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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Fred : I love your blogs & love how thankful you are to have this fourth wife by your side. you both are meant to be together, just took little longer to find each other till then you were learning lessons lol. I feel same way about my husband & our marriage. my stroke made us closer than any other life lessons I would have got in life. Asha
  2. Katrina : I am so happy for you & 100% agree with Fred. keeping your thoughts on god & positive things he will take care of things better than you could ever dream of able to do on your own. so just trust him & keep on doing what you are doing till it become second nature. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    Home Again

    Jamie : glad you are home, recovery starts at home, slow & steady you will be fitter than before. Asha
  4. Tina : I love your attitude, I also thought same way about acceptance, but in really once you accept your new normal life becomes so much fun & worth while. I think of it that I am not going to be on sidelines in living my life. I think we are heroines of our life & have to live like that & make it fun for every one involved in our life's journey. I am so glad I did that & thanks to that enjoyed raising our son. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    moving to rehab

    get most out of your therapy. that will make life easy at home. Asha
  6. Debbie : you are such a organized person no wonder Bruce is doing so well. Enjoy your retirement. Asha
  7. thanks for updating us Jamie with good news what a relief, so happy for you. Asha
  8. I recently read quote of the movie Faults in our stars "Grief does not change you it reveals you" in Jean Riva's blog about her review of that movie. I find that quote so appropriate, yes I know suffering can make person bitter or better, but sometimes I wonder about that. I have heard lot about lot of relationships breaking because of difficulties in their life in form of adversity, but I think there was something wrong in relationship before hand & now that problem came up it broke camel's back. I was discussing with hubby & we both agreed person does not change because of difficulties its more like stone is covered with dust & when that gets cleared it reveals itself whether its stone or diamond. I love this wisdom I am getting as I am getting older. Asha
  9. Katrina : Belated Happy Birthday, so happy you had great Birthday & fathers day, this is what I feel life is about some good days, some bad & some ugly. I have found out for me concentrating on good times increases my joy for life. Enjoy each & every day to fullest. love Asha
  10. Lenny : thank you & same to you, hope you had great fathers day Asha
  11. Fred : Hubby & I don't exchange gifts, I tell him when I want something & he gets it. I never buy anything for him, we go together & buy whatever he needs. He is amazing father & human being not romantic but great human being, and I thank my stars for having him in my life. have a great fathers day Asha
  12. Tina : your positive attitude & blogs are always so much fun to read. you are making best lemonade possible out of your lemons. you are creating best new normal for your whole family & by staying so upbeat, making life pleasurable for all involved party like your family in your journey. Enjoy your summer, life is too short to spend sulking. enjoy your kids they grow up way too fast. my son was only 7 when I stroked & now in a year he will be flying out of home. I am so glad I enjoyed every minute of it including growing pain lol Asha
  13. HostAsha

    still waiting

    Jamie : prayers for you, & wil be waiting to hear updates after your operation Asha
  14. Fred : love your blogs they are so uplifting, full of grace & gratitude. you are one happy man. Enjoy your summer. Asha
  15. HostAsha


    Sue : you will do fine, just relax & go with flow & you will be surprised by God's abundance plans for your life. I know none of us likes change in their life but when we stop resisting the flow we do get pleasant surprises in how great things unfold in their own pace. Asha
  16. Jamie : you are in my prayers for quick recovery, I am glad it got caught in time. please update us as soon as you can hugs Asha
  17. Katrina : Its such a great news, please keep up the positive attitude & more positive things will continue to happen. BTW I will caution you to give credit or blame onto God. I believe good & bad things happen to every one & God is not responsible for any of it. He has bigger fishes to fry. He has put simple law of rules on earth & things happen when we follow those rules. I strongly feel positivity brings in more positivity in life. in bad times god gives us strength to get through that dark period in our life. Also please don't look at amount of comments for your affirmation. I find blogging highly therapeutic for your own soul. Asha Asha
  18. Fred : Happy Anniversary, I am glad finally you were able to find your soulmate who makes you happy to be alive even with disability. Asha
  19. As all of you know I love to read books & learn. My favorite genre is spiritual & self help books. I feel as human I am here to learn & grow so love to read self help & spiritual books. God knows I can take all self help I can get lol. Today When I woke up to rainy morning after glorious sunny weekend. looking at cloudy sky I was telling hubby it feels like sun is never going to come out & was never even there day before.We both were comparing how it feels same way when you are going through tough times in your life, you can never imagine good times will ever come again. & sun will come out again. I guess I am going to make note to myself when tough times comes to remember this great lesson that after cloudy day sun is out there hiding behind cloud & will eventually come out so remember to look for rainbow in cloud. Asha
  20. Nancy : I am so glad it was not major & you just scrapped & bruised your ego. Hopefully you will be back in saddle in a week. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Update (Vanity)

    Susan : so happy for you. I strongly feel happiness is a choice & getting out of the house with friends helps, it breaks routine & also doing exercise helps mood too. so enjoy life. Asha
  22. Fred : thats so great I think as long as we keep o doing what we love & enjoy we can go on enjoying life. have fun shopping. Asha
  23. Vyonne : I loved her one line do better when you know better. I loved her that line to be very forgiving, and inspiring Asha
  24. Tina : stroke recovery begins once you come home, BTW for me walking was very important since I did not want burden on my husband who has to push me around in wheelchair , load unload & whole nine yard. twe bought treadmill fir our home & it was best exercise equipment we invested money in, initially I could only walk at 1.2mph for few minutes, but I had whole day to me so I made exercise part of my routine. Today I walk on treadmill 3 hours ofcourse in short interval of 5-10 minutes while watching my morning shows since I am up since 6 am doing my mothers job. I always felt more you can do for yourself its less of hassle for your loved ones, and being able to walk unassisted was biggest blessing of our life. Asha
  25. Cat : great news. once he will start crawling walking will come not too far behind. so happy for both of you. Asha