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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Sue :


    early happy birthday to you another gemini no wonder  I like you so much, today is my husband's birthday too.  I liked the idea of hacing cat-mat which provides cat some comfort when there are so many changes in their life.  wishing you lot of happiness & warmth in coming months, hope you have great birthday & realized you are loved by many in real & virtual life.




  2. kevin :


    I get amazed by your farm skills, I guess I have been always city person so all labor intensive farm work amazes me. Enjoy them, I also found therapeutic benefits of my blog because It allowed me to look at positives of my life & don't forget it easily & take it for granted any more. I am so happy for you, It is beginning to look like you are creating your wonderful new normal






  3. wow Kevin :

    your garden looks beautiful & what plant/flowers r those in your wonder you have farm on your property with 40 acres you can do so much farming.  I live in NJ so for me even 0.1 acre of land feels great lol. I love your gratitude list.





  4. Sue :


    I am glad you are keeping it busy & staying safe. I have realized for me having routine keeps me busy & entertained in life, right now have whole family home so keeping busy in cooking, cleaning & doing other volunteer work at SN & all my spiritual classes started on zoom & so is family weekly call on zoom, so feel less alone, life goes on. After 16 years of reading nonfiction I started my first fiction john Grisham book pretty interesting. I feel I am pretty content with my new normal life. hope you can drop in our scheduled chats in the evening.. I do host Wed & Friday & on Friday I host in

    coffee-shop you are welcome to join & make new friends & offer your pearl of wisdom






  5. Sue :

    heather gave excellent suggestions,  have you thought about assisted living like quarters which Jean riva has decided to move in, its condo in the community( continuum care campus) where you are surrounded by similar age group people  so you are not totally isolated & have help all around year.  I wish you strength  in adjusting to this new reality. As we grow older things change & we got to adapt with this changes not pleasant but harsh reality of life, unfortunately I encountered that bitter truth at 34 & still living it & worry getting old with this disability. right now have hubby don't know what will happen to me if I ever have to live alone. I am sure kido will be busy in his own life. Even now he is more close to his dad than me 😞


    Sorry rambled on about my own fears.



  6. Nancy :


    I am hearing all this unnecessary deaths happening in NY,NJ in nursing homes, & my heart breaks knowing this could have been avoided deaths & are happening to vulnerable people who are at the mercy of healthcare workers at nursing homes. Not every caregiver is brave enough to bring their survivor back home. I know it must be so hard taking care of survivor who is stubborn & wouldn't follow instructions. wish you lot of strength to get through this difficult phase.



  7. Tracy :


    I know it feels very scary with al this uncertainty & not having any control over it feels disturbing. because of social distancing we have started weekly family zoom video conference call, yesterday was our first attempt at chaos family conference call lol.  my sister & I we both were saying nowadays every time you hear the news or hear someone coughing you start feeling pain in your throat  & feel like you are coming down with cold or something. sister in India has started cooking more  since she can't go out for her retail therapy anymore & her cooks  & other helpers r gone, so she has started cooking more  & found her outlet, she jokes what her husband couldn't achieve for so many years corona did it in few weeks, all her daughters & her all r busy inside home spending time with their family now. 


    anyway i was telling you all his funny family stories just to divert your mind. I find serenity prayers & good books are best resources for me when i feel out of control of sort.  & another thing I have noticed in my mind about my life whenever I am stressed about anything in my life, help always comes  through somewhere, so now I don't worry about anything. I just leave my worries in God who has carried me through last 50 years will carry me forward & I will just do my  job of enjoying my today now by making good choices in life for today. rest i will let God to worry about it




  8. Sarah :


    I  am glad you are keeping busy & going with flow, there is no point in resisting our now, we have to take care of what needs to be done now instead of thinking why this shouldn't be this way or that way. no point  in wasting time on it, its always better on how to solve present situation now. wishing you lot of strength in resolving all of your issues & I am so glad you have your good waitress friend with who you  can spend time with.








  9. Kevin :


    thats so great you did your blog on Wednesday as you promised yourself & your blog readers, I bet its fun for your nephew to help you in tractor chores I bet he is having blast & best spring vacation for him. As a long time survivor I can tell you one thing for sure, more you do easier it will get.




  10. Sue :


    that's so wonderful, I am glad you had fun wonderful experience with your cruise, Its good to do something you enjoy even if it means doing it alone. Even as married couple hubby & I don't share same interests, like watching movies together. I am still learning to find happiness in doing things alone too. he always says you need to find your own inner joy he cant be performing for me to find that joy lol. so i try to find movie he will like & watch with me & if its history or documentary it works for him & I am developing my interest in those movies too.






  11. Sarah :


    so sorry to hear sad news of Gary's passing. though thanks to you even with his severe disability he was able to live with you at home for almost 16 years.  wishing you strength  in this next phase of your life, you should give yourself few months time before doing any major changes in your life.




  12. kelli :


    I am glad you are fine & like I told you before looking good pinkish too. whole story you were describing & hospital you went in was where our son got in his first medical school acceptance though later he chose upitt medical college since it is one of the top 15 medical college. but resident,doctors, nurses running around to take care of patients reminded me my own hospital visit 16 years ago & ofcourse now i visualize our handsome son will be working as resident doctor in few years. BTW after all this melodrama did they finally realign your jaw so that you don't feel vertigo ever again lol.


    welcome back we all miss you including your boyfriend at home .

