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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Jay That's such true and nice quote. Good food for thought Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Bah Humbug!!!

    Colleen : I am so sorry you are going through another darkness period they say its always too fark before dawn. we just have to hold on the hope that sun will come out. Usually when you are going through dark period its very hard to believe that something better going to come out of this ordeal, but you got to believe & be strong for both of you. who knows that Mike will end p getting more rehab due to this injury & will recover better than before. I love the idea of Pam. you need to connect with your daughter & celebrate her wedding in your own personal small party. I know when I was going through dark phase in my own life my hubby's words that keep your head above water & hold on little longer, things will change & you will get through this. nothing lasts forever good times or bad times. all is in our attitude. will keep you & your family in my prayers Asha .
  3. HostAsha

    good news!!!!

    Lenny So happy to hear from you and that to good news that's great hope to see you in chat room soon we miss u around here Asha
  4. Jay : you are right comments will be more like validation than ego boost though it helps in that too lol Asha
  5. Jay : I am so happy you had great thanksgiving with your loving family. I am sure every one must be so happy that you are back at the table in this important family event. Asha
  6. Scott : that was so thoughtful visit. I am glad you guys made it happen. It has to be such a great feeling to see results of your hard work right in-front of you. I love walkie talkie badge of yours lol Asha
  7. Jay : I am thankful that you joied our site. you bring so much positivity & joy where ever you go. hope you had great thanksgiving holiday Asha
  8. Pam: that's beautiful & such a deep message. Even when we feel lot lost. Being thankful for hope is great thing. I feel with hope life is worth living. Asha
  9. Happy thanksgiving day to you & your family too Fred Asha
  10. Jay : Happy Thanksgiving. you are blessing to every one who cross your path. no wonder reading your blogs always makes me happy Asha
  11. Jay Don't worry it will be nothing just routine check up to see how much u have improved sending you positive vibes Asha
  12. Fred : will be praying for you & your family to find good solution for your daughter.reading Beckys comment makes you realize as a parent we don't have much control over our kids actions. We can guide them & be there for them but at the end it will be their choices in life which creates their own destiny. Hope she learnt that valuable lesson in life & now will choose wisely. Asha
  13. Sue : welcome back home we missed you around here. I have learnt that lesson when you step out of your comfort zone there is always growth that occurs & usually something very good better than I had imagined comes out of it. I have realized now that just by trusting those nudges & acting on it something good always comes out, and then I wonder was that god's wink or what. Asha
  14. Happy Anniversary achandra!

  15. Jay : Happy 2nd Stroke Anniversary. You got t right life post stroke is just different not good or bad just different. Enjoy your second chance to fullest. BTW now enjoy the ride it will be going up now. Asha
  16. Pam : wow persistence does pay off. I feel here social service & insurance company all are designed to provide services to persistence person. & I feel as a sick person you are not mentally there to fight all this bureaucracy, unless u got supportive caregiver by your side or you still got marbles & emotional strength to get what you deserve & entitled. I am so happy that u r persistent in fighting for what you have right to get. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    My Blog 8 November

    Fred : I will be praying for you. Stay strong till then. You are still here for a reason & not as punishment so enjoy each day to fullest. Asha
  18. HostAsha

    Bossy Nurse

    Pam : I am firm believer in treating others the way you want to be treated, and ofcourse I don't like confrontation & conflicts. So I usually agree with loved ones in my life & go with flow, instead of picking up fights for small things. but ofcourse that's me raised by strong woman. I pick my battles in life & usually don't sweat small stuff. Recently I realized one another great thing about life. That We have lot of choices in life specially how I respond to any situation. I realized lot of times due to fear about some situation my brain will make some stories about some people, but when I ignore those stories & act in kindness, usually kindness is reciprocated. So I learnt that its us who bring joy or sadness in our life & with all situations. So choice is ours. Asha
  19. We are back from our amazing Italy vacation. I always wanted to visit Italy. We had gone to Europe right after my stroke but due to time constraint did not visit Italy & I always wanted to visit Italy, So after decade once kido gone off to college we decided to go to Italy just two of us. I am glad our son encouraged us to go alone & we did it, It felt like we were honeymooners rekindling our love. This trip turned out to be best for both of us everything went according to plan & beyond. We celebrated my birthday in Venice in gondola ride with live music & it was so beautiful. Hubby loves history so visiting Rome all historic churches turned out to be fun thing for him too so We both were very happy met great set of new friends. Usually I am planner of vacation. hubby takes care of getting us there is one piece & get us back home safe & sound. all went according to plan, though first day itself our bag did not arrive with us so I was worried for hour but luckily it showed up in next flight so vacation started without any trouble. & with clothes lol. We were initially worried going with american trip organizer thinking our special needs won't be fulfilled & how we get along with other people. I learn valuable lessons of life, that it takes two people to get along & two people to not get along. All relationships r give & take. If you are nice accommodating to others then you get similar treatment from others. Its always you that bring joy or sorrow in your life so choice is always yours. If you radiate joy & fun around people, everyone like to be around you & have fun together. I celebrated my birthday with complete strangers in Venice, but by the end of the trip all had become great friends. I am so grateful even after stroke I m able to take this great vacations with my soulmate. Now have to think about where to go next for our upcoming 25th wedding anniversary. Asha
  20. Mitch : mistakes happen. I have done right after my stroke booked wrong return date flight coming home so ended up staying day longer in london while returning from our europe vacation in 2005.ended up costing us more, but hubby was so good about all of it, made me enjoy our vacation more. mistakes happen that shows we are all human, and it is great learning opportunity. this year I planed our europe vacation after decade & everything went so well became my dream vacation. So mistakes happen learn from those & move on. Asha Asha
  21. Pam seems like u r angel on your roomies life god works mysterious way keep on being blessings to others in your life and I believe you will find your own angel in the process Asha
  22. Happy birthday punch going through health crisis does bring good and bad things in our life it wakes us up from sleepwalking thru life and brings us closer to our family enjoy ur day to fullest Asha
  23. HostAsha


    Veta What I have realized that even with antidepressants having these support group has helped me immensely I can tell u with 100% that blogging chatting with other survivors all very therapeutic for my soul. With support of all that I m able to enjoy my new normal to fullest Asha
  24. HostAsha


    Nancy : its nice to meet your sister Emmy. I am glad you both have each other to get through your own individual struggle. Asha
  25. Pam : I am so glad you got friends to share movie with. I agree watching movie together does bring joy & brings people closer. Asha