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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    One crazy day

    hey Sheila: great attitude, expectation from anyone else always brings unhappiness, if you want roses, you can go and buy yourself, liked the idea I m going to implement in my life. asha
  2. hey bud: as you see I m stroknet junkie and blogaddict. It took me few months before I found this site and once I found it never lost sight of it, hope to hear more from u, I am one of those members who only read blogs, hope to see you more here and in chatroom bye Asha
  3. HostAsha


    suzie_q: life just begins at 30, I was 34 when I stroked, but I guess I was more settled in my normal rotine which had started to bore me, stroke turned everything upside down, and I was ready to die for my normal routine, atleast I am there in family handling capacity, career wise not there yet but I don't care anymore, I was software engineer for 10 yearsb4 stroke changed path of my life for better, now I m wprking part time and stay at home mom, and I love it to the core Asha
  4. Amy: my stroke had made me pretty giving when he first lost his teeth at 7, and ofcourse I missed at cause I was in hospital so toothfairy gave him $7 bucks. I used to joke with kido if we ever want to go to movie wiggle your few teeths out and he can sponser our movie in matiny show you are going to have great time with your family this weekend Asha
  5. Lynn: having uncertainity in lifedoes that. I was hugely depressed after my stroke, loosing control of my life was huge adjustment, but what helped me adjust to my new reality is my complete surrender on higher power. he will take care of me, if God has brought this to me, he will make sure I get through it also, maybe its called hope. Asha
  6. HostAsha


    ok Pam: I will blame it on your PMS and not on my IQ to understand such a deep thing. In school we had learnt 1 beautiful scripture and it has stayed with me for 20 years, I remember only line but I think it does make lot of sense. without hope man can not win any race in life, he is basically handicapped without hope.I know for me that false hope or true hope was one of the reason to give shot at life, ofcourse other reason was my kido Asha
  7. hey Gary: glad you asked for virtual hugs, I thought you would never ask:friends: ^infinity. and here I thought you never had any bad days always good days Asha
  8. hey AJ: great list, with so many positives in your life, don't you wonder sometime why we still complain. when I started blogging, I had also made list of 10 things my stroke gave me. I could go on with positives things my stroke gave me it completly outweigh negative points. I am glad you are taking on this exercises it's great way towards acceptance, those are few things which I did helped me a lot It made me see myself in whole new light. Asha
  9. Sheila: great blog and reminder for me also, we all have to leave the way we want to, it should bw to prove it to ourselves and not others, beautiful point and nicely written Asha
  10. Hey AJ: start counting your blessing and don't worry about how long and stuff, you are here for a reason and be very thankful for lot of abilities you still have. Since I have physical limitation I sometime think cognative issues can be worked on, its like learning new stuff since childhood, but no so sure of my gross &fine motor skills, my stroke left me paralysed on left side, I think big plus in my life is that I can walk and apart from driving pretty much independant,and also I have great hubby&kido Asha
  11. HostAsha

    I'm Back (I hope)

    Mary: I read your blog few times but still can't come up with assuring words other than wow, you have been going through a lot lately. I know stroke itself is big pill for family to swallow, and you have gotton much more, hang in there, there has to be reason behind this madness. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers Asha
  12. HostAsha


    Hey Vicky: My husband is big time cricket fan, I like to watch it too if India is playing and winning, though my hubby was raving about what a fight SA gave to australia, he was mentioning something about 800+ combined runs in 100 overs by both teams. If you don't like Ponting then I m your best friend, he had played so great against India in world cup where India lost big time Asha
  13. Marty: we missed your humor and wisdon so much here, I still get confused how many member names you still have, its marlen,007. have you decidedwhich member name you are going to use it I for one is addicted to this site &thankful my stroke to lead me to this site and great people with it Asha
  14. Pam: since I always wear brace outside, some people do ask what happened and sometime I just say accident, not that I am ashamed of stroke but saying stroke leads to another list of questions, oh you are 2 young, and what caused it, and telling about pregnancy and all that stuff becomes too painful for me so I like accident answer, people seem to just shutup and don't ask 2 many questions. I know as sandy had mentioned once acceptance is every day struggle, I m so glad you are doing better everyday, you are my inspiration in lot of things particularly the way you handle your stroke without any external support, and I vale your insights &comments on my internal struggle blogs Asha
  15. hey AJ: is J2EE is anyhow related with java then u r the man I m looking for. I was thinking of developing java applet or simple gamewhich could be run from webpage. we can chat more online and I can explain you how the game works, I have written skeleton of it, but not that sophiscated yet Asha
  16. Jean: you are the best could you please raise my child for me, or give good tips on howto be good mother Asha(stll learning &fumbling in the role of mom) Asha
  17. hey Mary: congratulation on successful heart surgery, isn't medical field great, they used to do this surgery before by doing open heart surgery and now 10 mins and such a noninvasive way, actually I did my heart surgery while I was still in day rehab doing 3 days a week therapy, I think I had taken 2 weeks off from therapy & continued on, compare to stroke I had thought heart surgery was piece of cake very happy for you Asha
  18. HostAsha

    Woman power

    sue: my positive thouhts in your direction, but I think whatever decision you will make, it will be the best decision, you have been making decision for Ray all the time so buying car will be small potato. your bargaining on washer reminded me of India, where every thing you buy have to be bargained. I use to hate those experiences, lot of time I would feel paid 2 high, so in USa where you don't bargain, it was such a great relief Asha
  19. Pam: I know the feeling, but somehow at 36 I m not ready to admit, I have aged and start looking and doing decisions like old people. I still want to do stuff the old way,maybe that's wrong.
  20. hey Amy: so happy for you. being lefty, you are forced to use your left hand and that's good thing, I guess ou had great hour of therapy and fun Asha
  21. hey AJ: It feels so great to write you this, I struggled same questions what you are struglling right now, like acceptance, does it mean you are giving up hope to get better, what helped me bring peace was accepting my today but still keeping faith to improve over the coming years, you will still do the same things you love but maybe little differently, and who knows what future holds for you, I was thinking about developing some programs which helps in visual defects, the therapy which I took for my vision loss. I know if I put my head to it I can do it, but I also need sound board with whom I can share my project like team project, let me know if you are upto it Asha
  22. hey AJ: I went through same thing for long time and still trying to figure out what is my purpose, just being productive at work would give me satisfaction I got before, or being stay at home mom and making difference in my kido's life will do the trick, as you saw my last blog I m still fumbling and searching, but I know I will get there by giving my best shot to whatever I can do. I think as someone told me once start doing small things which you like to do and keep on adding up on list and pretty soon you will be happy with your lot in life, I guess we all go through this kind of stages, maybe you are going towards road of acceptance. As usual I blabbered on and might not make any sense Asha
  23. HostAsha


    hey suzie: yeepee for u, so when r u inviting us to ur house and we will come with small children who like to jump on couch Asha
  24. hey AJ: for programming if you know if/else for & while loop u r in for software developement, that's what I had told my doctors when I was still at rehab, though now at job they r starting to use java so still learning my ropes. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    1st year tomorrow

    hey Vicky: I am so glad you are still here for your 1st anniversary, yes we never expected life will take turn like this, but the way I see you as very courageous young lady who went through this whole ordeal and became so strong and also married right guy. cheers for your first anniversary, I look at my ordeal this way, I was in pits 2 years back, things have to turn around for me and it did. can't put my thoughts right, but I admire you a lot Asha