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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Fred : enjoy your summer. We are looking forward to our summer Asha
  2. Sandy : I so know this is so frustrating thats's why sometimes I am glad its me who is survivor & not caregiver. I don''t have patience of saint which is required when you are dealing with govermental agencies. I hope & pray things will work out for you. I will still advocate writing letter to IRS explaining your situation while mailing your check& it might work.I have seen my husband dealing with all these goverment agencies. he is one persistent fellow, without him it would be so hard to get any of my rightful benefits Asha
  3. today heard this title line. Ït takes courage to believe best is yet to come"". Specially believing this when you are going through tough time. but looking back in my life I have become believer in that line. I wasted countless months and hours crying about how my stroke ruined my life & I have nothing to live for. had it not been my hubby's strength & our son I would have given up long time back. I am so thankful for them both.I didn't have any courage to believe something good will come out of this shitty event, and thankfully today I can look back & realize depth & truth in that statement. hope you find value in that statement too. once you have that courage journey becomes very easy. So I feel believing in that line gives you strength to get through your tough day today. Asha
  4. Sandy : in doubt of things google is my friend even after consulting experts. sometimes they will answer to questions asked & ofcourse being novice in the field we don't ask right questions to get more detailed info from them. I drive my husband & kido to wall by asking lot of questions. I don't like to assume so I always ask questions hubby feels I ask questions for sake of asking questions lol thats his viewpoint. I ask because I did not understood something. I am sorry you have to learn hard way this lesson, but now you will be able to help some one else if they decide to file extention on filing late taxes. But I think writing letter to IRS explaining your situation you should be able to waive penalties. call them & explain your situation. you never know they might waive penalties & interest. no harm in calling if they say yes & waive it you saved money, if no then its alright than nothing lost Asha
  5. Katrina : your blog made my day & wow you already organized your apartment too, no wonder you are up so late, so much to do around home. BTW Katrina I learnt hard way that when I keep routine in my life like waking up on certain time& following schedule I feel better. BTW also include exercise in your daily routine it makes you feel much better go out for walk enjoy nature while walking. I have my routine of doing exercise on monday,tues,thursday & friday Wednesday is break day for my muscles & so is I do my laundry, cleaning, vegetable chopping & other things which is required to run the household. keep routine, go out for walk, & remember nothing lasts forever, so when feeling down realize its just feeling be with it & let it pass. realize this shall pass too. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    HI ALL

    Bob L thanks for update I am glad you are enjoying your new place. Asha
  7. Fred : I use window 7 though I am sure microsoft word document has spell checker in it. have you tried F7 key. usually thats the one for spell checking in microsoft word document. BTW for me any time I get stuck on doing something google is my best friend. Hope you can join chatroom soon. every one will be benefited with your wisdom. BTW easy way to spell check now in window 7 & up is when there is error in your spelling it will get underlined with red line. just go over it & right click over it you will get pop window with all right spelling suggestions, click on the one which is right & vola you got your spell check Asha
  8. Tina : Such a beautiful church community you have. with support like that moving is hard thing to do. I am sure you will pay it forward. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    deal breaker

    Nancy : why not try something online work from home. I would assume all business owners will want dependable employee, hope you find something Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Back from UNC

    Katrina : I am glad you were at hospital & it happened at-least you will get your answers now. BTW I strongly feel thinking about seizures are causing those panic attacks so you have to start watching your thoughts. will look forward to those pictures, & once you move you better not complain about so much work involved when living alone lol Asha
  11. hi Rose : reading your blogs made me so happy. I can tell you this from my personal experience. more you will do it for yourself & your family easier it will get & faster it will become. I find cooking, cleaning anything I can do for myself & my family serves two fold purpose it makes me feel useful & it is one less of work for hubby to worry about or do. Soon you will get used to this new normal & won't feel bad about your life. Asha
  12. Debbie : Happy Birthday to Bruce & post pictures if you can. I am always amazed how much you do with Bruce, no wonder Bruce is progressing well. Asha
  13. Mike : I am so sorry for your loss. Your Bernie was one lucky lady to have you in her life. my thoughts & prayers go out for you. hope you are able to connect back with your old friends in chatroom. Asha
  14. I don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I have never made any future plans for my life. always have done at the time. you can say I have always flown with flow without doing big planning. I don't even know what I am passionate about. when I was student I was busy in studies, when working was busy in work now I am mom & wife so busy in my mom & wife duties. Some days are better in fulfillment department when he is not fighting with me & doing right things, some days are frustrating but the day he behaves as model child I forget those frustration. in a year he will fly away from nest & I am wondering what will I do to keep myself happy & busy. I don't know what I want to do when I grow up lol. life has its own ups and down. some days has its inconveniences but I feel fortunate got hubby to get us out of muck. like recently our toilet flooded which causes leakage in our laundry room. Though in time of crisis kido was by my side in clean up department. Since it is not easy doing clean up job with just one hand so he was my helper. hubby is taking care of getting damage fixed so I feel greatly blessed and supported in those moments. Now we have started visiting colleges for our son so I feel I better start finding something meaningful for my life again. Though at this time being stay at home mom has its benefits since I am busy taking care of house duties & taking care of our son. I feel having parent home when they are teenager is much more important than when they were young. but once they flow out of nest it will be their choices & consequences. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    the idle mind

    katrina : best of luck you will be in my prayers, good luck for your test & enjoy your new apartment start renovating once you come back from your tests. Asha
  16. Sue: I am so happy that your son came & help around the house, is best feeling in the world when our kids take out time & help us out. our teenage son just helped me clean up flooded bathroom. It feels so great when he does that I don't feel scared & alone & feel strong that we will be able to handle things together if dad is not around. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    Small goals paying off

    Jamie : wow looks like things are falling into place & in no time you will be up & running your own business. Being boss of your own business you can decide & change & make it work. add more items or eventually hire help once it starts growing. wish you all the success. Doing something we like to do get us out of bed & keeps person happy. So happy & proud of you Asha
  18. Sandy : :congrats: I love to celebrate my stroke anniversary as our valentine's date, hubby usually take a day off & we do something special. I feel I realized & saw it first hand how much he loves me since he is man of few words & shows his love through actions which I failed to understand since my love language is different than his. Its sad that I had to suffer stroke to see this, but I still feel greatful for stroke to be able to see it, its better late than never to see it. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    Hi Again!

    Cathy : I enjoy reading your blogBTW before realizing my stroke as just speed bump in my life's journey I went through severe depression after loosing of my job &ofcourse feeling worthless. I questioned who am I, if I am not Asha Software Engineer who made big fat paycheck then who I am, & what's the point of surviving & become burden on my family. Thanks to support of my amazing husband & our young son I found my purpose in living again. Though after struglling in the begining when if I am not getting ready for work then why get out of bed. So I have created myself routine for myself which helps me look forward to my day. my routine is mundane but it works for me, like I exercise M,T then wednesday is my break day where I catch up on my laundry & other house duties & again thursday, friday exercise. I have found blogging and chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul. Also writing 5 things to be greatful in my gratitude journal helps me. So there you have all my secret now. BTW I am originally from India but have settled in USA for last 20 years. Asha
  20. Faith : it takes solid few years to find & appreciate that new normal, once you find that new normal life becomes joyful again. I am glad you are enjoying & appreciating your new normal & creating beautiful new picture after original one broke after stroke. It's good to be in that serene place where you realize there is life after stroke not good or bad just different than you envisioned before. Asha
  21. Terry : glad everything went well for dad. except going for baby delivery hospital visits r never fun Asha
  22. Katrina : taking iron alone causes constipation so doctor usually suggest to take magnesium with it. I am glad your doctor agrees with your research. usually informed patient is better advocate for his care. Asha
  23. Fred : love your grateful attitude no wonder u r still happy puppy & fun to be around. Asha
  24. Katrina : this blog was such a breath of fresh air. I hope you are able to keep upbeat sprits about everything in life & not worry yourself sick with seizures &bring on anxiety attacks. just go with flow & believe that God is in your side & whatever is happening in your life there is some thing big present is going to come out of the big or small trouble. if trouble is big then blessing will be big. That's how I operate in my life. Asha
  25. Katrina : I don't think God has time for small people on earth. things just happens bad or good, when it is good we have no trouble accepting & enjoying it the minute something bad happens we start asking why me question & trying to find some one to blame. I feel there just laws put on earth & I believe in God giving us strength to get through difficult times. read other views of other religions too. For me I have cocktails of spiritual beliefs whatever gives me comfort which can be in any religion I believe in those beliefs. Asha