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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Nancy : I am so sorry about Dan's diahhera, but you you got great attitude towards it, with caregivers like you us survivors are still here. hope you telling Dan how he might have picked up that bug will might make him stop do those silly things. praying for better days ahead Asha
  2. Katrina : I posted comment on your last post. I have no idea on things you are going through right now, scares me. I will keep you in my prayers that you find right doctor & treatment for what you are going through right now. I know its not easy. hugs Asha
  3. Kelly : I am glad you are okay & its just giving up of chocolates, which is any way good. Asha
  4. Katrina : Maybe you should look into volunteer position or build your own business where you can do things based on your schedule. ofcourse building business from scratch is hard & has its own headaches. I have realised in life nothing worth fighting is easy Asha
  5. Katrina : BTW I feel you need to be thankful to wherever you are at the present moment instead of wishing something else since when we do that we are not enjoying your present moment which is the only thing guaranteed. when you were working you were missing staying home & not doing anything & now when you are doing that you are missing working. So see the pattern & try to be present in your present moment. I am giving you this advice but I know I need to do same thing. I strongly believe in watching your thoughts, since our thoughts becomes our reality so try to think only positive things. Asha
  6. Sally : we miss you in chat, but if you are busy & in good place we are more than happy for you. hope you can join sometimes in chatroom when you have time. hugs, Asha
  7. Cindy : I am so glad you went & Mike joined you too. you did the right thing just because other person is sick or disabled can't keep you hostage. you are in my thoughts & prayers Asha
  8. happy valentine Day Fred, enjoy your vacation with your wife doctors will eventually figure it out & fix you till then enjoy your day to fullest with your wife by your side. Asha
  9. Lenny : couldn't agree with you more. I know my husband who never comes on this site but really I learn a lot from other caregivers blogs on this site. I feel all caregivers are angels in disguise, and without them we would not have recovered as much we did. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    BAD WEEK!!!!

    cindy : please accept my condolences for your loss. I pray God gives you strength to handle what has been put on your plate. you will get through this just take one day at a time. Asha
  11. Fred : Its so good to see your blog I know we both are very close in our decade old survivorship & we both survived for a reason. glad you never gave up on finding your soulmate & I am glad you finally found it. please keep us updated when your health allows you to do so. Asha
  12. Sue : your blogs are so honest it make me realize how my mother sometimes must feel without my dad. though I am so happy for you that you had such a close connection with Ray for 45 years. its so sweet to have that kind of love for your partner. something to aspire for Asha
  13. Sandy : OMG I am so sorry for this mess. you will be in my thoughts & prayers. hope & pray you get help from your friends & family in this cleaning project. Asha
  14. Katrina : be kind tto yourself & all we can do is play hand we r dealt to best of your ability. you will find cause for your seizures but till them start being happy in the present moment since nothig is guaranteed in life. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Some changes

    Debbie : fortunately I don't have any cognitive deficits, though since my right brain was involved doctors tested me thorougly. but I can tell you from survivor point of view more my husband trusted me with my abilities better I did with my recovery. just a thought. Asha
  16. Sue : I am glad you are back, I never anticipate good or bad times, I have always gone with flow. though now knowing bad times so up close & personal I appreciate & recognize good times & try to enjoy them knowing this shall pass too. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    looking back

    we will celebrating my 10th stroke anniversary & valentine day on Feb 8th. It has been long road, but I so want to tell that distraught Asha at the beginning of my post stroke journey that please don't be so hard on yourself things will get better. I am so thankful for having amazing hubby & young son & my whole family who rallied around me & helped me pick up pieces of my life. I am so thankful for my own impatient nature which helped me fuel do more things for myself & our family. & best of all amazing caregiver who was infinitely patient with me who allowed me to get frustrated & do things my way single handedly & will only help if I ask him for help. I know sometimes it is so easy to do things yourself than have patience to let one handed person stumble & take twice as much time & do the job. & ofcourse more I do things around house faster I get. Usually I have zero patience with hubby when he is trying to help me & do things in kitchen which takes him longest time lol. Even though right now I am also dealing with foot & toe problems right now which is causing leg too sensitive to walk on So today not feeling very upbeat about my post stroke journey, but at-least what I have learnt in these years that tomorrow is another day & I will find a way & this shall pass too. So life goes on. I still can't believe kido is already junior & in a year will be flying away from nest. I am so thankful that my illness didn't become obstacle in his life path, actually it has made him compassionate & caring teenager on most of the days, ofcourse some days he does get horns on his head & I sit back & think man this day will pass too & soon he will be gone & I will miss these days too lol. anyway I just feel so grateful to have this site & dear friends I made on this site who never made me feel alone & friendless on my journey. I so want all newbies who are just starting on this journey to know life will be great once again it will be different but good nonetheless This year for our stroke anniversary I have asked hubby to plan it. So I am sure we both are going to have fun together. Asha .
  18. Sally : 6 days or 6 weeks winter is going to end eventually is my mantra. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    It's been a while...

    Jamie : glad you blogged I wondered about you. I guess foot problem is in season, I myself am battling it & praying it will go away soon. Asha
  20. Fred : feel better soon, you will be in my prayers, we will be waiting eagerly for your return Asha
  21. Lenny : congratulations. I feel you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. Asha
  22. sally lol. you sound like my husband & no it does not help lol. maybe I said georgia when I meant Atlanta. though I have excuse of stroke which has damaged my brain lol though according to bubby I had same issues with geography & direction even prestroke so can't use that excuse Asha Asha
  23. Maria : thank you so much for your kind words, somehow every one loves my husband more than me their own friend, even my good friends of-course I am not complaining but I am jealous though I feel lucky & fortunate married great guy Asha
  24. wow Katrina : great news your post gives hope to so many of us who have lost that faith & don't do anything with our affected hand. so I am glad since you never quit on it & keep on working on it, it is finally waking up, start using it more Asha
  25. HostAsha

    good days

    Katrina : I am so glad you posted positive things about your life too. I am big believer in positive thinking. I like to post positive things about my life cause I feel when I post good things about my life it doubles my joy & I don't take them for granted & get to enjoy them more. I feel sometimes in fast pace of life you take too many simple things for granted I know I did that prestroke. not going to do that again so I am more into posting good things about my life. I am so happy for you keep those exercises going it will make you feel better. Asha