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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Jay : I bet that feelings are shared by lot of us your friends & family who knows you through your writing or by living with you. Sometimes I feel grateful to stroke it allowed me to meet such great souls right here in our virtual world. hugs Asha( your virtual sister from different mother)
  2. Punch : so sorry for your loss. I too agree with Sue you should stay with your parents bit longer & help each other in dealing with grief. you can think of moving close to your parents & start new chapter in your life, if you can find new job near your parents you can think of that. having support of family & friends one can always build new life. Asha
  3. I know I have recited these lesons learnt many times but I guess I still need something still to learn so keep on learning. & I have done very well in my school life when I write down those lessons, I learn quickly. So here writing again so that you guys will also learn with me. We are still finding some kinks here & there in our home & getting it fixed as we go along. ofcourse it creates stress till the problem is not fixed or sorted out. I am so able to dial down my stress level by asking fundamental question is it disaster or inconvenience. & why get bothered when I know it can be fixed with money well we might leave less money for kido but I feel having less money does not spoil any one, he will learn how to earn money & be responsible for himself Asha
  4. Ruth : I am glad you are keeping busy in your retirement and planning to go take some courses in nearby community college that will keep you happy. those courses kept me engaged & happy in life. Asha
  5. Kelli : you have to really ask yourself & look within yourself whats actually bothering you. for sake of your child u being there for him us a good thing but being divorced & him moved on & having girlfriend you got right to move on too so maybe you should get paid for babysitting for your time & inconvenience, U bet once u ask for money he will find help somewhere else. Asha
  6. Sue Belated Happy Birthday. I am gkad you had great week family & your special friend. you are angel & deserve to get lot of happiness in life. Just go with flow & enjoy journey. Asha
  7. Jay : just stay after them give them required & more information so that they can decide based on all information. I sometimes feel sad for people who don't have spouse who is organized to deal with all the red tape government puts it & I can't imagine patient who is so down after stroke to deal with all this mess. I am so happy that I m married to accountant so he made sure our paperwork was perfect while dealing with government beurocrates Asha .
  8. Sarah : wow 12 years congratulations. you get hats off for taking care of such a disabled man. he would not have lasted in nursing home with those kind of disabilities. you both are tough cookies. surviving or caregiving both are not for sissies. Asha
  9. George : love reading your blogs & updates. I am so happy you got great partner to enjoy & live your life the way you guys want. Asha
  10. Sue : you write so honestly about your feelings, its no wonder I m blog junkie I learn so much from all these blogs. I find blogging reading or writing very therapeutic for my soul. I find having this safe place to vent & encourage gives meaning to my life. Now I understand how when we are helping others we are helping ourselves in the process too. & you are demonstrating it that so beautifully. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    aloha everybodys

    Lenny : I am glad you had great time in hawaii. We also went to hawaii cruise with norweigan & it was amazing fun vacation. this was forst time it was just three of us together & we had great time took so many portraits pictures in cruise ship & it is hanging everywhere in our home reminding us of great vacation taken together. my profile picture on facebook was taken during our hawaii cruise. Asha
  12. things are so different now every one got digital phone camera video handy now. when our son was little we used to carry those big analog video recorders. I used to b always one to remember to video those ordinary moments of kido playing around with every one. hubby never liked to do it. so our official videographer will be either me or my brother. During our this india trip we converted those analog casettes into dvds, while watching it even now with kido brings back so many sweet memories & joy. I was telling him on his wedding day I m going to play one of those movies as a snippet of what kind of child he was growing up & tell stories of him to our grand kids. Well on most of the days I m one grateful survivor who is still here to enjoy all life has to offer me to fullest. & feel grateful that I m being able to do that without burden on any one. Asha
  13. Jay : you are such a great guy & blessings to many to be around you who spread joy wherever he goes Asha
  14. Pam : I know how abandoned you feel when all therapies ends but trust me its not end its beginning of new normal its your second shot at life. after death of prestroke Pam its time to create better & improved version of new pam. post stroke life is all what you make out of. happiness is a choice so choose wisely & enjoy life. Asha
  15. scott : best of luck with trial & hope it brings good results. please update us how everything went. Asha
  16. punch : your brother & your family will be in my prayers. Asha
  17. Sarah : seems like Gary & I both stroked in 2004. I m just few months senior to him, both with different abilities & still enjoying life with our family by our side. yes as a caregiver your job is tougher than my husband since I am more mobile & differently able than Gary. Asha
  18. Mitch : I am official blog junkie I love reading blogs you learn so much more about person by reading their blog. I find it very therapeutic for my soul. Men's shed concept sounds so smart its good way to keep guys involve in some activity they enjoy doing with other men great tool for mental health of men. Asha
  19. We are back from our 10 days India vacation where most of it this year we spent in our village in India. It was fun & went fast met so many extended family of our chandra family in our village where we had all gathered for religious ceremony it took me bit longer than getting used to all noncomforts of village where hubby was adjusted there in a blink. ofcourse I being people person enjoyed all hooplas with family. visited all temples near by with family played card games & other games during our nightly hang out with family daily & in our train rides. it is still taking me some time in night to find bathroom in our home since I still try to find the way it was in India lol though every time I find bathroom in time feeling of relief& happiness comes is priceless kido came home for his summer vacation before us & came to pick us up at airport so it was fun coming home to. there was no time for jetlag when you have empty dorm in our home & ton of laundry lol Asha
  20. jay : I m glad u r feeling better to your usual self not every day will be great day there will be down days in life so that we can appreciate good days to fullest. Asha
  21. Mitch : you sound like foodie. when food is great life is wonderful lol Asha
  22. Sue U r spot on no wonder I m still around after 12 years no wonder I m blog junkie I get so much out of them even if I m just reading them find very therapeutic for my soul. I practically feel it's my moral obligation to pay it forward what I received from this site. Asha
  23. hi strokewife : reading your stroke reminded me of my initial months when I just came home from hospital. luckily I was in much better shape & independent than your husband, but ofcourse my family walked around me very gingerly hubby could have wrapped in cotton & kept me rolled in bed so that I would never get hurt again. Ofcourse I fought tooth & nail to get my independence back. life became much smoother or after I started driving & doing more for our family. I feel hubby's infinite patience in allowing me to do more fr myself & our family helped all of us in long run. Asha (12 year survivor)
  24. Fred : I hope & pray you get stronger so that you can walk again & attend your church again with her. Asha