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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Kelli :


    you wrote my feelings. I feel same way about my stroke ordeal. you know somehow my stroke brought so many positives in my life that I am actually grateful for it on most days except of course I m in pain or struggling with jar or can to open with one hand lol. I have met amazing people other wise I would have not met. you are on right path friend



  2. Sue :


    your blogs are always so honest & beautiful. recently hubby & I watched indian movie together & I feel that was also so real honest. as you age I think you are looking for companionship more than anything else. In that movie widow wants to marry another widow even knowing he had early onset of alzeimer. her young daughter initially had issues mom remarrying as she thought it was her time to marry & not moms.

    sometimes in life you do get tough questions, I guess only thing we can do is just accept out today instead of resisting & keep on doing something interesting & you never know god might open some other window of opportunity & happiness might sneak in through that window.  I pray for your strength to hold on during this grief period




  3. Katrina


    I m so happy to read this blog you are handling it right way I guess your boyfriend is good influence on you, I remember from your past blogs u r handling your seizure very mature and spiritual way. I can see u r heading towards end of tunnel where lhappiness and light is waiting for u. Congrats



  4. Debbie :


    I am so happy that aquatherapy is helping bruce. I feel for me treadmill therapy has done wonders for me, though mostly my toning is in my hand which is useless luckily I was right handed so I can almost do everything with one hand & good attitude.  Bruce has come out so far in his recovery. I know its not easy. keep on giving good fight to stroke & make beautiful post stroke life




  5. Pam :


    I read great commentary in bowl of saki on death will share with you. I know you will like it.





    Death is a tax the soul has to pay for having had a name and a form.
                            Bowl of Saki, August 28, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
    Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:
    All that is constructed is subject to destruction; all that is composed must be decomposed; all that is formed must be destroyed; that which has birth has death. But all this belongs to matter; the spirit which is absorbed by this formation of matter or by its mechanism lives, for spirit cannot die.


    That which the soul has borrowed he must give back when it has done its work; it was borrowed for a certain time and for a certain purpose. When the purpose is fulfilled, when the time is finished, then every plane asks for that which the soul has borrowed from it, and one cannot help but give it back to that plane. It is this process which is called assimilation. Since man is born greedy and selfish he has taken all things willingly, enthusiastically -- he gives them back grudgingly and calls it death. ...

    Death is nothing but the taking off of one garb and giving it back to the plane from which it was borrowed, for the condition is this: one cannot take the garb of the lower plane to the higher plane. The soul is only released when it is willing -- or compelled -- to give its garb to the plane it has taken it from. It is this which releases the soul to go on in its travel. And as it proceeds to a higher plane, after its stay there it must again give its garb back and be purified from it in order to go further. ... This knowledge also throws a light upon the question of death. Death is not really death; it is only a passing stage, it is only a change, as changing clothes.
  6. Pam :


    I can so identify with what you are saying, but just hold on when you feel like you re drowning in self pity. believe me best is yet to come & god has something better store in for you. you survived for a reason & not as a punishment. & I promise you will see it too when you come out of this dark tunnel of why me. just remember to stay in present & take jut one day at a time. don't look far in future it will create anxiety don't look behind it will create depression, just stay in present. hope & pray for better days to come soon.



  7. Mitch :


    thats why I had created kind if routine for me two days of exercise & then one day of break in between, and usually on my break day I catch up on my home duties like laundry cleaning bathrooms & so on. I call my break day my lazy day. over last decade or so it has worked well for me & now I can do atleast hour of walking on my break day without any trouble. so give your body brea to recuperate.

