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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Cindy:

    you make me jealous of your yard, and if khovanian builders find out that you have 2 acre land then they will build 20 homes there, when we bought our first house, we bought based on how big the front yard and back yard was, but since none of us r kind of yard people, we kind of never played in our backyard anytime m y son wanted to play we would take him to playground, so in our next house buying we have postage stamp size yard but big house which all of us love now. I kid around with my hubby that anytime if we get bothered by our neighbours we can just open our window and close their windows.

    I am happy that you got new outlook for a life, we all love u, i love reading your blogs, and I am able to look at the life wiith different persepective,




  2. hey Amy:


    I was so happy to see your blog this morning, you came to site with the big bang, Since we have talked many times before, I thought I knew you better than anybody but guess what I learnt lot more about you from your 100 list, I knew you were very good parent and loved your family a lot, but i did not know that you are pplanning for other onem guess that will make me aunt of the baby, at young age you have gone through lot of trials in your life, I think as lomg as we learn from our trials, no trials is negative one, all could be positive.




    lots of love


  3. hey Pam:


    I am scaed of those school phone calls, my son is in 2n grade and I have gotton few phone calls from teacher already complaining about he interupting ehile she is still talking and making funny comments and making whole class and she loosing her attention, and attention of all kids, right now he listens to me, but this parenting does scares me,

  4. Becky:


    I have been reading your blogs and posts, and see your frustration, you getting mad at your mom, I do even today and i m 35 year old lady, but when I think about it more, they tell us to work hardand stuff cause even their heart is bleeding to see their child suffer, it is hard for them to accept 2, I m dead against of saying the word accetance, but I realised that we have to accept this as our today but trust in God that future will be bright. even our parents also mourn for their loss, you have to give them time and hey

    I also wish its not spinal cord injury, that way you will be on your feet and do lot of things, I know sometime we rambe cause we r mad, but we don't mean it. you know your family loves u very much, and also you wanted to live on your own, somehow because i m indian we stay with our parents till we (girls) get married, and boy always stays with their parent or parents stay with boy. we r family should be there for each other


    lots of love, hugs


  5. Becky:


    I know exactly how you feel, anything we loose at any age is hard, but you have to know in your heart that things won't be this way forever, we are in advance country things will change, i don't have to tell you this, but iFDR was 3 term president in his wheelchair, and I think USA benefitted a lot from him, he shaped whole USA, he won his presidency while he was struck by polio, he won election being in wheelchair. I know people doubt that whether you can do it while you are in wheelchair, but you have to prove them wrong, I read brooke ellison's book miracles happen she did her bachelors and masters in harvard, and now pursuing her phd in NY, and she suffered spinal cord injury when she was 12. yes life is tough sometimes and it sucks bug time, but when I found out that youare pursuing your bachelors in nursing I was impressed, I have done my masters in computer science but after my stroke I m realising that making millions is just enough, helping some indidual would give me great sense of pleasure than just millions, so once my driving is under belt, I would start pursuing someting in medical field.

    so never give up, keep pursuing your dream and make urself and your family proud.


    lots of hug and love


  6. Pam:


    you are one strong lady, I especially wanted to see you picture whiich I did, you have beautiful family, and handsome husband , I do look up to you, and jean how you guys are handling adversity in your life. I also agree there will be no joy in life if you haven't seen sorrow. atleast I have been dealing that way though I have lot of support from spouse and family.


    lots of hugs
