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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey: so happy for both of you, life is so wonderful when we appreciate all those small things we take it for granted, my best moment was able to walk to the bathroom without aid was greatest moment for me Asha
  2. HostAsha


    Vicky: good for you, if you areable to stay alone for few days, both of you will gain tremendous confidence in yourself. I love your positive attitude Asha
  3. hey Gary : have you loooked into skype, you have to download program to your computer and call for free through your computer, my sister is big into skype when they had gone to India on vacation, she would call from India for free every day, though we have resisted so far, still can't get used to fact talking to computer hope you found something in ur pantry Asha
  4. HostAsha

    hold on...

    hey Mary: don't worry about what memories of mom kids will have, just never think about quitting, you don't want your children to learn that when going gets tough, you have to show your kids that you still fight on with smile on your face, things do turn around, it do look up, I m thinking man she is able to turn on shower, that's great, you still here on earth for purpose so have fun in these journey of life, maybe not all scenary is great, but its still journey worth going through, raising your kids, making them responsible adults, getting them married, playing with their kids, I could go on with 100 other reasons. so chin up and smile Asha
  5. hey Fred: welcome to blog community, I find writing blogs quite therapeutic though I always kept writing only positive things in my life, some might say I wasn't truthful to my feelngs, but writing those made me realise and able to deal with my newme lots of love Asha
  6. Gary: good luck in starting your group, for me my strokenet is only group,I wish I cou;d meet people, bu can't drive yet so oh well, good luck Cheers, Asha
  7. hey Amy: I will bet my quarter its not nerve pill, its red fruit coloring u ate in pizza, I bet you are going to have nice time in movie with ur hubby. do you guys still sit in corner seat and make out? Asha
  8. Sue: its wonderful to have child aroun they change whole persepective on life, you should get Ray involve in all her silly games. its amazingly therapeutic, opens up so many reasons to try to get better, I know it happened with me, being aroun my 8 yr old boy brought world of differnce in me, I want to live and see my kido prosper Asha
  9. he Gary: checked your blog page at harmony, but would you please continue to blog here, I somehow like our blog community here, it eels like family here, so I often visit this site every 5 mins. I m not serious blogger, but I like people here, so like to share my story here everyday Asha
  10. HostAsha

    My hangover

    hey phyllis: I missed the party though I had reason for it, i hope we have next one soon Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Down Day Today

    Butch: afer wha Jean and Pam said there is no other words of wisdom I can give you, except for my own survivor view points, you guys are married didn't you snap at her before, why would it take different meaning this time, and whatever she is doing by herself in the house is itself therapy, so don't worry that therapy is not happening, trust me things will get easier, you guys are family and going to stick together no matter what, and everyone is allowed to have meltdown once a while Asha
  12. Amy: maybe you are allergic to red fruit coloring, maybe that pizza guy put fruit coloring in the food, jus a thought, I have heard before people being allergic to food coloring hope you are feeling better. Asha
  13. hey Amy: hope you feel good tomorrow, I blame all sickness to weather, its weird sometime very hot, sometime very cold. ur DD sounds very sweet to get you water and stuff, to our kido I have to plead to get me anything Asha
  14. hey hang in there, things ease up, it sounded as if my hubby was complaining about me, I promise I will clean up my act Asha
  15. Amy : that's scary, in our new house we don't haveany walls just windows everywhere, I keep ours blinds closed all the time for our bedroom and bathroom that'swhere most of the action and nudity happens be careful Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Update entry

    Jean and Pam : Pam's life is interesting cause it got action romance and all that put together, perfect material for me to gossip Iknow pam will murder me with her words for this Asha
  17. HostAsha

    The First Weekend

    hey Butch : overall you guys did pretty ok first weekend, I remembr my first week home, my hubby would getup every time I needed to go to bathroom, and now I have to fall on him to wake him up, I guess he is more confident of my ability now than he was before Asha
  18. HostAsha

    Update entry

    hey Pam: welcome back, so where you went for your vacation, Ihope you had nice time with your friends. seems like after your divorce you are becoming quite popular eh Glad you are back and still blogging, around here on board only your life is interesting Asha
  19. hey Amy: your family sounds wonderful, going together for hay rides and all, sounds so nice for kids to have their cousins to play with , for my kido he has more than 40 cousins but all are back in India, so here he got only 1 cousin with whom he fights all the time Asha
  20. HostAsha

    why guys like gurls

    hey Stan: that was beautiful, where did you copy from Asha
  21. hey Amy: cute blog, that's why I read book on gardening before even thinking of adventuring out in yard. but I decided gardening is not for me, I m still sticking to my old habits sleeping and reading Asha
  22. HostAsha

    A parent's' support group.

    hey Janice: keep on posting your questions here, since its benefacial to us whose kids r still young, and we as parents are learning ropes of parenting, though I have my mom here, but I not nevessary agree with her way if raising, though it worked in Indian environment, don't know would it work in US, but in India lot of things are were taboo, sex was one of it, Asha
  23. HostAsha

    My face is blushing

    hey Janice : why are you getting aggrevated about this, kids grow up, and they do stuff too, let them enjoy just tell them they better be able to handle baby if that's what u r worried about. I hope i don't have to worry about this for decade Asha
  24. Sue: I also think in US all these PT,OT is governed by insurance, its nothing to do with what patient says or does it, if patient does not show changes from week to week basis, your therapy ends, nothing is forever, you can guide patient, as jean says you can bring horse to lake, bu can't make it drink, I know yu are in tough situation, maybe ray minght be depressed, also get him to read some spiritual books, for me having hope on higher power helped me there r few books which I like to read are 1. path through suffering elisabeth elliot 2. ripple effect - betty j. eadie 3. embraced by light - betty j. eadie good luck Asha
  25. HostAsha

    What's Up?

    Butch: congratulations to you and Lisa, you both will be so excited to get Lisa home. we all are very happy for you. Asha