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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Walking Tacos

    hey: that's great recipe, instead of meat, I can maybe add beans, but its sound like great snake which I can make easy, and we all love it 2 thanks Asha
  2. HostAsha

    A chuckle for you all

    Pam: I never knew you had married such a jerk, good you got rid of him, you know I have been told before, if you are really happy from inside recovery comes in real spurts, hindsight is u waited too long, u should have got rid of him as early as possible Asha
  3. phyllis: I would love weekend chat too, sometime when every1 is busy at home, I would like to hang out with allwf you folks since evening chat has become difficult for me, since we eat at 8 I can volunteer to be host on sunday evevning, if u don't find any 1 to host it Asha
  4. HostAsha

    My first entry

    hey Mary : nice meeting you, good to know you are doing lot of other things than concentrate on ur stroke and throwing pity party, oh I did it for a year, now got back my senses and started appreciating life, I have been thiking about gardening for long time, but don't know where to start, and how to start, being mom is fun, I have 8 yr old boy who I thought don't need me home, but more I paid attention to his needs, realised he is still my baby who needs his mom forever Asha
  5. hey Pam: in our previous house we had cricket making racket just at my side of the house, Iwas surprised that how much racket that small cricket does, and did you know they make that sound by flapping their wings Asha
  6. HostAsha


    hey Bonnie: we are lucky to have you as charhost, ur wisdom, and coolness amazes me, can't wait to meet you in chat Asha
  7. hey Amy: such a cute story, ur hubby going to b e very protective of Mad, and running after boys when time comes with gun and tellin them not to be anywhere close to Mad our son already bought darthvedar voice changer mask, and sword, he has decided to wear my black jacket which covers him from top to bottom, so his costume is set already, he is going to be darthveda of star war Asha
  8. Amy: Mad looks very cute in that cute frock, I never wanted to visit mid west, after becoming friends with you, I want to do car tour of US, provided gas prices fall a little, and I start driving 2, and hubby getting timeoff Asha
  9. HostAsha


    Mary: its open forum where I don't want to wash my dirty laundry, but what I learnt from great man I have married is forgiveness brings lot of happiness, and I for 1 would vouch that happiness is state of mind, I kinda did unthinkable in my marriage, but stroke opened my eyes, and I was able to see the love of my hubby, and I m glad he forgave me, and I m more happy than I was ever in my 14 yrs of marriage, I had constant resentment that I could have married better guy or married better. but after my stroke and my hubby's response to it, I truely believe matches are made in heaven, and we have to do best with what we have, there is no point in pondering on past, and beating on it, you have to forgive and be happy Asha
  10. HostAsha


    hey Marty : have fun with ur kids, ur wife is one lucky woman, it's big loss to pamela that u love ur wife 2 much i enjoy ur blogs love Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Keeping peace

    Janice: there is your purpose, other day you were wondering what's the use of you, you can't help in anything, I think you have bigger role in your family, keeping family intact, and let communication line open between family members, so I m very happy to read today's blog, sometime when we are in midst of it, we think we are not useful anymore, but if you just step in your hubby's shoe for a minute you will realise how much he appreciates you keeping family still intact lAsha
  12. HostAsha

    Todays Gain

    hey Pam: that's so wonderful, so happy for you, there is light at the end of tunnel for all of us woohoo Asha
  13. hey Amy: luckily I don't walk on my hand otherwise i will have same problems with my hand fingers it always wants to curl, by the way weight bearing should relax it, that'swhat they used to tell me for my hand, try putting weight on your toe and it might open up, mine curls a little but as soon as I walk it opens up, lucky me woohoo Asha
  14. HostAsha


    Pam: I don't have any intelligent comment on that, since I m Indian who started her life in complete new country with new culture and did it okay, but after moving 4 times in america from NYC to NJ, and making my home in NJ, Iwould hate to move from this house and start again, but if circumstances changed then I wouldn't mind moving again. I agree with you,there is no big deal i starting over, I guess news people want something to talk about, they want to show how tragic things r and so forth Asha
  15. HostAsha

    The house of stroke

    hi vicky: I agree with janice, ur house of stroke is one stop in journey of life maybe letting you know ur choice in fiancee is best one, there r so many good destinations still going to come, specially getting married, going on honeymoon, and getting old together life is journey, enjoy to fullest love Asha (35 yr old survivor)
  16. HostAsha

    Comming to a close

    Micheal: wow I realise now it is so easy to get fooled by all roll model we enact in our life, she must b real great friend and person who can see through facade, I know it won't be me cause I take people on their face value, whatever they say that's how they must feel within, based on that I will do my judging but happy for you, you found great friend with whom you can be truely u, without any pretense Asha
  17. HostAsha

    Celebrating 21 years

    Janice: congratulations for your son's birthday, I di not realise kids can be still goofy at 21, he likes to dress as spiderman my 8 yr old has now moved on darthvedar, every time I turn around he is breathin on my neck with his mask. have fun on your son's birthday, time just flies by, I bet you still remember him as baby Asha
  18. HostAsha

    Thinking back

    hey vix: congratulation for your wedding in jan, walking in sand is suppose to be very therupatic, so have fun in maritius. one lucky one, goodluck and congratulations Asha
  19. HostAsha


    Bonnie: I know sometime things are harder but we have to live life an give all our worries and problems to God, and he will take care of us, I lost my day old baby on my sister's birthday in febuary, and also got my stroke in feb, but try to find something positive in every negative experience. I firmly believe God never gives us more than we can handle, and it also surrounds us by support system asha
  20. HostAsha

    School Days

    hey M&M: u r 1 loving mom, u allr fortunate to find each other,this is win win situation for all of u, you get so much love from kids and they get family love and support. good luck with everything Asha
  21. HostAsha


    kim: after careful consideration of your type of men, I cold not place my hubby in any category, maybe you are missing mr. right category and that's where my hubby belongs Asha
  22. HostAsha

    Gas Prices!

    Amy: that's great, I hate being so dependent on car for everything since everything is so far away, I hope this car prices will push america to become public transport friendly Asha
  23. HostAsha

    Friends- or not

    Mary: this is just friendly advice, if u don't like it then throw out of the window. I know how you must feel, but sometime forgiving brings more happiness, they r ur friends for long time so forgive them Asha
  24. HostAsha

    17 weeks until Christmas

    Mary: I also have PFO, it was active one so during my second pregnancy I got stroke, I got my PFO fixed atleast that makes me not worry about second stroke,PFO closing thru catherazatyion was breeze compare to stroke Asha
  25. HostAsha


    hey stan : i m no southener, heck i m not even northner, I m asian(Indian to be precise), I do know VB and VC++, right now at our work we are are moving to java, so I m trying to learn that crap. I have master's in computer science, but all my working life I have worked in C, and bunch of other language, but I know GUI is fun with visual basic, good luck and have fun Asha