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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha





    it is great that your creativity is back, I was zero in creativity prestroke now tht I m post stoke, I m developing interest in arts and crafts. my vision therapist was telling me that right brain is for arts and crafts, and left is scientific oriented, since I had right side damaged, I told her woohoo nothing is lost since there wasn't much there to begin with biggrin.gif


    hey can you share some of your home decorating styles with me, I love to decorate my house but don't know how



  1. teal:


    missed you, I m glad that you r back with your funny outlook on world, I don't have some funny story about my medical fiasco except after they(drs) all try to kill me I still survivedjust kidding)


    I m happy that u r back, u r my inspiration




    how we meet

    hey stan and Briezie:


    Now I know secret of ou both blogging lovey dovey stuff on web , since u both r modern people started ur love online, so it makes perfect sense to keep online love journal:D


    happy for you both.In our cultur if we give blessins we say have 100 boys together, now that would be strach.


    but good luck for future life




  2. hey lovey dovey couple:

    you guys r really made for each other couple, so when is wedding bells ringing, it is great to see that u both r lucky enough to find each other. you should maybe also write how u 2 met and fell in love, it will be wonderful story



  3. Gary:


    Botx does wonders first time, but later dosage, has to be higher nothing wrong in it, rebound from botox is strong, I have had it 3 times for my hand, no side effects, bit no effect either, though first time it opened up my hand, next 2 times effect was mild not like first time, I guess I wanted miracle but it doesn't provide 1, I hate stroke



  4. hey Amy:

    once we move to our new house, I decided to throw party at home for wild 6 yr boys 15 of them, I and my niece had organized games for kids, and did an hour long party with kids, after hour, I just left kids alone for a minute to get cake from upstaris and plates, and when I come down, all Ashay's toys were spread out in the basement, all out from their bins and kids running around, it was so wild, that was last party I celebrated in this house, afer that 2 years there were no b'day parties for Ashay

    I think I will celebrate his 9th birthday party







    I love ur blogs and ur dynamic attitude towards life, I love to do decorating around house but first I have to convince hubby that its worth it, next drag him for shopping and then while trying to do it, get his help while he is kicking and screaming

    one of these days without invitation i m going to come to ur house




    HERE WE GO !!!



    your butterbean and cornbread with onion dinner plan sounds so interesting that even we vegetarians can try, so pass me recipe of both and I will try to cook it for my hubby and kido.


  5. Amy:


    don't worry I live 2 house down from my mom, and she is full of negative energy and she gets upset if I don't go to her house, so I envy you that you r 100 mile away from her, I know my mom loves me dearly that's y it upsets her more to c me this way, but anytime I go to her house its something or other negative about someone, which gets on my nerve, but I keep reminding myself, that she loves me a lot and she don't mean it, Ihave to just roll of her comments from my back and not get bothered by it, you do the same thing with ur parents, just think in the time of need your family is the one who will and did stand by you, so these small things just let it roll over ur back, they don't realise when they say somethings, which could hurt us, like my mom whenever I m able to do something, she will say oh I can't even do that, so I tell her look at the age difference we have I m 35 and u r 62, I know she don't mean in bad way but I tske it bad way, so just keep big heart and look at their good quality and ignore silly comments, come back sane from ur trip Amy cause amy I need you.


    lots of love


  6. Mary :


    I was so sorry about london attacks since a month ago I had come to london as tourist and byhearted all tube lines, but at the same token I was so touched by BBC reporting, at no time in reporting they were giving any horrific details about dead bodies, but telling about how all europe countries r behind london with all their support to fight terrorism, just welled up my eyes, and also saying that all muslims in london also hated this barberic act, as a Indian national who has seen bombay riots after bombay blast where they were burning all muslim owned shops in bombay, that time as a youth I had found it easy to ignore riots and stuff, but as an adult now I know how great londoners were in getting back to life and not lashing back at innocents.


  7. teal:


    you just keep me in awe, we human are quite great people I m just in awe of you that you are able to do everything by yourself alone , as Pam said, keep blogging, you are truely inspiration for me (sissie) who wonders all time what if my hubby leaves me how will I handle things.



  8. Butch:


    I can sympatize with you, when I was in hospital specially in ICU, my hubby's time table was similar to yours,

    5:00 wakeup,

    6:00 in hospital with me till 9PM

    10:00 go home and sleep with our son


    an I used o complain y u r not staying with me where with me in hospital my sister was staying. those were rough days,

    now after a year we have taken our multiple vacations, disney world for our child, and europe for his mom, and I have started getting into rhythm of life, we started doing joint home projects

    so be patient, good days r just around corner, there is light at the end of tunnel and its not oncoming train

