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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Pam:

    welcome back in good mood, prestroke u were giant so not too many things need to be different in you, versus prestroke I was sloppy mom, sloppy wife,but good employee, so I got another shot after my stroke to become little better wife and better mom, so I m loving it.


    I was laid back person back then and back now also


    you know this you are the one of the best and strong person I have met in my life, so keep at it.



  2. hey amy:


    that's great that you are getting into paining again, I m rightie, an I have great fine motor skill on my right hand, I know you can do it, hey think about it when ur hand come back, you will be able to use both hands for writing, painitng, isn't it wonderful


    I should start painiting too, but I need to make it in my things to do list which I don't have one.



  3. Pam:


    I read someplace about happiness and it makes perfect sense though I will wait for mom's input, but happiness is state of mind, and in life every episode has positive twist to it ok now I forgot beautiful line itslomething about every enconter could be bad it depends on 90% on our attitude and 10% on situation in life



  4. clark:


    do you believe in God, any God, hindu, mulim or christian, I also had depression for awhile but leaving all on God, help me fight my depression, I used to worry about what will be my future like, abd stuff now I just leave on God to take care of me, I will do my karma and let God worry about fruits of my labour



  5. Amy:


    next time do your pity party when I m in town, I missed it, in any case you r one wise girl, from ur 10 year plan, u got one woderul hing, which overrides all other mishaps in life, look at the positive things in your today, don't waste planning your future, who to say that 10 years from now we might be all cured and enjoying life more than any of those other people wo still have their blinders on, and go through life without realising that each day is gift from god, so live to your fullest.

    we are all here on earth on borrowed time



  6. Micheal:


    welcome to brain injury world, but considering all problems you are having, you are still lucky, brain is mysterious thing, when my son started showing stuttring symptoms, I blamed everyone for having mild disability in my child now when I got mine, it brings new persepective to life



  7. janice:


    I am so happy for your patio set, I want to have but can't convince hubby yet, we looked at the swing set, but I want patio set, only problem is what do you do inwinter with heavy snow and stuff, but in any case ur hubby let you buy it right away.


    have wonderful summer



  8. Amy:


    it must be southern thing, up here in north we call soda but mos t restaurent carry only coke and sometime i stubbornly go for bottled pepsi. I like pepsi since its sweeter than coke


    but after stopping to go to work I stopped drinking ny soda cause going to restaurent has become very less since we have help at home who cooks and we pay through our noses for that, so going to restaurent is scrapped out for us




  9. Amy:


    what you talking girl that is positive side of stroke NO MORE HOME CHORES woohoo


    there is funny story to my stroke, I was lazy bum before stroke also, I never minded sitting late in the office or cookin, but I hated doing laundry, vaccuming, cleaning dishes, so when my sister came to our house she was like when did you last used ur left hand in house chores except at work, and now u cry for it:D

    look at the bright side honey


    lots of love



  10. Pam:


    please don't ever stop coming to this site, I come and check thislite evry few hours for your and Jean's blogs and comfort words to others, I know sometime its frustrating to hear others whine about their small problems when you have lost so much, but that's y you are mentor, you have wisdom of thinking clear headedly, I don't know Pam how you do it, but you are giant . I hope I get part of stength and,ourage you have, I come to chat hoping you and ?Jean would be there, but haven't seen you guys for couple of days, at this rate I should also stop coming to chat.


    lots of hugs


  11. Butch:


    transportation problem sucks in USA,, and no social workeryold us, my hubby did lot of research and found out that county community services are available where for $1 a day they can take you to meeedical facility, or even red cross can pick you up for $10 each way, but redcross don't have special vehicle versus townsip community serviiiices do have, I thunk yyou have to book 2 weeks in advance}sha
















