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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Los Angeles

    Ruth : I am glad you enjoyed your vacation alone. we used spirit airlines second time & first time we learnt our lesson &second time did take bagpack so everything was free turn out to be great deal for our college visit trip cheaper than even our road trips in past. Asha
  2. jay : I am so encouraged & happy to read your blog. Some days I am thankful for stroke it made my life so much more meaningful than it was ever before. post stroke those ordinary things like cooking cleaning has more profound meaning. who would have thought I would look forward to getting up so early to make breakfast for our family lol. thank god for this profound second shot at life Asha
  3. jay : I feel therapy at any point is helpful brain is amazing & can learn to adapt to new way of seeing. so try to get therapy or do at home therapy yourself which is scanning the side you are neglecting. Asha
  4. Sandy : I am so glad you are alright. falls can never be predicted only thing we can do is learn our lessons from it to make sure what needs to be done in future events. So if lessons learnt then its not wasted. My husband fell yesterday night while going for his brisk walk. learnt not to wear flipflops for walk that can trip u Asha
  5. Nancy : I am so sorry for what you are going through & pray for better days. though I agree with Sandy by keeping him nursing home you were able to have good day with him. no one including stroke survivor is allowed to manipulate their caregiver. you have to be nice to your caregiver Asha
  6. HostAsha

    They're Back

    Debbie : I am so glad you had great time in new mexico. reading your blog makes me appreciate that I am so mobile & that does make life easy for us to still do lot of traveling together. Actually now I have started helping him in carrying our baggage & ofcourse that broke my back in our last trip to India lol. I do have my idiosyncrasy of needing to go to restroom often now, so that makes pain in behind since I m checking out all restrooms during our travel. Asha
  7. Jay : I believe that positivity attract positivity in life, I feel our thoughts have immense power. So I believe in choosing our thoughts wisely Asha
  8. HostAsha


    Nancy : i AGREE FULLY WITH sandy. please take care of yourself. you are equally important person. If you go down nothing good will come out of that. just because someone else is doing heavy lifting your role as caregiver does not end. So take care of you & that inner soul of yours. Asha
  9. Katrina : I am sorry you are going through this seizure thing once again I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. when going through bad times just remember this will pass too & what lesson I have to learn from this ordeal. I know easy for me to say than go through. I can only pray god gives you strength to get through this new hurdle & something better will come out of all this crap. keep on fighting good fight & you will find solution. persistence pays off. Asha
  10. jay : lol its funny how we were one of those rats & now thanks to stroke enjoy life instead of rushing through it. I feel volunteering gives same satisfaction in life. Asha
  11. Cagin : thanks for update on grandma, your grandma stroke have definitely matured you beyond your years. I have read Anita Moorjani book long time ago. I agree with you We are all here on earth to love one another & be kind to each other. Asha
  12. Katrina : I am glad you are feeling better & have lined up jobs for you. I am so happy & proud of you. BTW with your seizures I will be careful with any brain stimulation. I feel wanting more recovery is good but have to weight its advantages & disadvantages Asha Asha
  13. lenny : I love your positive attitude towards life no wonder u r loved by so many. I also view my stroke as opportunity to enjoy life with my loved ones Asha
  14. jay : that's great keep on doing those things it will get easier over time, soon you will realize new normal is still fun & better option. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Hello - again

    Nancy : I am so glad you found root cause of your problem & got help you so sorely needed. you can see ray of sunshine coming from this blog, it so different from old blogs where you can see you were drowning in despair. once again I m so happy finally u got the help. It requires courage to not give up & keep on looking for help. you are one courageous lady. Asha
  16. Rose : I feel the same way about my recovery & I feel therapy helps only if you have movement, all therapy does is adapt to your new body & learn how to do things differently. Though I feel with therapy & doing your daily activities things do become easier. I don't know it is improvement or you get used to doing things differently. though what I have found over time doing those therapy & using your limbs do strengthen so walking becomes easier Asha
  17. thats great news sandy. I am so happy for you you are finding your bob underneath those changes stroke brought on him. best thing my husband told me after my stroke that you are still same just your left hand does not work, it boosts so much confidence in me, when my confidence in me was shattered when they were doing all kind of testing to find out what I lost. in those testing I lose my self confidence which his kind words & his actions rebuilt that confidence. Asha
  18. Sarah : congratulations on loosing so much weight. Gary is looking great in this picture looking happy. I am glad he is enjoying his outing with his caregiver. as a human being we all want to be seen & acknowledged. glad his caregiver is giving that to him. Asha
  19. Pam : I appreciate your heartfelt comment. I know I myself struggled to find meaning to my suffering. Once I realize I am here for my loved ones & who chose to be my side in this life's journey. I made decision to be happy & not drag them down with my neativity. I feel they deserve that. I guess I choose to be happy & surround myself with positive people. I do sometimes wish higher power will come down & tell me you are on right path to relax a little bit in raising our son, but I have realised all I can do is do my best for that moment & don't worry about rest. Asha
  20. my favorite thing to do on Sunday is to watch oprah's super soul Sunday. author gilbert of eat, pray & love said something very profound & I usually like to write down in my blog & share with my friends life we all go through pain & suffering. If we find meaning in it & learn from it then its not a waste its hero's journey. I think when pain comes in our life, instead of asking why me better question would be what is this pain is here to teach me. I think when we overcome something we never thought we ever could we can tell that questioning child inside that be calm I can take care of this problem you relax. I always learn a thing or two from super soul sunday since I know I have that questioning child inside my own head who is my worst critic so now I know how to shut up that voice of uncertainty. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    100 words

    Sue : WOW such a beautiful blog you are indeed brilliant wordsmith. you are amazing writer. love love this blog. Now I feel ashamed to even write my daily life blog lol. Asha
  22. Pam: I am so happy that you had great mothers day with your children. In eastern culture parents are always there for their children & it is understood kids will take care of parents in their old age specially oldest son. you are one dynamic mom & woman. Asha
  23. Pam : I am so amazed by your share dealing with horrible side of medical community. do you have insurance? good luck for your finals. Asha
  24. Sandy : psychiatrist at my rehab hospital told me life after strke will be just different & I wanted to punch her. but today after on this post stroke journey I can see how true that statement is life post stroke is just different not good or bad just different good or bad we make out of it ( my spiritual knowledge to it) Asha
  25. Sandy : your blog brought tear to my eyes. I am so happy for you that you both were able to work outside in your yard together albeit differently, but worked together nonetheless. that's what I feel life after stroke its not good or bad its just different still enjoyable & worth every penny. That's how I feel about my life I am grateful to be around my family & enjoying my life, it does not look perfect to normal people, but its great for our family. Asha