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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Shanon : It's so good to read your blog & meet you yesterday. I feel the same way about my stroke & I know that makes life so easy. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    last weekend

    Katrina : I seriously feel you should watch your thoughts, they are lending you into panic attacks & other things. you can't give power of your happiness to outside world or your thoughts. you are enough & unless you find happiness with in you, you will remain powerless. hope you find joy in nature, yourself. Asha
  3. Fred : usually googling your problem symptom sometimes you do find solution though it's not right away. you have to go through period of frustration, trials & errors & begging your other nerd friends to come out & help you. Sometimes it works which makes you so happy & proud Asha
  4. Kelli : you married right guy. he is such a nice guy. hope you guys remain great friends for your son. enjoy your summer Asha
  5. I hate computers when they stop working the way they suppose to, but also when I am able to diagnose & fix the problem, it makes me feel so happy. ofcourse I needed help of another nerd to get me out of my computer not connecting to internet problem, but ofcourse I found the solution to fix the problem made me feel so good. I don't know how we lived before without google, internet, mobile & list goes on. time is just flying by I can't believe this will be our last summer before kido flies off to college. right now we are busy looking at all his college options & visiting colleges & learning about what is involved. Both of us have done our graduate studies in this country but have no idea how undergraduate admissions works so we both are learning faster. luckily I got my mom's genes so I ask ton of questions which saves us doing mistakes in this whole process. Though when I get overwhelmed by all this process I hand over to hubby & his cool & calm nature gets us out of my anxiety about whole process.So life goes on. This summer we are planning to go on cruise again & this is first time it will be just three of us no friends or family joining but usually you really don't need friends on cruise there is lot of things to keep yourself busy on it.So we are all looking forward to it. Asha
  6. Nancy : I am so happy for you,we all need some job or outside interaction with people to feel appreciated. Stay at mom & wife job also some days I feel is lowly appreciated, your appreciation comes when kids are succesful & happy in their life but before that only thing you get how mean you are from them lol Asha
  7. HostAsha


    Debbie : I am sure your retirement will be great for Bruce since you both will be together & will get to do more things together. make sure to do have fun things planned for debbie in there too otherwise you will feel burnt soon. glad Kira is still hanging in there & you all are getting chance to enjoy your time together. Asha
  8. HostAsha


    Rose: congratulations, with stroke you realize rome wasn't built in a day. & slow & steady wins the race. Asha
  9. Katrina : Make sure to have routine in your life like set days for exercises, set day for laundry & other things. once you start having routine in life you will feel less alone. That's what worked for me. Now I get upset when my routine is messed up lol Asha
  10. Sue : thanks for your update.It feels great to see life goes on with its own good & bad things. I am glad you are creating new place for yourself. I feel when we step out in the world good things happen, when we step out of our comfort zone we grow, and who knows what will come out of it hugs, Asha
  11. Fred : I am so happy for you, with attitude like that no wonder life is great for you. positivity attracts positivity in life. you are shining example of it. enjoy Asha
  12. HostAsha

    hubby home

    Lynn : thanks for update, I am glad every thing went so well. hopefully soon you will get into routine & able to relax. Asha
  13. Sue : I am so happy you had great vacation. I saw your fun filled picture on facebook. After every change life goes on & once we stopped resisting you might find out wow its better than you hoped. Enjoy your journey you deserve it. Asha
  14. Katrina : I am so happy for you. I am glad you chose to write good things about your life too along with bad. Since I know from experience not every day is bad day, there are good days sprinkled in there too, but when we focus on just bad we just ignore positivity in our life & take it for granted. which all of us survivors know first hand that those small things matter a lot in big scheme of things Asha
  15. Lenny : you are such a sweetheart no wonder your caregiver adores you. you both are lucky to have each other in their life. I a also lucky to have amazing caregiver my partner in crime in this life's journey. Asha
  16. Lenny : thanks for reminder & condolences on your friends passing. My biggest worry is also falling, but I feel I have no control over falling, even if I try to be careful, once you loose balance there is no way I can stop myself. So I choose to live day to day & not worry about future. If it happens I know I have family who will take care of me to best of their ability. Asha
  17. Debbie : you all are in my prayers, pet does become family member & loosing them is hard thing to go through. Asha
  18. For longest time I wondered why did I survive this stroke & what's my purpose here on earth. Yes I had young family so maybe I survived for them. But my husband is fiercely independent, So always thought survived for our young son since he needed his mom in many ways. hubby is good parent, but from time to time being together we make best parental unit. lately I have seen in so many instances I will be coming up with great ideas in regards to our son's future which are on the spot. Weird thing is that I can't even take credit for it, since idea will come up from nowhere in my head, and ofcourse since I feel so strongly about it I will act on it & things will turn out to be beneficial for our son. I believe in higher power in our life and way things are turning out for our son, I feel relieved & know that I can back off & stop worrying about our son. God has better plans for him. I can sit back relax & enjoy the ride. whatever will happen in our life will be for our good only. Asha
  19. Fred : I love your blogs, does your wife knows how much you love her & grateful for having her in your life. Just she being there with you in this post stroke journey has made you one happy man. I feel same way about my husband too. Enjoy your vegas vacation. Asha
  20. Tina : Belated happy Birthday. I love your blogs, your kindness, sense of humor shines through this blog hope you join our chat group in the afternoon & night more often. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved & I thought I would never find joy in living again. but thanks to having young son at home I found my joy again. Today he is young adult teenager I am proud of. today after 10 years on this post stroke journey I view my stroke as just speed bump in my journey it slowed me down to appreciate small things along the way. I am sure with attitude like yours I bet you will be do great. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    quick entry

    Lynn : thanks for your update. life is full of ups and downs. Sorry for his parents passing, congrats on new bundle of joy & good luck with husband's heart surgery. Asha
  22. Sandy : congratulations to you and Bob. both of your hard work paid off. every stroke is so different. for me reading books & library saved me from dark misery I felt after stroke. I bet for Both of you his reading is important. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    all by myself

    Katrina : I am glad you are doing ok. BTW maybe you should time yourself of electronic usage. & try going out for a walk for 30 mins sunlight & nature is low hanging fruits of getting happiness. watch birds people while walking its fun. you are fortunate to have caring dad, omething to be greatful about.
  24. Ruth : I am amazed by you all caregivers. you are so organized & got everything down to the T no wonder survivors under your care thrive in their recovery. Asha
  25. Yvonne & Fred : yes you both are. I still think those earlier days when looking back to my past was making me depressed for what I lost & looking forward in future was causing anxiety thinking how my life will turn out with this disability. When I was able to stay in present and take one day at a time life became easier. Now I feel like I belong to your gladiator club too Asha