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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. I m so happy for u Pam I m glad things settled down for u in nursing home where u found great roommate room and nurses just enjoy your now without looking back things always works out in our favor when we stop resisting the flow and make best out of every given situation hope you will start joining us in our chat room regularly too Asha
  2. Hi donna I am glad you started blog I found blogging hugely therapeutic for my soul reading writing everything helps I stroked at age 34 which retired me from the job I loved I was lost for few years trying to figure out who am I after my job loss it took a while but I found my new normal and happy place after stroke. I found blogging and chatting with other survivors very therapeutic. Hope to see you around often Asha
  3. HostAsha

    Radio Leg

    Pam : I am so glad you are enjoying your good times right now. It is so hard to believe that bad times will ever end when we are in midst of it. update us as soon as you get procedure on your leg done. Asha
  4. Sue : I can so understand your blog. Change is big thing, change put us out of our comfort zone & that's why we hesitate making any drastic changes in our life. But have faith in god's bigger plan for you, he wants you to be happy So just plan a vacation go on escorted tour with friend or daughter you never know who will you end up meeting. I know for me whenever there was change in life I was resisting it recently our upcoming move, but when we go with flow without resistance best thing comes out of our drastic change in our life. you can look back in your own life & you will witness the pattern. I know that's what happened in my life, my stroke is big testament in my life that change can be good. I am proud of the person I have become post stroke in spiritually Asha
  5. Heather : I am impressed you got such a great therapy team mine just discharged me & then don't want to help in any way. So I guess that helped me work on my new post stroke life ^work on my acceptance & inner self. Asha
  6. Jay : it happens. I think get small pocketbook calender I know that has made me so organized & now I can't live without it. I got my poketbook calender my email calender & home calender lol I know I have gone overboard with this organization business. It strange now hubby who is accountant asks me about our home things. I needed those when trying to manage our son's activities. Asha
  7. hey Jet : thanks for coming here & updating us back, I m so happy for you. you are living testament there is life after stroke & it is not good or bad just little different but still great. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Getting Married

    Bill : comgratulations thanks for letting us know & share the joy post pictures of your fiance Asha
  9. Jay : you are such a great guy & I bet blessings to many. Asha
  10. Jay : thanks for your kind words. today is new day & after listening to malala on my super soul sunday series I m going to choose courage over my fear of unknowns & whatifs, and be excited for opportunities change might bring in our life. Asha
  11. I am going through yet another change in our life. It's not very big deal but I m realizing and learning new thing about myself and hubby. I don't embrace change in life very easily it does rattle me and make me nervous versus hubby handles change more gracefully than me. He views change as opportunity for growth versus I view as y rock the boat when all is well. Anyway I know at one level I see and get his viewpoints, and know all will be well after initial hiccups how all of you handles change.
  12. yvonne : wow you hav been through so much in this past 6 week with your parents. I am so glad you are handling all these so maturely. alzeimer sucks I hope & pray you kids stick together & help dad out. I am amazed by great healthcare system of England. you & your family will be in my prayers. Asha
  13. Pam : great news. you are warrior. ofcourse sooner or later you will win. persistence always pays up. again this reminds me there are brick walls in life they are there to remind us how badly you want something in life. I am glad you fought tooth & nail for what you wanted. enjoy ur friend & new room. Happy New year. Asha
  14. Jay : I am so happy that you are into that serene state of acceptance & not resisting the way it is now. I feel once in that phase its easy to accept your new normal & be happy again. enjoy your second chance to fullest. Asha
  15. Pam : now with your right disability benefits you can resolve next problems in life. Asha
  16. Praying for you Pam. pray that move happens for you so you are ready to accept this new chapter in your life & start rebuilding satisfactory new normal. Asha
  17. Jay : you are indeed blessing. I so agree with you & affirmed by research feels good to know. you know I had amazing support of my family after stroke, but I still felt very alone in my journey I thought no one can understand what I am going through. till I found this support group, this support group literally got me off the ledge I was ready to jump off from. No wonder I am still around here on this site after 11+ years. Now its pay it forward time for me. Asha
  18. As you guys are aware I love watching oprah's super soul sunday series & recently on it there was harvard research scientist talking about how researchers have found that happiness does not depend on your gene or your circumstances or environment. Its inside job & we do have control over it. Ofcourse after my stroke & going through my own grief valley I know that for fact, but it feels great to be reaffirmed by research behind it. researcher talked about how as we get older its so easy to feel sorry for your losses in life, but according to researcher focusing every day 5 new things you are grateful for every day will make you happy about life. So that will be my new year resolution. hope some of you will join me in this new year resolution Asha
  19. Jay : Merry Christmas & have happy holidays. stroke has given us another great chance of appreciating life to its fullest. Its nice to see great traditions are followed by our children. which makes us realize we raised our children well. Asha
  20. now that I have lot of time on my hand to think about life & my husband. As we go through our own valleys & peaks of our life's journey together. I have realized he is best person to have around when things don't go according to plan, he has capacity to find light in darkest situation. he can see good in all situation & can stay strong. so during my stroke valley he was best person to hang out with. I depended so much on his strength till I found my own inner strength. its funny that in good period when you are sleepwalking through life I never paid any attention to that good character trait in him. During peak of our journey together I was busy running around & keeping all balls in air fairly balanced which was work, motherhood, & wife. It was busy time to notice anything else in him lol. Thankfully stroke gave me ample opportunity to see what is more important in life. he is the best person to hang out with when going gets tough he gets tougher. & when going gets easy we know how to have fun together, when you like to travel & eat then you can have fun wherever you go. Asha
  21. Jay : its blessing to read your upbeat positive blogs every day. Enjoy your day to fullest. Asha
  22. HostAsha


    Katrina : good to hear from you & I m glad you are doing well got new job & dog. I think you should also watch oprah's super soul sunday either on her channel OWN or watch it online. It is quite healing. for me spiritual books & reading has been my antidepressant for last decade or so & ofcourse now I enjoy & love my new normal. Asha
  23. Pam : I think its always us then others, when we try to change circumstances our roommates other things, its more that we don't like situation we are placed in, so trying to fault in everybody else then looking inside & seeing what is bothering us more. post stroke I realized happiness is a choice & since so much is taken out of our control we fight over little things we have control over, and take out on people who are still in there in our life. Asha
  24. Scott : I love love your blog it took me atleast year to grieve over my losses, but like you now I m appreciating & enjoying life to fullest. love your sense of humor. Asha
  25. going through my own suffering & reading others blogs sometime I wonder what's the purpose of suffering in life. Though after reading lot of books on that subject. I feel going through dark phase in your life does have tendency to wake one up & appreciate light around you. I know & have seen every one is different in handling lean period. It can make you either bitter or better person. I know when you find meaning in your suffering, life becomes so much richer. I know I loved victor Frankel's book man's search of meaning it made perfect sense for me that was biggest AHA moment. Though I also feel we all go ups & downs in life, and believing something good will come out of this even though I don't see it that way right now. Sometimes it takes decade to see something good coming out of hell you went through. I feel for diamond to shine it has to go through that chiseling Asha