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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. who knew life will be so much joyful even after stroke, ofcourse I do have some accidents in between, but good days outweighs not so good days. recently we got birdfeeder for our deck. & every day while having my breakfast I see all kinds of birds coming to our feeder including beautful red northen cardinal. recently got swing for our deck too which has made me even more happy. I still remember how I thought I would never find joy in living again. but slowly learning valuable lessons about myself. I am stronger than I ever gave myself credit for. & happiness is indeed choice.& I make wise decisions every day Asha
  2. Jay : nothing lasts forever jay gloomy days makes us appreciate shiny day even better. whatever is bothering you today just remind yourself this shall pass. we are all here rooting for you & keeping you in our thoughts & prayers for better day tomorrow hugs, Asha
  3. Sandy : thats amazing. i am glad Bob is enjoying this new hobby. I looked for a while to what I can do with just one hand thankfully my exercise, cooking & TV fills up my day &I no longer have a time to get into any new hobby. for me chatting blogging all works wonder for me emotionally. Asha
  4. Sarah : wish Gary Happy Birthday from me. I know this post stroke journey is not easy for any one. But I am so happy all of you find your new normal you both could live with & enjoy life to fullest. I & Gary both stroke same year & doing or best to make best lemonade possible Asha
  5. Cagin : So sorry for your loss though your grandma is defintely at better place. & I agree whole heartedly with you from this seemingly bad experience your grandma did bring all of you closer & prepared you all for her passing. would love to meet you some day. please stay in touch with us with your life updates. Asha
  6. jay : I would love to meet you. I feel you are like my twin brother from different mother. We both think so alike that it is funny & scary lol. Though you have better life goals than mine. I am more selfish that way. I just want to live & make best out of that day by enjoying every moment given to me. Asha
  7. Scott : first of all you got great sense of humor. reading your blog makes me realize what other survivors with different deficits r going through. Asha
  8. Nancy : please get it check it out with doc. bet it is side effects of all the meds you are on. don't feel guilty. you have to take care of yourself before you can think of being there for Dan. Asha
  9. jay : we miss you too, enjoy your holidays with your family, will be waiting for fun stories when you return Asha
  10. As I am getting older & going through my own life experiences learning valuable lessons of life which elders tell you but you never pay attention thinking oh what do they know. Well today understand better. While growing up in India in middle class family youngest of four children. We were not very rich people but our parents gave us enough. Every one played their role in life dad played role of breadwinner for family & mom raised us with very strict upbringing. l I always had hand me down books & clothes to wear, lot of emphasis was put on studies. did not have lot of material things growing up, though I always felt I had to fight for things I wanted in life.I always thought I will never have kids if I can't afford to give them every that I have grown up & have only child & fortunately can give him everything he wants, but realizing not having enough money can not spoil kids but giving them lot of money without accountability can spoil kids. ofcourse hubby & I keep tight supervision on where and how he spends money on, so much that he thinks we are cheap. but we really don't care. we want him to learn good values in life. hopefully he will pass on same values to his own children when he will understand that whatever we were doing was in his best interest. Asha
  11. hi John : welcome to best online stroke support group. I started blogging because I found it very therapeutic for my soul. my blog revolves mostly around my family & spiritual awakening while going through this life's journey. I am officially blog junkie. I find reading & writing both helps me big time. I am no writer, but I enjoy blogs, its kinda my online journal. Asha
  12. jay : I am sorry you missed her this time maybe next time tell her you are waiting outside to talk with her after she finishes her therapy. don't be so hard on yourself lesson learnt is not wasted effort. we all learn & grow from our mistakes. Asha
  13. Jay Be truthful in your mental assessment on how u feel on your bad day. Tell them ur troubled thoughts in that exam and everything will be fine u will be in my thoughts and prayers Asha
  14. Katrina : not everybody understands depression or other's journey unless you walk in their shoe. Even though I feel I have seen my depression up close & personal, but reading your blog makes me realize mine was nothing compared to what you are dealing with. that's why sometimes I offer suggestion which worked for me thinking might work you. I am so happy that you have your dad by your side who is fighting for you. maybe you can think about volunteering at that hospital, I bet its going to help you too. Asha
  15. jay : you have such a great attitude towards life. with attitude like that I am sure you are going to have wonderful post stroke life. Asha
  16. Jay : Happy fathers day. glad you are enjoying your second chance at fullest, and appreciating life's wonderful blessings Asha
  17. isn't boys suppose to be mom ma's boy, but mine has been since his birth his daddy's boy. i am jealous & happy at the same time. Any time I ask him to do something for his dad, he will do it without any argument, like celebrating dad's birthday I asked him to get cake & flowers done without any arguments on why it is not a good idea or anything lol. This fathers day asked him to send dad's special message on fathers day, and guess what check & done. now asking him to send equally beautiful message on mothers day lets see if I get any lol. hope you are having great fathers day too. Asha
  18. can you please change font to make it readable Asha
  19. jay : life is so wonderful when we just stay in present & enjoy each ordinary moment by staying present, that's biggest gift of stroke in my life. enjoy every day to fullest coffee Asha
  20. Pam : wow 150 things. can you believe even after you writing all 150 points about you. I still think there is lot more to know about you, and this was just scratch on the surface Asha
  21. Sue: I remember doing this blog but ofcourse I don't have it any more. you are amazing woman. I can see what has made you from all your life experiences Asha
  22. Jayallan: I love your blogs they give me strength & ofcourse inspires me. No wonder I have been blog junkie for past 11 yw=ears. Asha
  23. Katrina : wish you many happy returns of the day. In life you will get lot of good days & bad days. I feel during those bad days just remind yourself you have seen this & this shall pass too. you are stronger than your thoughts. Asha
  24. HostAsha


    Nancy : reading your blog reminds me how mental illness is so different for every one. I thought since I went through my own depression it made me expert in depression. but reading your blog makes me realize how different mental illness is. I am grateful that my depression was what it was & I was able to handle with medication, family support & blogging. Asha
  25. I love parties though I am not very good host but I can be amazing fun guest to be around. luckily for me my sister & sister in law are good hostess. & I enjoy those parties. in our family recently two relatives of our are diagnosed with lung cancer & both of them are dealing with great strength & wisdom. meeting them always inspires me. one of them was telling how she consoled her adult kids that atleast she got warning & time to tie all loose ends & say proper goodbyes. makes me ashamed of myself that how I wasted my first year post stroke in why me business. Though now looking back I am thankful to stroke that it woke me up from my sleepwalking through life & start enjoying those extra ordinary moments which we so quickly take it for granted. recently I had backaches due to our recent India trip. & it took solid few months to get over. but man I love bending down without pain now. So life is wonderful once again lol. oh recently we got bird feeder on our deck & I got another entertainment in the morning. saw few northen cardinals & other birds I still need to identify. retirement rocks lol. Asha