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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha


    Katrina : I am so happy for you, you are making right decisions & following right advises of your therapist. I feel in the end we are responsible for our own happiness. once you realize you have power over your thoughts you will realize life has so much more to offer you. positivity in life attracts positive things. & we have to exercise that power of brain like anything else. I am so happy for you. through your blog I know you are on right path to find that happiness of being content with your NOW. Asha
  2. I have read about it but this is experienced first time in my own life. its funny but I have never ventured out alone even with my family without my husband by my side in last 25 years. we both complement each other in our spiritual awakening though I feel he is in more advanced stage than me where I am still learning. So I always find I need that like minded discussion grou. It helps me recenter versus he does not need it. So past weekend I ventured out for my first spiritual retreat with my sister and brother-in-law & it was amazing experience. met so many like minded people & enjoyed our stay there. I tried meditation for the first time though I still had trouble quieting my monkey mind. we went out for hiking & ofcourse I was scared of going without my husband since I know I can always count on him, was not so sure about my sister who has her own physical issues. but of-course there were two brothers who stayed back to help out if I need any help. that small act of kindness taught me valuable lesson that when we say yes to things & do things higher power will take care of us & will surprise you with sweeter results. I met such a great people I don't know how but I was attracting positive energy & connecting with right people. Now I am planning to go to another spiritual retreat but this time with my husband. he feels he does not want to go but will come with me for me. So I m sure we are going to have great time. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    New Mexico

    Debbie : travel is scary but once you do it & plan it well, its lot of fun. BTW just go with flow let life unfolds in its own way & surprise you. I feel when you say yes to things outside of your comfort zone & let God take care of rest, you will be amazingly surprised how things work out in your favor. so just enjoy & go with flow. do your best & then let the chips falls the way it supposed to be but believe whatever is happening right now is in your favor have faith in power bigger than yours. Asha
  4. Kristen : I think it could be medicines you are taking. I am also wife & mom & do similar chores like you do but luckily don't have fatigue issues, so it could be stroke related or meds you take. though every stroke is different, and it is tiring to get things accomplished with just half of your body Asha
  5. Fred : I love your attitude of gratitude. No wonder you are doing so well mentally & not sitting in sidelines crying why me. you inspire me. Asha
  6. hey scott : welcome to best online stroke support group. you got great sense of humor. I get scared just reading what you went through. looking forward to get to know you better through your blogs. Asha(46 year old survivor)
  7. HostAsha

    Im too weak

    Katrina: I am sorry you are feeling down again on your situation. I think if you focus on what is still working out for you you will feel much better about life. you have survived for a reason & not as punishment. start making note of what is still working even with your disability. Everybody has some troubles in their life ours is way too obvious right now but life goes on. you never know who you are inspiring along your journey. Asha
  8. conratulations kelli living close to your support system is huge blessings I also live just 2 houses down the road from my mom & brother. though we had bought it with different intentions but turned out to be huge blessing for all of us. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    looking up

    Kelli: that's great opportunity. you go girl god is opening all new window of opportunity for you make it. I can see you promoting your books on tv. and I can tell every one I know this author. Asha
  10. Jay : I am glad you are enjoying your sunday, here is how my sunday going on so far we are back from our college visits this week for our son just returned late yesterday night so now getting back to our normal sunday routine cook, eat, do dishes & so on exciting life though I love my this normal routine life, I know first hand that how extraordinary this ordinary moments in life are. to be able to see those college campus walking even with foot pain & backache was worth every penny. I know both those pains are going to go away & life goes on. glad you are enjoying your new normal too. Asha
  11. matches are indeed made in heaven. I feel so fortunate to be married to such a mature & responsible guy. It feels amazing that how we complement each other in so many things. Ofcourse in our family I dream & get the ball rolling in right direction, and if he feels its right thing to do then he makes sure to get all the balls rolling & get the job done. he is never afraid of whatifs if things won't go right way or if I make mistake then what, those kind of thoughts stops me doing things when I feel stakes are higher. versus he is never afraid of that, he will do things, if it goes right then woohoo & if not then believe something better is in store for you. I feel so fortunate to be married to such a great guy. must have done something right in my prior life to have him in my life. Asha
  12. jay : I am so happy for you, now I am going to take my own advice & handover my worries to God & let him do whatever is best for our family. Its hard to stay positive on gloomy day but we have to remember sooner or later sun always comes out. Asha
  13. Jay : just write down your troubles & give it to God let him take care of those. you do things which you can do it without worrying about it. I know easy for me to say it. can you talk with attorney to get you help with SSDI process or talk with SSDI councelor & explain them your situation I am sure they will have other suggestion for you to do it which might be less costly. Asha
  14. Happy Anniversary Sarah &Gary: wow 47 years of togetherness, such a journey together with lots of ups & downs. enjoy your day together Asha
  15. jay : life feels so meaningful & fun when we start our day with gratitude & appreciating small wonders we take it for granted. enjoy your day to fullest. Its miracle in itself we get up in the morning Asha
  16. Jay : I feel same way though you described it so well. No wonder I m blog junkie. I feel when I share my joy it doubles & when I share my worries it gets halves with all the support I get. Asha
  17. hi robin : welcome to best online stroke support group first few years are hardest of all to get used to the new normal & all the changes, but we oldies r here to tell you it does get easier as we make best lemonade possible from our lemons Asha
  18. Jay: kids & grandkids r great motivation for us to do more for our recovery. Asha
  19. hey stu: welcome back so you dumped us for your online gaming I see how it is I thought we were friends. lol. adversity is best teacher in learnimg life lessons. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    just blogging

    katrina : keep on applying. you will get one acceptance offer after going through many rejection letters. I know its very disheartening getting these rejection letters but have trust in god that something better is in store for you. you won''t even remember all the failures when one acceptance letter will come in Asha
  21. kelly : I am sorry your clubbing out with your best friend did not go as well you had hoped for. I feel in life as we grow old & grow with experiences we tend to move on & change friends. life is all about change, friends you had as toddler will not be there as you become teenager & then adult. I know its hard but change does not mean good or bad it is just different. Sometimes God closes one window but does open up better door near by, but in our grief we tend to ficus on closed window & miss door of opportunity near by. who knows maybe you will meet someone better who will match your new spiritual growth in life as new friend . keep on doing your best & things will work out in end in your favor. Asha
  22. HostAsha


    wow imc: you did pretty well with all the public transportation nightmare. people say you can find out lot about person's personality by how they handle travel. I am glad you are glass half full personality & enjoyed your tour.I once prestroke have stayed in peabody hotel with hubby for his conference& have seen that duck parade, its quite entertaining. though we never did any other sight seeing since hubby was busy in his conference so I had just chilled at hotel. lol Asha
  23. Jay: I agree with you though I feel I fet like victim first two years when I was depressed & crying all the time. now ofcourse being 12 years I feel like stroke survivor & thriver than victim Asha
  24. in our latest trip to India to be with our family in this grieving time I realized how every one handles grief differently. I could see my sister in law still in denial & talking about my brother-in-law as if he is still alive, and keeps herself busy with housework & doing rituals after her husband. She was not comfortable talking about her feelings & emotions like I do. I guess so blogging for her will not be good healing tool. On the other hand I like to talk about what I am feeling so blogging was perfect tool for my healing lol. Of-course in east she is surrounded by lot of family support, her children & all brothers & sisters were constantly visiting. after looking at all rituals hubby told me don't do any of these rituals for me I told him those rituals r one giving her comfort,luckily for him I have been away in west for too long to know any of those rituals & I deal with grief differently than lot of people. for me talking it out with friends & family helps, I told hubby after I go it does not matter what you do now at this point in my life I don't mind if he choose to remarry provided our son is fully taken care of lol. Asha
  25. Jay : those are great questions & also if there is dissatisfaction then good idea to get those issues resolved by involving right people. Asha