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Posts posted by HostAsha

  1. numnah :


    I have integrated my exercise in my daily routine, and now that it is part of my routine it has become habit for example I do all my treadmill,stationary bike & shoulder exercise on M,T Wednesday is break day so I catch up on my laundry & other household job, then thursday & friday & then break again on sat & sun. This worked for me cause my muscles used to get very tired after 2 days of exercise. once you have routine you look forward to it.



  2. Kelly:


    acceptance is hard & ongoing journey. though It took me long time to realize by accepting what your today is you are not giving up, you are just making best out of what you have today. Another thing I learnt in my post stroke spiritual analysis you can not change situation or any one, only person you can change is you, we don't have control over lot of things but we do have control over our attitude, how we would react to situation. as a human being none of us are spared from difficulties in life but it will be our choice it to make it full blown suffering. happiness is a choice so choose wisely.



  3. Katrina:


    More you will cook & try, easier it will become. I have been cooking for my family for past 4 years one handed, and it has become easier & easier, though I do take help of my hubby when he is around, but when he is not, I do it myself, yes it takes longer time then it would have with 2 hands, and sometimes its frustrating too, but at the end of the day it's all worthwhile effort. for dishwashing I use brush to scrub clean pots and pans & then putting soap & then cleaning job becomes much easier with one hand.



  4. kelli:


    I know how you feel, I have been there but I know what has helped me deal with my aftermath of stroke is taking few steps together.

    1. antidepressant pills helped big time in the begining allowed me to look at the bright side of my life

    2. blogging on this site every day though in my blog I wrote what was still working positively in my life and at that time my young son's sense of humor love of my hubby helped me big time.

    3.writing in my gratitude journal every day helped too.

    4. reading good spiritual books helped too(when bad things happen to good people, ripple effect, embraced by light)

    5. chatting with other survivors helped too






  5. hi LSL:


    I am sorry you are going through down period right now. though I will share you secret of my success to reclaim my life back after going through serious depression and feeling of worthlessness. There was no one easy pill but I believe series of steps taken together helped me reclaim my life back. first thing are you taking any antidepressant pills. those pills allowed me to look at the some bright side of my life still left, though I am sure just that itself wasn't enough. for me personally blogging on this site and chatting with other survivors helped me immensely & I am proud to say that I no longer need anti-depression pills. also writing in my gratitude journal every day also helps. So here is my secret. I hope you look into those tips, since I know if it helped me, it can help anyone. I also believe I survived stroke for a reason, and I am going to make my second chance worthwhile to my family and friends.



  6. hi Soo:


    I agree with Ann & Jane completly. I just want to tell you don't project too far in future. your dad's condition will improve a lot nothing is constant. only change is constant. I suffered stroke at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side. the first 2 years were the hardest specially first 6-12 months were make-or break period. There were so many changes at all levels of our life. I never knew whether we will make it or not. but I am here to tell you we did make it. My Stroke was just bump in my life's journey. There IS still good life after stroke it's just little different.




  7. hi Mary:


    I spent my first year crying & mourning loss of my old self, but for me blogging on this site made me look beyound my negatives and once I started focusing on positive things on my stroke life became wonderful again. I am 5 years post my stroke. I accepted loss of my old life & made beautiful new life with lot of joy. I stroked at age 34 so it was very difficult to adjust in the begining, but now I enjoy my stay at home mom who gets paid role. check out our blog community, and more you stick around here easier it will get I promise you that.





  8. hey Jean:


    welcome to this wonderful support group. I felt all alone & scared till I found this support group. I used blogging on this site as my tool to get out of depression. I personally found blogging very therupetic. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side. but fast forward to 5 years, I am having blast in my new life, not to say I did not mourn loss of my old self. but I am proud of newme I rebuilt after my stroke. I am proud to be thriving survivor.






  9. hi silly bunny:


    your post reminded me of my initial posts when I constantly felt sad & questions why did I survive stroke to b in this position. now fastforward 5 years & I am very happy & content in my life. My life is filled with lot of things including stay at home mom,wife & student ( I keep on signing myself up for new subjects which prestroke did not have time to learn & ofcourse volunteering at redcross, my son's school & on this site. the best thing I did for myself is stick around this site check out blogs, live chat. this site is filled up with wonderful people, you will be proud to be friends with.


    Asha(39 yo survivor)



  10. hey Susan:


    I used to feel lonely right after my stroke for first two years. now post 5 years my life is full again I make exercise as part of my job. doing 2 hours of exercises for me takes up half of my day & then I love reading & volunteering & ofcourse cooking, cleaning takes up my whole day. & if I still feel bore then I take courses in nearby community college it keeps me challeged & involved in my life.




  11. Allan:


    I seond what everybody said. but you don't realize you being here with us in chat, blogs have touched so many lives, have given hope, inspiration to so many people. I feel blessed to be able to know you as my friend. your advice is very sound one, take one day at a time & be grateful to what you still have.

    you are teaching valuable lessons to your grandkids.





  12. Hi :


    I will tell you what helped me immensely. My husband telling me it will get better & keep your head above water, this shall pass too. My husband constant mentioning he will be with me no matter what. though Initially I was on antidepression pills & that helped too. but for me personally finding this site & blogging on it was huge relief. On this site I found out I am not alone on this journey & there are so many far worse off than me. I used to count my blessings daily in the begining. slowly I realized I had never planned for this thing in my 30s but we adjusted our live on this road now. & we are happy once again.




  13. Katrina:


    It's great question.for me I am trying everyday to be closer to the way I was prestroke. yes I can not my left hand yet the way I used it before "normal way" but what is normal anyways. I still try to use my left hand yes right now as fist turning on off lights, I am adding new ways to incorporate my left hand in all daily activities. you will see once you don't give up things becomes easier than they were day before. try to open that medicine bottle every day & ypu will realize by month end it will take only minute to open it. I know you are very strong lady, so don't ever doubt yourself. you are meant to soar in your life.




  14. charlene:


    I understand how you feel, your hubby loves you very much and very protective of you sounds like mine. I too had to argue a lot to be able to do lot more at home, and luckily he relented so I started doing more at home which in turn made me feel good about myself. I have allocated a day for laudry and do it all by myself. though I often have to remind him not to help me unless I ask for help. hang in there and tell your hubby why it's important for you to be able to contribute in the household. taking online courses is great idea.




  15. hey David:


    sorry to hear abour stroke, feeling depressed about "whyme" is natural after stroke but start looking at positives in your life, for me writing blogs on this site was major therupetic for me, I made great friends, and felt less alone, I stroked at 34(I was software engineer), & my stroke left me paralysed on my left side, after 3+ years I still can not use my left hand but I have found happiness one more time with my family and friends. I learnt what matters in life now, currently I love to spend quality time with my son




  16. hey mcsaul:


    I can not top what clag's wife told you, take it to heart and run with it, you still have lot to be thankful about, you still have loving husband, yes you have fallen right now but make lemonade out of your situation, for me stroke happened at age 34, but after 3 years I view it as blessings to strengthen my marriage, raise my only child well, and also I am now spending time in learning new field, still sometime struggle to find my passion, but as long as I am alive I know I will do good in raising my family.

