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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. congratulations to Conner & whole family for awesome milestone. Sorry about Carrah, there are bad people everywhere, and you feel so helpless, but kids are resilient, & soon all of you come out of that experience stronger. It wasn't carrah's or your fault that it happened, maybe next time got to be more careful in shady neighborhood. keep pepper spray handy or something.



  2. Sue:


    I have told you this before but your earlier blogs about your care giving days had made me realize what my hubby must be going through with my actions, & slowly I changed my behavior at home to be useful instead of sulking & taking out on my dear ones, I started contributing at home which made whole lot of difference in my mindset & it was biggest positive feedback loop of turning my life around for better. So one never knows how our writing blogs or writing supportive comments can affect someone's outlook on life. For me this site literally saved me




  3. Sue :

    nothing is guaranteed in life just have to take one day at a time or one moment at a time & make a good decision so that we will have better results for tomorrow. you are so thoughtful about tieing up things so that your daughter does not have to go through same hardship you went through with your parents. quite practical but hard way to look at the life. say hello to peter from us.




  4. Mary Jo :


    Thanks for updating your blog. I am survivor who joined this site in 2004 & learned lot of things from earlier blogs of caregivers, since my husband is not sharing into sharing his feelings or troubles, so I learnt lot from caregivers blogs what things survivor did helped them & what was breaking  camel's back. I really feel stroke affects the whole family & puts every one out of their comfort zones, & it takes time to create that new normal which is satisfactory to every one. there used to be caregiver chats every tuesday 8-9 pm but as you know how caregivers are so busy so I guess that has stopped though we do have scheduled chats every day afternoon from 3-4 EST  & M,W evening chats from 8-9 EST  in survivor room #2 & on friday we do have chats in the evening 8-9 PM EST in coffeeshop where every one is encouraged to join. hope to see you around often.



  5. Tracy :


    thanks for sharing this, I know I am famous for providing suggestions quick for whatever worked for me should work for others too aren't we all stroke survivors. I forget yes every stroke deficits i different & what worked for me should not necessarily work for others too. Now on-wards will be mindful of that before giving my suggestions. I am glad you have good psychiatrist who  understands & willing to work with you



  6. Sue :


    I am so happy all is well  & nothing to worry about. I sometime feel we do get time to time this reminders to show us who is in-charge here & adjust wind beneath our wings, I know thats what it was with me with stroke diagnosis. God just wanted me back on the ground & not do too much high flying lol.


    Asha Chandra



  7. nancy :


    I am glad surgery went well & Dan & family helped. It feels so sad hearing this young juveniles trapped in vicious cycle of broken family & drugs  & are not able to break the chain  of poverty & bad choices. recently watched amazing documentary 13th on youtube learned some history & realized how these politicians have used black lives previously it was for slavery & now putting them in prison for petty crimes




  8. kelli  :


    I agree with heather you should use google sheet & make income & expenses statement & budgeting. lot of time we need to differentiate between our needs & wants & while grocery shopping paying attention & buying right product & using coupons available to reduce bills also helps, being mindful about our spending do we need amazon prime or netflix subscriptions. Its good to have great family support but its good to be responsible fr one's self. you are brave women & doing great job.


  9. Sue :


    have merry Christmas, I also feel because of stroke I am able to cope with all this new canges covid brought in our life. I feel fortunate that all my family members are good &  sister & brother in law recovered well from covid. & we all have our basic needs are met & have enough to donate too, so life is good. Wish you happy holidays & fun time with your kids & grandkids.



  10. Sue :


    your friendship with peter sounds lovely. I feel we humans are  community  people, and we want to feel we belong someplace & we matter in someone's life. to be there for each other. you had long history with Ray  which no one can replace but hope & pray you find great friend who loves you for who you are & be there for you just like Ray would have been.

