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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Sally : hope heating pads & ice-packs would heal your back soon. till then take it easy. I know pain is no fun. sometimes my leg will become very sensitive & its so hard to walk on those days. but tomorrow is another day hope you feel better soon. Asha
  2. Sandy : thats such a great news. I did not have cognative deficits, but I thrived on encouragement I got after I accomplished something in rehab & at home. though unfortunately my hubby is man of few words, but I took hint from Sue's blogs that if I can do something at home than its one less thing for hubby to do it. so that gave me drive & push to do more for our family. Asha
  3. Sue : wish you happy, healthy & Prosperous New year. your blog has nailed it what I feel about my life. I was reading Jean's blog & loved her new resolution for new year which is seek contentment & I am planning to make that as my new year resolution too. I constantly feel other than family I don't have great set of friends I can depend on. So always feel I need to work on that part of my life. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    hanging in there

    Nancy : Happy New Year to you & stop living in fear of other shoe. I feel positive thoughts attract positivity in life Asha
  5. Lenny : thank you for your kind wishes I wish same for you & every one on this site Asha
  6. Leah : Wish you the same love Asha
  7. Sandy : wishing you & Bob Happy, healthy & prosperous New year. Asha
  8. Carol : Happy New year & Happy homecoming. you are so right about how blessed you are. Not every one in life gets this many chances. Hope to see you soon in our afternoon chats. you were missed sorely. hugs, Asha
  9. Sally : wishing you happy, healthy & prosperous New year too, Asha
  10. Lenny : we have taken similar cruise though our third port was victoria, it was great vacation. you will enjoy it. have a great trip. you are so lucky married great woman. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    71 !

    David : Happy Birthday & enjoy each day to your fullest. none of us know when our time will come, but when it does come you know you have done your best & enjoyed. Asha
  12. HostAsha


    Rose : your post reminds me of my beginning days of therapy. I am now close to 10 years on this post stroke journey & I can tell you walking has become second nature to me & have not to think about all things involved in it any more. I feel for me treadmill therapy has helped big time. Asha
  13. Katrina : please take my words as advice from older sister & not as criticisim since I know I have struggled with same emotions & finally realizing happiness is a choice & if u always think about what others think about you or your situation you will be never happy why give away such a powerful emotions at someone's else mercy when it is completely under your control. you are worth it & its nothing to do with what you do or how much you bring in. you are worth it cause you are still here and making difference in people's lives. God can't come down on earth to show you that. your job is still not done on earth so instead of sulking start enjoying every day that is given to you. Asha
  14. HostAsha


    Leah : Merry christmas & wish you happy, healthy & Prosperous New year Asha
  15. Cindy : wishing you same Asha
  16. HostAsha


    same to you Sally Asha
  17. Bill : wish you the Same Merry Christmas & happy, healthy & Prosperous New year Asha
  18. Carol : you know you are in our constant prayers for good recovery . wish you Merry Christmas Asha
  19. Rose : Merry Christmas to you & happy holidays to you. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Elves and Hawks

    Debbie : simple things in life bring in so much joy in life. enjoy & have a Merry Christmas & Happy New year. Asha
  21. hi rose : welcome to our wonderful blog community. first few years are hardest, but you will see stroke recovery is not a sprint its marathon. things will improve over the years, and I am sure slowly you will be able to take over your responsibilities from hubby & life will be easier for both of you. Asha
  22. Fred : We got snow earlier & tomorrow it's going to be 70 degree. So no snow on ground by christmas day. Enjoy your holidays with your family & wishing you happy, healthy & Prosperous New year. Asha
  23. Lenny : wow thats nice our snow on ground will be melted by Christmas day, but we got to enjoy before that which was good & holidays spending with family brings so much time during holidays. So wishing you Merry christmas & Happy, healthy & Prosperous New year Asha
  24. Whenever I talk with my old college friend here in US it always ends up with discussion on destiny & choice topic. Both of us are firm believer in our views. She is firm believer in destiny & me in choices, I strongly feel choices we make in our life creates your destiny & she like lot of Indian people and believes who believes in destiny & astrology. She thinks if it is bad phase in your life you will make wrong choices in life. I am firm believer in doing right things & good & bad happens in every one's life & I feel by taking responsibility for my actions good or bad I am able to move on with life. I don't know may be taking responsibility for my actions is making me feel I am in control of my life where as usually everything is predestined & we are just puppets. I don't know I am so confused. so was just wonderng what are your views on this. Asha
  25. Kelly : I had same complaints about hubby that he would never even come on this site & was critical of me needing this support group till we both realized we all are different & have different way of needing support or coping mechanism. It does not make him wrong or right, its just different. & what I understood after 20+ years of marriage you can't change a person, you can change only yourself & happiness is my choice. I feel at the end of the day peace & happiness like God is our goal how we reach to that goal like different religion path is really immaterial. hope you understand that & start writing 5 things about him u love every night. & you will see there is no conflict. He is great man &is by your side in sickness & in health. Asha