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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Fred : you are so right I feel stroknetwork filled my void of my village in getting me a stroke survivor to be in happy place one more time. I am so delighted you were all part of my journey Asha
  2. Lenny : suc a wonderful resolutions to make even if I slip sometimes still very good resolutions to make. I never make resolutions in my life but I am going to steal some of your resolution this year & will make mine. Have a wonderful holidays with your loved ones lenny love Asha
  3. Lydi : all the above commentators gave you great feedback. I feel there is no point in looking backwards on what you could do now to wrong you have caused in past. I feel life is all about moving forward & making best in your current situation. In life we all have erred, we have to forgive ourselves & move on. I think you make a decision in life to do something based on information you had at that time. you are doing amazing in your post stroke recovery. have blessed holidays with your family & friends. Asha
  4. Fred : I am happy your recovery is coming along so well. I feel to be able to help in household dynamics is huge boost to self esteem & recovery. mind stays fit & active when we stay busy. wishing you great holidays Asha
  5. Thank you every one for your kind comments. It means lot to me. Kido is feeling much better now, he did his moping for a day & now over his sadness which makes me feel better too. Pam thank you so much for your detailed message its so comforting. I feel all of your virtual hugs in our difficult time. love you all Asha
  6. HostAsha

    update on Larry

    Julie : I am so happy Larry is doing great progress at rehab facility & soon will be home with you stronger than before. Its great that you will be surrounded by your family this holiday season. I am praying for you & your family Asha
  7. Sarah : I so love Ron's response. I am never into doing any work for christmas since its just work for all of us, but his response is right on. sometimes doing those things gets us into happy mood and isn't that what is holiday all about peace & happiness Asha
  8. Dean : I so agree with Ethyl. I am no expert in medicines but I saw lot of side effects of any medicines doctors prescribes so I stay away from them & try to get those medicines from food. I was on antidepressant which I weaned myself off from but substituting that need with cognative therapy in form of my blogging & also by adding routine in my life that helps me big time feeling centered in life. Asha
  9. I know we all have faced disappointments in life when things don't go your way. It hurts more when your chlld facing that disappointment of not getting into college of his first choice. I know something better will come out of this for this for sure but how do you make your child see the point. why things have to be so hard sometimes. Please pray for our family & our son to get into good college & be happy & successful anywhere he choose to go Asha
  10. Lydia : Garion will be surprised. I think you can do it, it will be difficult at first but you will find a way to adapt & become better in it when you do often it becomes easier. Asha
  11. Sandy : such a great idea I will use this idea when I make burrito at home, outside I have started ordering burrito bowl for me since one hand never works well. but I can seeing myself using this trick for home made burrito Asha
  12. Julie : my thoughts and prayers for you & Larry Asha
  13. My niece is getting married in India. the one I played with as if she was my doll when I was young is getting married. most of my family has gone to India for her wedding. I guess only part of our family has stayed back who still has young kids and kids still in school, and unfortunately I decided not to go since right now its college application time for our son & I did not want to miss it, since I would have not able to enjoy wedding worrying about kido. & now I feel so bad for missing out on all the fun since kido is the one doing everything & he hates me if I try to help in anyway. So I am kicking my behind for not going. I will be so relieved when all this college process will be done & we will know where he ends up going. Its so stressful. Some days I find being parent is such a stressful & hard job & I will be so happy & relieved when I see him all grown up & on his way to find his purpose & passion in life. please keep our son in your prayers so that he gets in his first choice. Asha
  14. Fred : welcome back, glad you beat doctor's prediction & here early. I guess doctor didn't know who he was dealing with. you are stroke survivor let him hear you roar lol. Asha
  15. Pam : I love your resolutions. I am 100% sure that this adversity in your life is going to make you better person. you got such a great attitude Asha
  16. Pam : I am so happy you got out & enjoyed your chirstmas shopping. I feel best part of the stroke is it wake us up & you will never take those small things for granted any more. I used to think going out for a walk without any purpose is such a waste, not any more now I know how precious is that ability to just go out & enjoy nature its amazing.
  17. Hey punch Welcome to best online stroke support group and our wonderful blog community. I am sorry you had need to find us but now you found us you will never feel alone again. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side and retired me from the job I loved. I never thought I would find joy in living again but I did. I found blogging and chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul. Hope to see you around often Asha
  18. Pam : I love reading your blogs. you have such a great attitude towards life & it shines through your blogs. No wonder you are loved by many. hope you meet you often in out chatrooms. Asha
  19. Sue : I so love your blogs & musings. you don't realize how much you are helping newbie or oldie in their life's journey. I sometime wonder would knowing what my future looked like help or hurt, but I know this for sure living in present & doing the your best matters the most. & anything you do with good intentions behind it will turn out to be will always be good. trust in God's plans for your life I hope you keep on musing like this, your blogs are priceless. Asha
  20. I was about to do my gratitude list but Lin beat me to it, so I am going to follow her suit & jump on the bandwagon of things I am thankful in 2014. 1. I am thankful to have amazing family & friends who support and help me whenever I ask for help. 2. I am thankful I can walk, talk & take care of my family singlehandedly 3. I am thankful that I don't have any cognitive deficits 4. I am thankful for amazing husband & my only child for being there for me & standing beside me when I needed them most 5. I am actually thankful for stroke it allowed me to slow down & enjoy scenery along the way, it has made my life more meaningful & made my marriage stronger & better mom who learn to be present in the moment 6. I am thankful for having more than enough in our life that we can think about how to help others 7. I am thankful for all experiences in my life it has made the person I am today Hope you all have blessed holidays with your family & friends Asha
  21. Lenny : I love your attitude towards. No wonder you are blessing to your family & friends. you show how you react to any situation defines the person. I am so happy that you are my friend Asha
  22. Pam : I am so happy for you, you started reclaiming your life back by stepping out in world as new you. that's the best therapy for mind & body to create your new normal in which you are happy being you. I know the feeling of joy when I first went on dance floor with hubby, ofcourse I wasn't as graceful like my old self but boy I had so much fun. I feel same way that everybody got something in their life, ours is too obvious but this should not stop us from enjoying life to fullest, and enjoy those sunsets, blue ocean & beauty all around us. Asha
  23. Sue : I am so sorry for Trevors family problems. its hard to see our kids go through their troubles, though I feel we all are spiritual beings having human experience on earth, and we are here to learn our lessons & grow spiritually & become better person. I know some lessons are hard to learn, but as long as you learn & grow from that hard lesson, that experience has not gone to waste you & your family will be in my prayers & thoughts. Asha
  24. Betsy : you write so beautifully Somehow people think if you are in wheelchair you have lost your intelligence too lol they think u have stopped hearing too lol. you get that walker not for them, but for your own recovery. I feel we all human being are spiritual beings having human experience, and we all are here on earth school to learn our life lessons which are kindness compassion & unconditional love. I feel for me stroke has been good learning lesson. I was so rushing through life without noticing small things that makes life worth living. I was taking so many ordinary things for granted well not any more. hope you just forgive person who made thoughtless comment. Asha
  25. hey Lydia : wow thanks for condensed version of your life grandma. wow so many ups & downs in life but you are one strong woman. you handle everything so beautifully. BTW we missed you in our chats, there are lot of new faces in there. hope to see you sometimes. Asha