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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Borrowing the cape

    Vicky: tell your mom I never smoked, never ate meat, never smoked still got stroke, so its destiny, stroke happens mine was caused by pregnancy and hole in heart which allowed stroke to happen. I m so proud that you are still abvle to run your company and support your parents &employess Asha
  2. hey AJ: well what you know we have more in common than stroke, I used to be software engineer too, luckily for me, I have no cognative defeciets, its paralysis on left side, and now after 2 years of my stroke and I m 36, I started going back to work part time 2 days a week without any pay, and slowly I am getting there where I might get back to my old job, but you know what after doing it part time for a year, I kind of liking it better, no pressure at work and still get to interact with my collegues. and I m sure road will become smoother for you as time goes by and you get adjusted to all medical pills. and don't read side effect labels of the medicine, that would scare you silly. Asha
  3. Amy: it's always comforting to know that only nerve cells whose function was to control motor skill are on leave for now, and we are still the same old person beneath. on the separate note nowadays I get hot flash kind of symptom where suddenly out of blue I will become very emotional and can't speak, though that spell passes over very quick. I checked with my gynec since I was missing periods too and she said I m not into premenopause yet Asha
  4. Butch: I am anxious to read your 5 part series, this is the book where I have read last 2 parts already, but still eagar to read first 3 parts Asha
  5. hey AJ: what a nice way to put it, I think I also almost 14 years ago married my guardian angel Asha
  6. Sheila: I had also done PFO closure in june 2004, doctor did tell me that sometime you can get irregular hearbeat, which can scare you, but is treatable with medicine. luckily for me I didn't feel a thing but when I went to see him for my followup visit, he caught it in examination and he was surprised that I didn't feel a thing, having heart monitor for 30 days is good thing. again my PFO closure is history now and part of my heart. welcome to our blog community and hope to see you more blogging Asha
  7. HostAsha

    This struck a chord

    Mary: wonderful poem or thoughts, after reding this wonderful essay, all falls in place in my life, I do wish to see your blog after surgery how well everything went. I also have to fight with my kido to get computer on weekends, I m glad he goes to school 9-3 such that I can blog Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Happy Birthday Rolly!

    hey Rolly: Happy Birthday to you, and may all your wish come true Asha
  9. Amy: you are real fighter in my eyes. pain is never fun so I m flad you found remedy to it Asha
  10. hey Amy: so good to know, I think its universal with all moms to worry about their offspring Asha
  11. hey Ruthie: great, more you walk around better for your recovery, ur leg will realise oh i have to take weight on this leg, falling is part of learning to walk. before leaving from rehab I learnt how to get up from floor, since then I m never afraid of falling as long as I can get up from floor, it becomes so easy for everyone to roamaround without wheelchair. I guess I was quite adamant on not using wheelchair or cane, so I acheived both of those goals rigt after I came home, though still have falls on miscalculation and judgement on my part, but hey I m still learning, game is not over till they crement me Asha
  12. Mary: I don't know about england but here in US PFO closure is fairly simple noninvasive operation, I had done it just 4 months after my stroke, operation lasted for 10 minutes, Prep by doctors were longer than operation. I was kept a day in hospital & was home next day, I got TEE done after a year and everything looks perfect, the device(umbrella) has become part of my heart now, you can PM me anytime if you have any doubts. PFO closure in my mind and in my case was big stepping stone for me, stopped all my worries. and your boys wil be fine without mom for day or two. lots of hugs and best wishes ur stroke&PFO buddy Asha
  13. Kristen: we all go through whatif and try to blame ourselves for whatever happened to our loved ones. To make peace with yourself and your family, you have to accept that it was destiny, and nothing you could have or would have done to avoid the outcome, but at the same time also trust in God, that there was good reason behind all this ordeal. I am sorry for not coming up with intellgent remark, but this is the theory works for me when I was travelling on my road to acceptance. stop blaming yourself, you did your best, rest is all in God's hands Asha
  14. hey Amy: even if we are olympic drop out then we could be still proud of gone through life olympics &come out ahead. I have accepted the fact that my hand migt not be same asbefore, but I m not giving up hope on it, you are just putting things on hold to give yourself break from your therapy though you can get list of exercise you can do on your own at your home Asha
  15. Sue: our Indian family is very similar to greek family, ours is not very big family but quite closeknit family, and even with such a small family, it is so hard to keep everybody happy and together and this is just my side of the family, my hubby's side is all back home close to 50, actually I m happy that I don't have to work hard in keeping his family in sync, when we go there, we meet them& be happy together. point I m trying to make it when you have big family it is hard to keep everyone in sync with each other, all have different mind?&agendas, so I feel you can count on only your siblings &parents Asha
  16. HostAsha


    Hi Kim: welcome to blog community, since I know people through their blogs on thissite, hope to know you more from your blogs, I stroked at 34 after my pregnancy ended prematurely, it has been long 2 years, yes life is not the same but its still not over yet, I m now medically retired at 36, but I know one thing for sure if one door closes on you in life thereareso many other doors open, and you never know what that will bring in your life, that itself is so much excitement, you are here for reason Asha
  17. Lynn: I m so happy that Rod is getting drive to do things himself maybe it's triggered back again out of love&concern for your well being. I know as we come further away from stroke that will I can do everything slows down a little. Don't stop Rod from keep on trying, he will get new confidence on his weak side, so in end as you know whatever hardship we all go thrpugh is for reason, & be sure its good reason Asha
  18. Amy: paying money always sucks but it is necessity on car which allows us to earn money. again paying money is kind of bad luck which we always notice but gaining some money by tax ewfund, we never even consider it Asha right now I m paying for my driving lessons through my nose,I finally convinced my hubby to let me drive local&once he feels comfortable I can drive local, lets see whether he actually allows me or not Asha
  19. Sandy: that's how I felt in my marriage before my stroke happened& my hubby being there fr me whole time helped immensely, so my viewpoint on my marriage changed completely after my stroke, but man I was so bored of the damn routine in my life, no excitement or anything, and I m dreading even now it has started becoming routine& don't know how to fix it, getting new hubby won't help with my new great look I m nomore a good bet Asha
  20. heyM&M: when you find that 12 step program for addicts, tell me also I will join 2, here in US power does not go off that often but when it does, my heart practically stops, our whole household life comes to stop including watch , can't even turn on cooking range if I don't have matchbox Asha
  21. Amy: I have stopped watching any real TV, I find all of their probles so banal, but I would sure watch extreme makeover since you mentioned it, not so sure about desparate housewives name itself sounds so bad, but maybe I will give it a shot today glad to see your blog Asha
  22. Amy: you give me complex, you are such a great person coming up with all these things to keep your kido entertained. I guess I still need to learn patience with kids, I get frustrated with my son sometime when he says I don't understand what you are trying to explain, & it is such obvious thing, right now I m working with him in writing assignments for his NJASK3 test, he is A student(like A-)& I want him to be straight A Asha
  23. Amy: your blog gave me good chuckle, I guess in the matter of cleaniless I m more relaxed, and I m glad I can not vaccum anymore, though your blog is pushing me to get involve in cleaning my house but what is next mop the kitchen floor Asha
  24. hey Sue: really don't be hard on yourself, you can do your best. when we were on holidays in europe, Imade sure the whole bus is not delayed on my account, so in our room my hubby always woke me 1/2 hour early which generally we have lot of headaches & fights on that issue, but I guess I was on my best behaviour in europe &all of us had great time together, & my hubby is looking forward to our next trip together Asha
  25. hey Kristen: I m so proud of you, you are such a go getter, & dynamic person. first anniversary always bring on lot of memory, but it also gives great outlook on how far you both have come along, my hubby still gets the chlls when my son called from my mom's house telling him to rush at my mom's home, its emergency. stroke is life changing event, and we all come out of it lot stronger&wiser. Happy 1st anniversary Asha