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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. I m so glad you did not break anything & just banged up yourself hope you heal soon & just hold on today & this week will be over Asha
  2. HostAsha

    A Small Step Forward

    Ron : I feel every thing you do builds up in getting good recovery. I feel treadmill therapy will be also very beneficial for her. I know it helped me big time in strengthening my foot & ankle. I started with hinge AFO but later decided to go without AFO after I felt comfortable with my ankle. My gait is not great but job gets accomplished in going from point A to B. I am glad you are doing those exercises with dorothy, all these small steps adds up into great recovery & happy new normal Asha
  3. Sue : I like your last line, if you are bored go do vaccum, I know I should do that around our home. for me cooking, laundry , exercise will come first & cleaning will be last in my to do list. my hubby is much better in it lol Asha
  4. Kelly : welcome to therapeutic world of blogging. I feel you have to do what is best for your son. you are helping your ex not for him but for your son, so it does not matter how his relationship is with you. you both have to do what is good for your child. You can of-course tell him that to provide help you will need to be paid for your expenses. there is no shame in asking for that, you are on limited income. I am sure he will understand Asha
  5. Katrina I m so glad you got right treatment after few frustrated earlier tries I strongly feel in life there will be always wall to stop you from things you want it is not there to discourage you I think it is there for us to sharpen our perserverence skills when you persist and don't give up you find a way congratulations happy for you
  6. Thanks Lydia and all others your comforting words means lot to me Asha
  7. Lydi : you are such a brave woman & go getter. I can't believe ever able to do what you are able to achieve with disability. examples like inspires me. I used to be scared to travel alone to my conference even prestroke. can't think of trying after stroke. you are my role model. Asha
  8. Terry : welcome back glad you had great vacation. Asha
  9. hey jaguar : welcome back. I am so glad you are doing well & thinking of giving back, I feel when you are able to help out others your focus has shifted from just your own troubles which is good place to be in. your son must have grown up so much. examples like this tells me there is life after stroke and it is great one. Its always helps to have great partner in life. hope to see you around often. I am still here after 10 years. For me I found blogging & chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul Asha
  10. as you all know we are going through college application process right now. & his high SAT scores & good GPA has made us apply to all top tier & second tier colleges. Its hard to accept rejection letters from lot of this colleges. I get so scared & discouraged about what lies in future for our son. Initially he was interested in direct medical program & now he is changing his mind & thinking about going usual route of doing bachelors & then going for medical school which scares me thinking hope he does not change his mind due to fierce competition. currently all this home stress is causing me to have weird stroke like symptoms which is scaring all of us so much.Its so hard to detach myself from all this melodrama of my life right now. One would think going through my own stroke adversity must have taught me thing or two about how to deal with all this uncertainties in life. I guess I still have lot to lean in this life's journey. It really takes courage to believe best is yet to come is my new mantra now Asha
  11. HostAsha

    folly down

    Hey Dave So happy for you no fractures woohoo hope you heal soon and go back to your old normal soon hope to see you in chat soon Asha
  12. Fred Congratulations on your stroke anniversary. I will be celebrating my 11th stroke anniversary in February we both have lot in common I also got great caregiver husband luckily I found him right in my first attempt. Without him and our son this stroke journey would have been tough to navigate. You got such a great attitude towards life wishing you many more happy anniversaries Asha
  13. wow onehandedcan : you have such a great attitude towards life & such a nice poem. could you please tell me what your friends call you Asha
  14. HostAsha

    folly down

    Dave : falling for us survivors is so easy, hope nothing is broken for you & you are just banged up. please update us after your doctor visit Asha
  15. hey Pam : reading this blog reminds me of how I felt right after my stroke OMG you are mind reader. your first paragraph is exactly what I dealt with. I know like I did you will come out of that dark tunnel of whyme and life is so unfair thought & realize soon things just happen good or bad but God will provide you strength to come out of it. I know I struggled feeling of worthless since I had attached so much of my self worth to how much money I made, till I realize I matter & I am worth it because I am God's child & my job here on earth is still not done. In life only change is permanent , post stroke life will be different not good or bad just different. I know you will find your way to acceptance after mourning your losses. For me routine in life helped & I found blogging & chatting with other survivors also very therapeutic for my soul. helping others in their journey helped me too how cool was that. BTW there is sun hiding somewhere behind that dark cloud & it will always come out, just keep your head above water till tide changes. Asha
  16. Sue : you write so well, it feels as if you are describing how I felt when I found all of you & this site. I feel thanks to this site I found my acceptance sooner than later. I made my hubby read your blog so that he can understand what I am going through in my life since I can not say it so eloquently. I feel so lucky to have found you &others in my post stroke journey Asha
  17. Lenny : Belated Happy Birthday. you are so fortunate to be married to such a great wife who is so thoughtful and loving. enjoy your trip & will be looking forward to your pictures. Asha
  18. oh wow sandy is there way you can do this one handed? your art is inspiring me Asha
  19. Sandy : this is so pretty wow you are amazing. I am glad you both have adjusted to your new normal so that you found time to find you again. I think it is in best interest of every one if caregiver is able to find what makes them happy. Asha
  20. HostAsha


    Sue : what a lovely post. I know we all struggle with choices. but I know any decision while making choice with right intentions behind it will turn out to be right choice &everything will work out according to God's plan. I believe in karma & duty theory. we all have our roles to play in a life. So when I am having trouble I make choice based on my mother duty & my intentions behind it. I think you should enjoy your life. I know Ray will be very happy seeing his Sue happy. Asha
  21. want to wish every one happy, healthy & prosperous New year. I am never into making resolutions but after reading jean riva's blog I am tempted to do just this two things. seek contentments & make relationships I already have with family & friends stronger instead of trying to find another new friend. I know if I keep tighter lid on my expectations like Jean suggested in her blog I will be one happy person for year 2015.
  22. Katrina : Happy New year to you. congratulations on finishing your hike. Next time just tell someone before you decide to head home Asha
  23. HostAsha


    hi Stessie : Happy New year to you too, good to hear from you Asha
  24. good luck tomorrow. working outside of home serves multiple purposes besides making money it also provides interaction & also gives huge feeling of accomplishments. keep us updated Asha
  25. Merry Christmas John hopefully you will remember your moms words in future too even when she is not able to communicate to you at that time. I am glad you both love each other so unconditionally. Asha