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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey fred: nicestory, getting my history sharpen on this site. maybe I should shop in lords and taylor than Macys. Asha
  2. hey Ames: your hubby got very good sens of humor, and able to lighten any situation, and nowadays we have to beso alert on this blog list, it takes just hour to get pushed down to page 2, that insecticide might come very handy to keep page 2 clean Asha
  3. HostAsha

    poopie list

    hey Stan: my 8 year old boy will go wild reading this poopylist, what iswith you guys(boys) from 8 to 40, likes to talk about only poop,butt, fart, boogers. my son always says those words, it just cracks me up, so he gets more encouraged, but ur list was hilarious Asha
  4. Hey Gary: Happy Birhday eh, good way of net telling your age eh, I feel real delighted to know you and others so nice peole on this board and chat room. hope you had wonderful birthday with ur friends and family and pets. lots of love Asha
  5. hey Sandy: lets have festivious party, and I don't think you need pole for that. I am Hindu growing up in cosmopolitian city Bombay xmas was something our neighbours celebrated, they celebrated diwai and xmas both, so for me after coming to US we celebrate all holidays including xmas, we light up and decorate our plastic tree and give present to our son, and I get my perfume during that time, since its on sale during those timeframe. my family spends relaxing time at home during xmas vacation or better yet my hubby would take some time off and we take mini vacation in US someplace . but maybe we should have xmas chat party in our stroke wonderland Asha
  6. HostAsha

    Jungle Book

    Mary: it's funny sometime when ppl keep on complaining about their ADL and minor problems associated with that, I sometime don't know how to handle those and just plain stop talking with those ppl. Asha
  7. phyllis: me three, all excited about my new phase of post stroke 2nd year, I m already looking forward to couple of things including visiting my hubby's family in India. our kido always has wonderful time in India with his 50+ cousins and pampered throughout his vacation. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Half brave!

    hey Vicky: its relief to be half brave, I did mistake of telling my friends about my blog and now even on that 1 Ican't be not strong but I know the feeling love Asha
  9. you beat me today Amy, I was bit of downer today reading all blogs and ppl talking about walking away, I don't know how will I walk away from my stroke, only thing I could think was taking my ownlife and I m not upto it, I still have to make my kido doctor and get him married and get daughter in return Asha
  10. HostAsha

    reflecting on life

    Sue: awesome blog, I will leave out intelligent comments to intelligent people. I enjoy reading your blogs. Asha
  11. Kristen: well said. I agree with you completely, my husband is sticking by me and he is the type who never says he loves me, sometime I wonder what is his reason for sticking by me. I guess I m plain lucky to marry gemstone Asha
  12. Kristen: wonderful blog from caregiver point of view. but as a survivor point of view who is maybe same age as you guys. I also did not sign up for this, for caregivers you have opportunity to runaway from this stroke, but do we survivor has any opportunity ro run away from it. I can just sit and count my losses, but at the same token I realise by looking back and counting my losses is not going to help anyone including myself, I have to march on this road we call it life picking up my pieces.maybe I should write blog about this Asha
  13. HostAsha

    WHY BOTHER????

    Pam: I agree with you 100% , but I also agree 100% on what sue said. please stay, don't think of turning your back on others. people whose attitude bothers you, maybe you should ignore thhem(not me though) Asha
  14. hey Amy: good for you, in future if you want fake burbury or levibutton purses let me know, and I will get it wheever I go to NYC they r around $35 Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Cold and Snowy...

    hey Butch: Jean said nicely though I m getting quite offended at your thinking as a survivor. how much love you had for your wife that once going got tough, you want to blame it on her that its her fault and take easy way out, it depresses me to core that I saw 2 examples of guys o this site want to take easy way out, by blaming whole world but themselves. you know how much loss lisa encountered, I don't even want to think your loss or ur way of life. put yourself in her shoes and think what would you had prefered if it was you who had suffered stroke. I know its your life and you don't have to justify your actions to anybody. but I m forming my own opinion about western men I m sorry for harsh words but blame it on my damaged brain. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    My grocery list

    hey Amy: your blogs brings smile to my face always, your kido is quite observant, I guess mommy got big boobs just kidding, mine one doesn't draw yet, rn't I lucky, he keeps on slapping on my butt that's his pass time activity. Asha
  17. Amy: maybe that's y life is so wonderful, and we don't know God's plans for us. we just have to flow with life and trust God that he will make it all worthwhile, we just do our karmas right. Tanks for sharing your story, made me feel good about all my insecurities 2. love Asha
  18. HostAsha

    The Art Show

    hey phyllis: I am with you in being cheap category, and I m proud of it. money does not grow on trees to be thrown on ugly things. right now our kido is so much money consicous that sometime he embarass us, hope he stays that way when he grows old. right now if I have to buy anything, I have to justify myself to him 10 times b4 he gives permission. lots of love Asha
  19. hey Denny: great heart warming story, thanks for sharing it. isn' it wonderful to see God's love for all his children. I agree with Pam what were you apologizing for, its great story Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Ebb and flow of life

    hey Pam: wherever you move I hope uou get computer and internet connection. but wherever you move, you will be away from kids, I hope you have thought about that. I really wish that they do something about transportation in suburbs. Good luck with your change asha
  21. Amy: its sticky and strange but oh well lucky for you, you got gemstone who sticks by his vows taken at wedding, big loss for her. life s strange sometime. I met my hubby's x at party, felt pretty bad that now I have to meet her when I m all crippled, but what the hell I danced with my hubby that day so close, and could see all God's planning and miracle, if they wouldn't have parted, I would never have gotton such a wonderful hubby Asha
  22. HostAsha


    hey bonnie: I hope you are feeling better already, and ur grandson 2. here its quite chilly inside home. so I m pestering hubby to take me shopping. feel better, and come to site as often as possible, I miss you all guys Asha
  23. hey Amy: you are such a breath of fresh air, I love your blogs and your energy for being good mom, at our house we have no concept of kid's room, we all take our shelter in master bedroom, kido uses his room only if he is mad on me and don't want to talk with me then he would go to his room Asha
  24. HostAsha

    Midnight at the ER

    Janice: lots of hugs, and do you see how much value you bring to your family, you are NOT a burden
  25. HostAsha


    Gary: It's great that you are starting stroke group in your area, initially I was looking so hard for it, after I found this site, my need to chat with other survivors hve npt been intense anymore. but good luck in forming stroke group, and it might be matter of time before you will be stating that you are 2 busy in coordinating your local group eh lots of love Asha