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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    ho ho ho!

    Stan: Merry Christmas to you andalso wishing you happy and healthy new year to you and your family Asha
  2. susan: Iwant to change all of mine, that shows I still need to matue, but lovely list, I knew only my in-laws who were married for 50 years and so much in love that I wish I can have same kind of love in our relationship, great list Asha
  3. HostAsha

    Fed up with this now

    hey Mary: at work I used to burst out crying without stoke before, so don't get worked up about it, count your blessing, don't concentrate on small things, and you do know things do get better Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Merry Christmas!!

    hey Butch: I m impressed baking cookies can you bring some in our festivus party, I have never baked cookies before, but you guys areall tempting me, our household is not too much into sweets, but I think I should bake this year, you knowwhat I might just go and buy readymade dough and bake some cookies this year maybe my son will like it. have great Christmas and wishing you and your family happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    What is sucess to you?

    Pam: I loved your defination of success, if its Emerson who wrote it, then I love him 2, I do have question, how do you change world around you who believes having more material wealth is being successful, also at thesame token wealth does bring power, look at how america noses around every other country's business, they can get away with it, cause they have power money but I feel with the money you can bring lot of difference in world Asha
  6. HostAsha

    Long time no Blog

    Joy: it was perfect time, I was wondering about you 2, so happy for you and hans, glad thinga are working out for you. lots of love, and Merry CHRISTMAS and wishing you happy, healthy new year to you both. lots of love Asha
  7. Amy: I think talking with her and making her understand cwertain things are not acceptable in school, and she has to follow the rules, and some time outs will happen, next time if it happens is thing you can try. though my kido was getting into trouble all 2nd grade, but in 3rd grade his teachers r wonderful and he also listens to me, so things r not bad. cause I m of opinion that they r kids, some small things they do might get them into trouble, so they r ok, last whole year my kido wasn't allowed to watch cartoons, and he was ok with punishment. sorry blabbered on, follow aunt jean's advice Asha
  8. hey Gary: how did you know I like pepsi, have to visit ur harmony blog Asha
  9. hey: can I come 2, never got invited to such a wonderful appetizer party b4 Asha
  10. hey Amy: Ibet manicure will look wonderful for holidays. I used to have long nails but only on my left hand, and now I don't let them grow since I like to keep my hand in fist form Asha
  11. hey Fred: wow wonderful blog, since I have been reading world history, I think all war presidents r bad, like going in vietnam and loosing so many american troops, nuking japan over pearl harbour, Idon't know who is advisors of these presidents, how come they lack simple reasoning which even half damaged brain can comprehend, but these presidents do not.I guess I simply don't understand politics, hoe come people can not impeach this president while clinton over sex scandal was about to get impeached. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    So be it

    hey Vicky: happy holidays and merry christmas to you, sometime it gives so much peace of mind by just accepting so be it, like your attitude Asha
  13. HostAsha

    11 months

    hey Mary: isn't it sad that sometime adversity in life gives us the best thing in world, being able to stay home with kids and enjoy life the way they do. Asha(stay at home mom 2 at 36)
  14. hey Amy: your blog and attitude towards life always makes me feel warm inside, you know what your tutoring and volunteering will go long way. you are actually making positive difference in kids lives, and setting real great example. maybe I should do something similar in my kido's school, but I don't know where to begin and whom to ask. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    What to call it?

    pam. : I agree with sue. I hav also quit reading philosophical books, any time I want wusdom, I read Jean's comments and blog. so stop torturing your brain. Asha
  16. hey kristen: with your sweet silliness not just patrick, you can make others smile 2, and I thought only I was silly mom, but you beat me Asha
  17. M&M: congratulations on all your wonderful things, I bet all of you are very happy to have ur s-i-l back, and he is back at the right time, where baby is great fun age to be around. I m sure you are going to have wonderful xmas with everyone. Asha
  18. Amy: I bet its electric range, where we don't realise its on, takecare of your good hand, I have burnt my left hand many times since reaction time is slow, but not very bad yet thank God, hope you arefeeling better already. Asha
  19. Amy: maybe you can have snowball fight with your kido, that's what I did last year, it was wonderful snow storm, its going to start here tonight 12 to tomo afternoon, I bet our kido's school will be closed, I guess tomo we will be playing in snow love Asha
  20. HostAsha

    tis da season

    stan: I also admire your attitude towards life all looking forward to, holiday meals and everything, good luck buddy ur breezie is 1 lucky lady Asha
  21. HostAsha

    PFO closure

    hey Mary: happy for you, PFO closure will be breeze, you will think wish you knew sooner, and closed it earlier, but hey nothing lost, your new year is starting with bang, wish you healthy and prosperous new year and merry xmas Asha
  22. fred: out of curiosity and learning with kid, I have just started reading about pearl harbour, and decision to throw nuclear bomb on japan, and so many civilian lives got lost there, I think whatever the cause was to go on waron japan or iraq , I don't admire any of the war presidents, including trumen and george bush Asha
  23. Amy, after reading your blog even I got tired and looking forward to the weekend , kido is correcting my grammer standing next to me, just because he is in 3rd grade, and speaks good english, thinks he can correct me all the time Asha
  24. HostAsha

    Bah Humbug

    Pam: over the years spirit of celebrating anything dies, cause when I was child the way we celebrated any festivals there was big difference, the excitement of food,clothes,gifts were so much, now as a adult that excitement is gone, nothing to do with stroke, it was part of growing up but at the same token I still want to celebrate all festivals indian, amercican all for my kido, I feel having rituals and celebration I m creating memories for my son and my family. Asha
  25. hey Butch: you are right this is ur place to vent about your feeling, I don't haveany right to judge you, I m sorry if I offended you in anyway, the thing is this stroke has all pushed in one big room, where we r all fellow citizens of strokestan. (instead f pakinstan, afganistan...). glad you are back and dealing better in lisa-butch's stroke journey. Asha