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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Pam : I am so amazed by your inner strength. you got what it takes to make best lemonade possible. reading your blogs make me realize god does not do good or bad things to people. he gives us inner strength & right people in our life to keep on pushing on. I truly believe for you too best is yet to come. I always look forward to your blog & so happy when I see one. Asha
  2. Jay : great blog & thanks for sharing your experiences we are also learning & growing in wisdom with your blog. I also feel in this second shot at life I need to be happy & should be fun person to be around. and I promise myself I never want my family to go through any pain because of me & be present as much possible that when I finally die they will really miss me Asha
  3. Sue : I am so happy you had great time on your vacation & creating new experiences, I am bit jealous would love to meet you some day when you plan to visit USA. I remember yours & Anns caregiver journey. It was good to see you both had support of each other going through similar experiences. we missed you around here. Asha
  4. Jay : I have been thinking about it on same line for long time never acted on it since I didn't remember single nurse in ICU though I did visit my therapist & physiatrist at my rehab hospital. but none at ICU. maybe after kido goes to college I will volunteer there, since you reminded me thanks. Asha
  5. HostAsha


    Debbie : thats such a lovely place. I find nature is most healing place & anything you can do together is so much fun building your fun new normal together. Asha
  6. Jay : OMG u r such a great guy definitely my kind of guy brother from different mother. though my husband is very similar in accepting weather & everything else in his life. I want to be like him who can look at positives in dire situation too. he is my rock & my strength. hope to meet you some day with your family. Asha
  7. Ann : that's so nice I remember how closely Bill & Ray followed each other. I am glad you got to meet Sue. hope to see her when she visits USA Asha
  8. I started this blog to just write about ordinary things about my life which makes life extraordinary. Though as I get thoughtful comments on my blogs, it has made my blog into my self discovery & growing up in wisdom. My stroke suddenly awakened me from my sleepwalking through life & made me question lot of things like who am I. I realized I was attaching lot of my self worth to what I did prestroke & money I made. looking deeply into it & thinking through it I want to blame my parents lol for not raising me with high self esteem about myself. Though I feel I am adult now & have to take responsibility for my self esteem. no one is allowed to make you feel bad about yourself. I am working on that inner child who always felt she was not pretty enough, and not good enough. though ofcourse I compensated that feeling by being very smart in studies & doing very well in my career. but one stroke & that was gone in a second. I thrive on thank yous & good job or money compensation to feel I m worthy to be on this earth lol.So my next challenge for myself is to increase my self esteem about myself. it has to come from me. Asha
  9. Jay : enjoy your second chance at life Asha
  10. oh wow Jay : thats so sweet now I want grandkids lol though I am not very good with kids never know what to do with them, versus hubby is expert, which makes me jealous lol Asha
  11. Pam : I agree with you 100% one needs medical advocate or family member when one is in hospital or nursing home. wish you lived closer. squeaky wheels do get attention in hospital & nursing homes. I am happy you are meeting both kind of people some are kind & some are unkind not in right field. I remember the helpless feeling all too well. but just keep your head above water when you feel like drowning in self pity. just remember nothing lasts forever. & ride has no where to go but up now. keeping you in my prayers. Asha
  12. Pam : I am so sorry for what you are going through & feel so helpless. I pray for your strength & some angel to appear by your side to help you out. you areone strong woman. I hope you are able to join us in chats soon. Asha
  13. jay : love reading your blog every day. your attitude towards life rocks. would love to meet you some day enjoy your blessings every day Asha
  14. awww that's so sweet. Nowdays younger kids are more they know lol. I m so happy you are enjoying all these blessings in your life Asha
  15. Deigh : thats so romantic & thoughtful. I bet must have made your wife very happy Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Working (Out)

    Katrina : you can control your eating but weight gain from meds r unavoidable. I had gained weight on my antidepressants. but as soon as I weaned myself off them I lost weight. So don't worry about it. just eat right food and in moderation & do exercises. rest don't worry. Asha
  17. can't believe we celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary together. We have been through so many ups & downs of life together. I feel my stroke allowed me to see his spiritual side which made me realize how lucky I have been married to my soulmate. We do make perfect team together. I compensate for things he is weak in & vice versa. It took both of us 24 years and stroke to start enjoying each others interests. I hope & pray we both don't start looking like each other cause I know I love my long hair lol Asha
  18. Jay : I use microwave timer for my daily cooking as my back up in case I forget gas while doing something else not that it has ever happened, but its my security blanket while cooking. Asha
  19. jay : congratulations, and we love hearing your accomplishments. that in itself tells us more about the person & how his post stroke life will be. enjoy your post stroke life rome wasn't built in a day. BTW make sure not to become expert in grocery shopping otherwise your wife will assign that chore to you lol like I have done to my hubby for different reasons. Asha
  20. Fred : I am glad you found your soulmate & right wife this time around. I feel in life we all go through life experience to learn & grow from it. so all experiences are lessons learnt. Marriages are all about adjustments from both sides, no one is perfect. We both have to adjust to each others imperfections. Asha
  21. Oh how cute tell your daughter to leave her daughter at your place every day to get her patient to do therapy every day. you are indeed blessed grandpa Asha
  22. jay : glad you got to brushed up your skill on small crowd first before you get your big crowd Asha
  23. recently in chatroom we were discussing things in general & I mentioned something about my husband/caregiver like how he refused to go for walk together since I was too slow in the beginning. some one said oh that is so supportive of your family. funny thing is I never viewed like that. his caregiving style always gave me enough space & do more for myself & family that today I feel confident enough in my abilities to be able to take care of whole family in case he choose to retire financially & physically. Ofcourse some f things I will need to get outsourced but with money you can get job done. So I feel God placed right people in my life. I feel even I got right kind of people & books in my post stroke journey when I needed it most. So I m one grateful survivor. Asha
  24. Jay : I am so happy u r enjoying your sunday, its so sweet when kids laugh & squeak without any reason. still remember our son's those baby laughter which now in his teenage years replace by contempt looks for mom lol. though I know that is going to change soon too when grandma playing with his children lol Asha
  25. Scott : I can guess just from your blog you are going to lead great & happy post stroke life. with attitude like that you deserve nothing else Asha