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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Butch:


    I also suffered stroke at age 34 and my son is only 8 year old, I worried about all things you worried, on top since I come from 3rd world where disability is cosidered something to be ashame of, till today, my mom won't tell her friends that I got stroke and got disabled, I wworried most of the time that my son would be ashamed of me and resent me, but my hubby's constant support and my son's playful nature all those things are way of past, he everyday invents new games to play with mom which je can't play with able people, so that gives me reason to live for and I am happy thaty I hung in my path of recovery




  2. hey Frank:


    i loved your blog,I believe in it 100%, I had my stroke 16 months ago, and I had best last year with my family, I feel lord's mercy on me, though my first 6 months were dark, but due to love of the family I pulled throiugh. but your positive attitue is great, keep on blogging more, will look forward for it


  3. Amy:


    today and my son almost went to lava girl movie but then we decided we will watch it next saturday with his friends and watched malagascar movie it was funny, so we both enjoyed, hubby as usual dropped us at theatre and picked us up after movie while we were watching movie he got oil change in his car, he is all about work, movie things and all that fun stuff is my department with my son, I hate to complain, but its so hot here, that I won't mind winter



  4. it is hard to see your loved one struggle but it is good idea to let them do their ADL by themselves it gives so much pleasure when I m not dependent on my hubby for things I m survivor 2 my left side is paralysed but since I was right handed, grooming and everything else became very easy for me, the day I succedded to wear my own bra gave me so much pleasure you can't imagine, give your hubby time, he will bounce back with lot of support from you



  5. Pam:


    reading your entry means lot to me, you are true fighter in all sense, its amazing how nicely you are holding and getting your life back together. I guess I have still so much to learn from you, I just can't think of me being on my own and handle eerything by myself, I am not sure if I will be able to rise to occasion


    but keep up the good work, and exercise. I try to be happy with my body but I think I need to loose weight from the wrong places such that weight at right places will look good



  6. Pam:


    the day I figured out how to wear 1 hand bra, it made me so happy, I wrote blog about it, and me 2 just month ago I had ordered few fancy bras from catalogue, which became untouchable fruit for a yea, and the day I was able to work on front clasping bras, and was able to wear it, I tell you felt like comlete woman again, as it is I m not buxom beauty and sports bra used to flatten my boobs, so I was so happy that I can wear bra again woohoo, and also with saree you have to wear blouse, so you do need bra underneath, so my mom might buy bras from VS, but it just feels odd, my dad has passed away for 10 years, and when I was growing up, talking about sex or anything like that was big taboo in our house, for crying out loud, I did not know how babies are made till I got married which was till 21



  7. Pam:


    I am so happy for you, things are starting to fall in place, that's wonderful, after my stroke for lonest time till tpday when I pull up my pants, my left side is stil sometime little down, my niece and her friends always giggle saying, don't you feel cold that side, my answer is always no if i feel cold that side then i will think my whole left side is nude since don't feel a thing there. my hubby or someone is always checking on my that side of body.


    hey does ur son has any GF yethe is 14 right



  8. hey Pam:


    I am so happy for you, any good looking but oops i m married, but no harm in looking and flirting eh. I am glad you are able to deal with ur hubby and neigbhour little better now, that's the strong pam i know.

    I really feel bad that I found this site pretty late, when I was well adjusted to my anti depression pills that's when I found you guys not fair, would love to know u guys better,


    love asha

  9. Amy:


    I know for sure everything will be fine on thursday, I just feel it, don't panic over it, should I say we all got our share of sufferings and now we r done with it, nothing bad is going to happen, worst part is over or down ride of our life is over now its up swing only. I will be praying and thinking about you on thursday. don't fret or worry about it just leave all your worries on God, make God our shephard and trust him completly, don' I sound like christian, but its true that thought itself gives me ton of peace. hey if you don't mind then could you give me your number and maybe we can talk on phone sometime.



  10. Jean:



    thanks for straigtening me out, Pam I m sorry if I have offended you in any way, I get very emotional, ean is right kids need to see both parents happy and if you both agree to keep your love life kids free that's best thing, Jean you are genious, how come you come up wit h such a wonderful suggestions, you can be my mom too please, you are so sound in your advice. I need mom like that





  11. Pam:


    you might not like my comment, but I have to, if you don't like it just throw out of the window.

    I thought all along you wanted to move away from him and get on with you r life and let him move on too, when you were moving out you didn't worry about kids cause you thought you will be in barn so still close, but once you move out, he and you both can have as many bimbo or loosers you bth can have, you should have thought about how that would affect your children, I personally disagree quite heavily about divorce, I think things should be worked out for sake of children, yes I understand he was *beep* not giving you any support while your ordeal, yes you are tough woman to bounce back from your adversity without any support, that's great, God has given you lot of strength. I know lot of parents take divorce because they don't want to raise kids in unhappy home, but after divorce when parents parades long string of girlfriends and boyfriends what kind of value we r instilling in our kids.


    I personally feel even in unhappy homes kids do just fine, I know it hurts badly, I don't know what will I do if my hubby did something like that.


    I feel that we r care taker of our children, and i think on mom's shoulder this responsibilty lies solidly. not saying all these to make you feel bad, but read all your blogs, all along you wanted to get out of this marriage first, he sticked by you through out your stroke maybe not the way you wanted, but he still had decency to stay. later you decided to leave him and maybre he agreed happily


    I know stroke was not your doing, but what you learnt from it, that your hubby maybe weak guy still had some decency in him, he was good father to children, if you look, you might find so many good qualities about him that maybe stroke gave us the opportunity to look at good side of people and accept them as they are rather than changing anyone






    hey Pam:


    I come back from my vacation and read all the wonderful stuff about your apartment, and idea of how to make it cozy ooking, I was floored already, and you call urself non creative then what would I be, I love decorating my house, though not stencilling and sponge painiting, never had time b4, now don't have healthy body but i don't miss that at all, I think less clutter n the house and if things r at right place then house do look beautiful. you will have to take lot of pics of ur house and post it on our site.


    missed u guys for 2 weeks,


    love asha

  12. Pam:


    I think I would like to get ideas from you in decorating house, I am thinking about gardening on the deck, but don't know from where to begin. yo describe yor alcove so precisely that I would want to come there and have smoke there, even when I dion;t even smoke



  13. Pam:

    you won't believe it through your blogs I m getting excited about your move to new apartment, I know you can handle anything and eerything, and in this journey of life everything is wonderful, even stroke is you are going to have wonderful apartment by yurself with beautiful catskill mountain view, now that you will move on with your new life maybe you and kutz will be good friends.


    goodluck in your new chapter of life


    we are always here for you,


  14. hey Vicky:


    I am glad party went good for you, don't focus on your sis-in-law's comment she might not have meant it that way, sometime peole says something, you jst have to ignore it, there is saying in Indian thing, dogs bark but elephant walks by as a King.

    Focus on good things they came from all over the US to join in party, thought about your financials also, those r good things. and ur son is so nice, he walks you back home, how old is he? I hope my kido stays like that.




  15. hey Amy:


    what a wonderful blog, I have been thinking of volunteering, but where and ow r big questions in my mind, but you got everything so right, I would love to go and teach in your old school, you don't know you are shaping life of those young children, the boy who huged yo every morning brings tear in my eye, such a wonderful boy.

    Madeline is a lucky gir to have you as her mom



  16. Kim:


    this was hilarious, your blogs r always funny and sometime scary, i guess i should not judge anybody by their cover


    but i learnt valuable lesson in lifeused to be always unhappy about my marriage, but after stroke i realised its not he who have changed its me who hav e changed, in life we get whatever we r destined to, instead of finding faults in it, we can make best out of what we got, there might be so many faults within us, and if we all just get along then there won't be any broken homes







    whenevr I read your blogs you come out as very strong person, and m little scared of u, i guess we all deal with life's adversity differently, some choose to putyheir head in sand annnd assume problem will go away if they don't pay attention, some fights head on, ieverybody have their own style, i have none



    just rambling
