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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Sue :


    welcome to wonderful therapeutic world of blogging. you write so well, love that butterfly effect comparison. Its great your brother was on phone with you & detected the symptoms & got you help in the timely manner. was George out of town. coming to this  site made me realize bad things do happen to good people & God is always by our side making us meet right people at the right time. you are one of that kind soul who makes huge difference in whoever you meet in your life's journey.




  2. Sue :


    I am so glad you got to spend time with your family & help out your daughter in her hour of need. you got sweet grandson who is so close to you & remembers his Pa. I better take good care of myself so I am around to play with my grandchildren  which are at-least 15 years away which will make me 65 at that time, & I am so excited to see how our son's life will turn out, one excited parent & future grandma



    Asha Chandra

  3. Pam  :


    Thanks for updating your blog, I was worried about you & thought maybe you are upset with us so taking break. I can't believe they would make your stroke as TIA. & you are one fearless lady reporting people to taste & making sure & straightening out those non-compassionate people they are in wrong profession. your son is so sweet getting you good cell phone which you are taking full advantage of. your phone game sounds fun. welcome back we missed you around here



  4. belated Happy Birthday   your breakfast looks something to die for lol. glad you are enjoying that scrumptious breakfast on your birthday, that's better way to live long, rest of the year follow vegan  diet. I enjoy sunset too they are so beautiful. wishing you many more of fun-filled birthdays







  5. Sue :


    I love your blogs you write so eloquently. Its so nice that you are able to help sheryl out & will be able to spend lovely time with er family. that's what family is all about on whom you can depend on.  hope you had great time with your friend at the movie. My wish for me to find good girlfriends with who I can spend time together. I have realized when you do decorations for holidays, it breaks out routine  & makes life more fun & interesting. I am looking forward to our son coming home for his thanksgiving holidays soon.





  6. I have found reason behind my stroke gave me peace & strength in dealing with adversities in life. I now know that after I dealt with stroke in my life I am much stronger than I give credit to myself. I feel as long as we learnt some lessons from bad things in our life that experience has not gone to waste. we all deal with some good things & some bad things in life & when enough time has passed from the bad event you can find something good that came out of seemingly bad event in our life.





  7. Sue :


    very beautifully written blog. I am also still here after 16 years being on this site. I found this site exactly after 9 months of looking feverishly for some kind of  online support for young person like me who had young family at home & had pretty decent career or job which kept me happy & suddenly in an instant my identification of how I view myself was in shambles & I did not know where to turn & I found this great site with active survivors & caregivers I could relate to at some extent. I  had great supporting but not expressive spouse who will never tell me what were the troubles he was going through to keep our  family intact. while I was going through my own despair, talking with caregivers & reading their blogs made me realize what my hubby must be going through & what I can do to ease his burden. I still remember distinctly reading one of the caregivers blogs describing amount of phone-calls she had to make for doctors appt & other things.  I learned that day & have still followed same principle in our home, I got to do what I can still do  by following safety, which means it is one less thing for my hubby  to worry about, that principle alone has helped me feel good about my post stroke life & feeling less of a burden on any of my family.  I still give full credit to this site & all mentors & people I have met here, has made huge quality of difference in my life & that's why I am still here paying it forward earlier as blog moderator & now as chat-host




  8. Tracy :


    thanks for updating I am so glad you are enjoying & loving your new routine, loving your arts & crafts, your kitties & trying your best in getting your sleep pattern streamlined, I am sorry sometimes  I am critical  & complain about not showing up on time at the appointment, since it is hard for me to understand that part as brain damage & not laziness. I am glad you take my comments in the right spirit without getting offended about it.


  9. Sue :


    great step in right direction, once you start driving you will feel so great  & you are going about doing that in right order, that's what I did & drove local till I needed to take kido to his activities, now I don't & don't even feel need to go anywhere, I am content in my daily routine. Also once you start celebrating your stroke anniversary I tell you, you will look forward to it in anticipation instead of dread.




  10. kev :

    enjoy your harvesting, I am amazed by your farmin skills & more you do vacuuming around the house easier it will get & you will have one more thing in your list you can do which means one less work for your spouse & you feel good contributing member of the family.


    enjoy building your post stroke new normal life



  11. nancy :


    so good to hear from you & all the good news from you, since Dan is in his good behavior, it reflects in your blog, your stress level has also gone down  & you are able to handle other inconveniences of life much better. I am so happy your boss appreciates your work. work becomes joy when you are appreciated for your work. Congratulations on planning to become new grandma soon & your kids moving close to you. don't be stranger & update us more frequently.



  12. ouch Kevin :


    hope you are feeling better, maybe its time to take some rest & join your chat buddies we still have chats every da afternoon 3-4 EST & evening 8-9 EST on M,W & F though friday we meet in coffeeshop other days all in survivor oom #2.


    you got good farm going on  there, we have planted tomato first time in a pot & I am seeing lot of them turned orange now from green, hopefully will turn red soon too.



  13. Sue :


    once I started waking up for our son's school times  early morning after not doing for a year after my stroke & just sleeping in bed & let dad or hired help do the work  used to make me ore depressed, though once I decided to get rid of all the help & take back my duties & started waking up for our son, my whole day became so good, I started doing more exercise & started doing more things around the home & started feeling useful again. It was complete turn around in my outlook on life. longer day also made me feel good about life. hope you find similar joy in waking up early.





  14. wow kevin so many tomatoes we planted tomatoes on our deck in a pot & I see 7-10 small green tomatoes on the wine, I am wondering whether they will ever get red or bigger than the size we have right now, I am glad things are getting back to new normal now, hope to see you in chat too when you have time.


  15. Sue :


    welcome to one of the other hidden jewel of this site. I find blogging & chatting very therapeutic for my soul. Chatting makes you realize you are not alone & still normal with what you are going through in your life after stroke. I used blogging as my precognitive therapy where I would write positive ordinary things in my life which became important once I wrote it & did not become ordinary thing & you forget & take all these small joys of life for granted, & of-course you get huge support if you are feeling down so yo never feel alone again. once again welcome to our blog family. love your painting. you are very good painter.



  16. Kevin :


    happy Anniversary, first year is the hardest then life gets much easier. you will see more things you try to do easier it gets wit some adaption & as time goes on faster you become. try to help out wherever you can inside or outside home so that you feel contributing member of the society.soon you will realize life post stroke is just different not good or bad its just different  still very fulfilling life.




  17. Sarah :


    Its so good you are going to colorado & meet with his brother & sister for that final closure of saying good goodbyes. Its so amazing that one of his caregiver is willing to come with you for that trip makes you realize Gary was special guy &  loved by many. given his disabilities I know caring for him wouldn't have been easy for any one & you are right he lasted that long is because of your care.though atleast he s in better place & ow watching over his family by his son by his side.


