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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    14 years

    Katrina : It feels so great to see you at the end of tunnel looking at the light & other side of tunnel. Sometimes when we are in middle of journey we don't see God's master stroke & actual purpose. It feels good to be able to see purpose behind all the pain you went through. as I learned now that whenever going through tough time just believe best is yet to come. hugs, Asha
  2. Sue : you are such a amazing person. I think you have that built in great compassionate soul & perfect person for that chaplaincy work. I wish & pray for best in your life. Asha
  3. Jay : such a thoughtful blog. I find nature has amazing healing power to broken heart. Its amazing to see how so many small wonders in life we took it for granted Asha
  4. HostAsha


    Debbie : I am so happy for you both that everything ended well. I feel sometimes being planner of the family is hard job you plague yourself with all whatifs & miss the present moment. at our home hubby is planner & I go with flow kinda girl. though hubby doesn't feel stress of planning. I can drive myself crazy with whatifs & will miss beautiful present moment. So I like to go with flow in life. Asha
  5. Sandy : thats amazing. you don't realize how much being able to do things fo family which means one less work your loving spouse builds so much self esteem & ofcourse you feel grateful to be alive & not a burden on your loved ones. So allow your survivors to do more for home to make them feel useful again in grand scheme of life. Asha
  6. Jay : wow I was about to write blog on same theme. we do are indeed brother sister from different parents lol Asha
  7. two days ago I met hostkelli near my home. I love spending time with her. Its surprises me to see so many similarities in our life no wonder we get along so well. Both of us have very similar thinking towards life. while chatting she mentioned how she hated my initial positive outlook & telling her how her deficits is good thing. I was telling her by not remembering her past you can live in a present without baggage. I realized after talking with her that I was becoming psycologist who I hated fiercely after my stroke who used to tell me things will be fine just different. I used to think easy for you B* from your high chair, you are not living my life. I realized that sometime people need that time grieving for their loss. though I always felt when I say positive things & comfort people, it was always coming from place I know how you feel, been there done that, but look at this positive things which in your grief you are not paying attention too. Something I learnt about me after meeting with kelli. Asha
  8. Pam : I don't know what to say we are all sobbing & praying for you. I pray god realize he should go easy on you now. you lready have more than any one can handle. hope he realize that soon. Asha
  9. Scott : congratulations on your first anniversary. Start celebrating your anniversary, and you will stop dreading. you survived for a reason so time to enjoy every moment with your loved ones Asha
  10. Jay: I agree with pam, you bring out best in others. I so wish you live close by so that I can meet you. hugs, Asha
  11. Pam : She was ignorant one about the condition & one with the opinion she knows better than all other doctors. So I know its hard when people try to judge us based on our condition, but it is better for us to ignore this ignorant people & pray they get educated enough & empathetic enough to be in medical field. I hope you don't get her remarks unsettle your happiness & peace of mind. Asha
  12. Pam : I am so glad you had your day out & had fun. I love your thoughtful comments here in our blog world. they are SO helpful. reading your blog makes me realize enjoy every moment given to you, life is so unpredictable. Asha
  13. Its so unbelievable things I am learning so many new & great things about myself as I am getting older & wiser. few years ago kido was going through rough patch with his best friend & he was feeling very sad & lonely. Ofcourse he found another great set of friends though I was telling him about how I experienced same things when I was in college, I was so upset during that time period that my mom came to our college & requested class change for me, yes it was embarrassing but once it was accomplished I ended up finding another great set of friends & ended up having so much fun during my college years. recently thanks to internet I reconnected with first set of friends, & while talking with them again she mentioned how she never had as much fun after I left the group. ofcourse my story was different I ended up meeting another new set & ended up having as much fun. So here comes my AHA moment while recounting my story to kido, thats its not any one else which brings joy in your life, its all with in you, and youcan have fun wherever you go or whoever you meet. I know thats what happened with me Asha
  14. Jay this is such a sweet story making me looking forward to playing with our grand kids on floor Asha
  15. HostAsha


    debbie : how about coming to chatroom just for little interaction. I will ask enough questions which will force him to participate lol If he is not comfortable in group chatting if he wants we can chat just one on one too. Asha
  16. HostAsha


    Debbie : can bruce join our survivor chatroom in the afternoon & evening, also he can think about blogging here on this site that will help him too Asha
  17. Punch : after my stroke I dealt with depression & I felt depression worst than my stroke. are you taking any antidepressants. I initially resisted them, but taking them helped me big time, it allowed me to look at the sunshine beyond clouds. though I feel along with those meds having routine, exercise & reading good spiritual books all help me deal with my post stroke life . I was able to wean myself off antidepressant pills as soon as I found little bit control on my life. I found blogging chatting with other survivors all very therapeutic for my soul. hope to see you around often too. Asha
  18. Jay : I am sure you are going to have great day. happiness is a choice & state of mind. Asha
  19. Kelli : you wrote my feelings. I feel same way about my stroke ordeal. you know somehow my stroke brought so many positives in my life that I am actually grateful for it on most days except of course I m in pain or struggling with jar or can to open with one hand lol. I have met amazing people other wise I would have not met. you are on right path friend Asha
  20. OMG so cute don't stop posting this pictures Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Some photos....

    Mitch : your cottage is so beautiful wow when are you inviting us over? Asha & Family
  22. Pam : I always believe focusing on what is positive & working in our life attracts positivity & happiness. pray for more happiness & kindness in your life Asha
  23. I can't believe we are now empty Nester for few weeks & I am handling it pretty well. I guess stroke taught me valuable tools in life, and I m proud to be good learner. Routine is must to deal with change in your life. who would have thought I look forward to my laundry day & my exercise days lol. I knew this before too but just to feel I make a difference in our son's life I was micromanaging his education. So now that he is away in college & I can't micromanage he is thriving & making us proud. keeping my fingers crossed that he keeps on making good choices away from us. recently saw very interesting movie about how widow remarries another widow who she knew had early onset of alzeimer. hubby & I both loved it. I guess as we grow old its companionship is what matters the most than anything else. I was telling hubby you better die after me, and he was so mad at me saying just stay in present moment & enjoy this moment than think about future or past. Anyway life has its own up down moment. recently had fall from treadmill fortunately I did not hurt my self. also spent time with friend of mine who is also empty nester like me but still struggling to find her happy place Asha
  24. Sue : your blogs are always so honest & beautiful. recently hubby & I watched indian movie together & I feel that was also so real honest. as you age I think you are looking for companionship more than anything else. In that movie widow wants to marry another widow even knowing he had early onset of alzeimer. her young daughter initially had issues mom remarrying as she thought it was her time to marry & not moms. sometimes in life you do get tough questions, I guess only thing we can do is just accept out today instead of resisting & keep on doing something interesting & you never know god might open some other window of opportunity & happiness might sneak in through that window. I pray for your strength to hold on during this grief period hugs, Asha
  25. Katrina I m so happy to read this blog you are handling it right way I guess your boyfriend is good influence on you, I remember from your past blogs u r handling your seizure very mature and spiritual way. I can see u r heading towards end of tunnel where lhappiness and light is waiting for u. Congrats Asha