB and VC++, right now at our work we are are moving to java, so I m trying to learn that crap. I have master's in computer science, but all my working life I have worked in C, and bunch of other language, but I know GUI is fun with visual basic, good luck and have fun



  3. phyllis:


    right now we are enjoying this real estate bubble, my hubby says we are wearing diamond studded underwear, but we have to wear it, can't sell it since everything has gone up so high in price, my niece paid 600k for 3 bedroom townhouse in NJ, if we get rid of this undie, won't be able to get new undie for the price we get, so we r planning to stay put, and ride with bubble






  4. Amy:


    they did all similar tests with me in rehab but I was consisent that I have no damage whatsoever to my cognatives, I know it does lot of damage to our self cofidence when they test things like that, I think what helped me was my self denial, since my sense of humor was intact, I could crack pretty interesting remarks to ease people around me, but I know what yu mean, but you know who you are, I don't see you loosing any of yor marbles

    so trust yourself and soar


  5. hey Amy:


    you sound just like me, last year when my therapy ended I decided to go to India alone for alternate treatment, only silver lining in my trip was that I told my hubby that I will get window treatment done over in India which is way cheaper than USA, and will get some jewellary for me

    I know it sounds silly but that rocked my boat, so I m glad you got nice coffee table from your church.


    the other day I was watching Ashay's baby video, and I was talking about getting furniture for our house which is 8 year ago, we still don't have "the" one, we have things to sit on, but not "the" one










  6. hey amy:


    I did it till I was 12,I think in India, and nothing was done over the time got rid of the habit, so when my son started doing it did not feel odd about it, but we kept on waking him in middle of nightd few times, and since then no more accidents

    keep vigil at getting her up in middle of night and no liquids after 8



  7. Pam:


    I never knew you prestroke, I only got to know you poststroke, and I admire all the qualities you got,so I am wondering which qualitie about you, yu don't like, i any caseI m sure newst model will be more lovely than old model, hey and write little often in your blogs, I missed you sorely, and hey who is Peter, is he the one you fell for, one lucky fellow




    WHAT IF?



    I like your whatifs, but its best not to worry about past and just enjoy what you got positive out of it, every life experience we have good or bad if we learn something from it, then it becomes positive experience



  8. hey:


    how about as growing up in India middle class that's what we had nothin abundance learned value of 1 cryon, and that was just 20 years ago, I hope India has propered after I left, going back to India last year after my stroke it was big learning experience, I m still way better off those millions of people in 3rd world country

