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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Pam : being with me on this life's journey is a new adventure every day Asha
  2. Jay : I am glad you went & had a great time. every ine is fighting their own battles in life butthat does not mean they are not nice kind & good people. Asha
  3. hi john : thars such a great idea I m glad you went & were able to enjoy the party meeting therapists again is such a fulfilling experience for both parties
  4. Fred : I just read your response to sue''s blog report, surprised & saddened top find put you are deciding to retire from our blog world too here in this virtual world you can just sit in same place & still stay active with your mind. hope you reconsider your decision. about retiring from our blog world Asha
  5. Twelve years ago in 2004 when I suffered stroke at age of 34 after delivering premature baby & loosing her day later & then suffering stroke day later which paralyzed on my left side fully. I thought I would never find joy in living again. It felt like with such a big loss how any one can recover from that. Though being young & having great family support & very young son I found my will to fight on, it was really one day at a time. It was horrible period, It scared me when I looked too far in future, & depressed me when I looked back at things I lost, but I m so glad I persisted. perseverance paid off. Now that our son gone off to college I decided to step out of my comfort zone with hubby's gental guidance. & I never knew I was missing out on so much happiness when I didn't challenge myself. I never realized when I tried this new adventure that I can have so much more from life. I again feel so grateful to be around my family & this stroke which made me much wiser & appreciative of my ordinary blessings in life. Asha ( thankful for still here)
  6. Tracy : I am so sorry for your loss, but happy that you all have surrounded your aunt & have given her support in her time of need. I am glad you made it to gravesite with help o friends & family, who cares if it wasn't pretty or easy, but great thing to see it got accomplished. usually people are so much helpful than we think in our head. I believe in accomplishing job & it does not matter how it gets ccomplished Asha
  7. Jay : I so agree with Sue. what goes around comes around that applies to kindness, niceness you have shown to others in your life. I feel you are one deserving soul for all happiness in life. Asha
  8. Fred : grab the opportunity & work as walmart greeter, if it involves no major work then getting out of house & meeting new people every day will bring joy in your life back. We all need something to look forward to in the morning. So go for it. Asha
  9. jay : for me I never counted months though each year passing brought lot of joys though once I started my stroke anniversary as my valentine day I look forward to it & make it very special day which holds lot more meaning to both of us now. if my stroke date is my rebirth then hubby will b in lot of trouble now since I will be turning thirteen so will be teenager now lol. post stroke every day counts, u do whatever works for you. Asha
  10. Jay : so happy for all blessings in your life. you are one deserving soul. Asha
  11. Jay That's great can u share that poem with us too I know it will help lot of new members Asha
  12. Jay : that's so sweet. small act of kindness goes long way. I am so happy you are spreading love & joy wherever you go. Asha
  13. Sue : I am so happy reading this blog & happy for your retirement. you have found something which gives you contentment in life after going through all losses. what does not kill us does makes us stronger & I m so glad for my stroke that I was able to meet great set of people who otherwise would have never had chance to meet them. I am happy you are still sticking around as blog moderator your blogs & comments makes huge difference in blogreaders lives. I wish you all the fun & contentment in whatever you choose to do in your life & in your retirement. hugs, Asha
  14. Tracy : that is some beautiful wreath giving me inspiration. love it. Asha
  15. Pam : I will be praying for your grandson &your family. please update us regularly about how he us doing. Asha
  16. Tracy : don't worry about it. you have ordered it & its going to get delivered.don't get attached to things it brigs in disappointments. just go with flow in life. When we tightly try to hold things or control it creates unnecessary anxiety in life. Thats the biggest lesson I learnt. after stroke. ifcourse from time to time I forget that golden teaching but now I can always recenter myself whenever I slip into old habits Asha
  17. Fred : that's the spirit. God helps the person who helps himself. I am glad you are getting out of the hime & doing therapy, its only going to help & not hurt. I m sure you will be able to get lot more out of this. Asha
  18. Tracy :: I am so happy for you. your vacation looks very relaxing & beautiful. glad you had great time with your family. Asha
  19. Tracy Enjoy ur Labor Day weekend with ur family have lot of fun and make great fun memories Asha
  20. Tracy : my stroke was in middle cerebral artery my whole left side was paralyzed left hand was worst I hated OT during her therapy hour she just focused on how to compensate & do things with my right hand total waste of hour & depressing, PT was best cause I could see results right away I was walking doing stairs, I don't think I needed speech therapy so that hour I spent on crying & telling her my inner thoughts & fears so it was basically emotional therapy. while she tried to find out what can I still cognitively do & making me more depressed in the process. Though life really begins when you come home & start living with other normal humans & try to function to best of your ability in normal world. I think having routine support groups good books all helped me get to my new normal & enjoy life one more time. post stroke life is just different not good or bad its just different. some days good, some days not so but its still satisfying & fun filled life & I feel grateful to have this second shot at life. I feel my life is more meaningful due to stroke. So no regrets its my journey. Asha
  21. Fred : we are all thankful you are still here with us with so much wisdom to share. I think going to gym will b good move & will help you feel better. BTW eating beetroot will help reduce your BP food is better medicine. I usually have boiled beet every day in our salad. Asha
  22. Nancy : thanks for update, good to know not all days were gloom & doom there are some great things happening around you too. I am so gld your daughter & her family is all fine & its just material things they lost. congrats to your other daughter fir her promotion. can't believe westin is so grown up now Asha
  23. Recently we were invited our friends Indian classical dance performance. we have seen this little girl growing up right in front of our eyes. So hubby & I chose to went. The whole event was so well planned & feel great event. you feel happy inside seeing these young girls grown into such a thoughtful beautiful young girls, and how greatly their parents raised them. one thing that stayed with me long after when event ended was chief guest & our spiritual guru with whom we periodically have spiritual discussion at nearby temple said, He said beautiful thing that inside all of us we have desirable wishes & undesirable wishes. & when parent, teacher & student comes along & work together on working on that desirable wish. something beautiful gets born. These girls were learning this classical dance for past 6 to 8 years, & on weekend they gave their first public solo performance in front of family, friends & guests. Both girls gave beautiful speeches thanking their parents teachers for spending time, energy & money to make them stay focused on the activity, which at first they did not enjoy as much, but were thankful to parents to make them stick it out. both admitted they got more out of staying with their dance activity. I know firsthand it is so hard to make kids stick with their activity. Our son will not like to do any activity if he is not star in it from day one. So it always took lot of efforts to make him give few more tries before we both let it go though we made sure he stayed activity that mattered like his music till it was time to go to college. Asha
  24. Scott : It will be so interesting to find out new treatments for future stroke patients. keep us updated. Asha
  25. Tracy : I know post stroke we are riddled with all the whatifs, but as I am learning in my post stroke journey is that *beep* just happens sometimes. nothing you could have changed about. I feel bringing this drastic change in your life is God's way of bringing new blessings in your life. & waking us from our sleepwalking through life.Sometimes in life these kind of wildfires are necessary in life to burn all the dead weeds inside so that spring of regrowth can occur.That's how I feel about my stroke. hope you can find & see new blessings & beginnings in your bad situation. Nothing lasts forever good time or bad time. So just live each day to best of your ability. Asha