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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Sally : I sent her chat link & she said her rehab computer does not allow her to login to chat since it does not have java & won't allow it to download. So hopefully you & I will update others about her after talking to her Asha
  2. HostAsha

    WHAT ??

    Nancy : I pray tomorrow which is today will be better day for you Asha
  3. Sue : I firmly believe in God's plan in our life specially when things don't go according to pur plan, I feel God has better plan for us, I am sure your future garden will be beautiful than your earlier one. & given choice you would not have destroyed your old garden. So trust in God's plan for you & plant new beautiful garden for you. It will keep you busy & happy when it blooms. Asha
  4. HostAsha


    Debbie : reading yours & collen's blogs made me realize my problems are so minor compared to what you all are dealing with but ofcourse to me at the time felt like end of world lol. I feel even ashamed to blog about it now lol. I never thought downside of organized person. post stroke I am becoming organized person but I still usually go with flow & always thank God for making chips fall right way in our life I am so happy Bruce was not hurt & you learnt from the incident, at the end of the day as long as we learn from our mistakes then every experience counts in enriching our life. Asha
  5. Terry : congratulations on those 30 years of journey together, bet you both have gone through lot together & I am sure your marriage must be rock solid right now. Enjoy your cruise & update your pictures Asha
  6. HostAsha


    Nancy : reading all you caregivers blogs it always make me realize its not easy being caregiver. though I can also imagine how frustrating it must be for Dan, no one like to be incontinent & be burden on some one else. though having understanding caregiver makes huge difference in survivors mood. I am glad you guys talked about it afterwards that must have made Dan so happy & grateful to have you by his side in this post stroke journey. I know it is not easy to be around someone when they r all stinking. Asha
  7. Fred : glad you both enjoyed your vacation & ofcourse when you win its more fun. so glad you had good time Asha
  8. HostAsha


    Debbie & Bruce : Happy Anniversary to both of you. you both sounds so content & happy May you have many more fun filled years to celebrate. Asha
  9. HostAsha


    Katrina : so happy to see this blog. keep positive thoughts going on. positivity brings on positivity & happiness back in life Asha
  10. Sally : this is such a great news. She is quite poster child. I wish her nothing but health, happiness for her life Asha
  11. Sally : thats great thinking, people who can think outside of box are so self sufficient like my hubby. Asha
  12. Sue : I understand what you are going through, sending you lot of love. I think having routine in life & volunteering at places which are dear to you will help & ofcourse having pet wil be great idea. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    brick wall

    In life we all get brick walls in our path. I loved Randy Pausch( author of last lecture & professor at Carnegie melon)'s take on it. Brick wall is there to stop other people not to you. It is there to make you realize how badly you want something. If you want something bad enough you will preserve & find way around it. I know every time in my life post stroke when I face brick wall & get frustrated I remember those wise words & keep on fighting to my way around it based on how badly I want something. Post stroke there r lot of small frustrations like opening that jar bottle or trying to figure out how to remove those pesky ads which blocks my browser. I know I know it is not big deal, but when its happening to you its very annoying. Yes I am very thankful in my life to have these stupid problems compared to what lot of others are facing here, but its still annoying nonetheless, & I g struggle with it & get frustrated, but thanks to this new coping mechanism I get strength to persevere based on what thing it is.I just wanted to share this wonderful coping mechanism which allows you to not give up & keep on preserving Asha
  14. HostAsha

    No answers

    Katrina : I know this has to be so frustrating. but keep preserving, and you will find right doctor with right diagnosis. I know saying is easy, but doing is hard. I will keep you in my prayers to get right solutions to your troubles.
  15. Sally : Thanks again. please keep us updated about her progress. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    another poem

    Katrina : I so agree with Fred & Yvonne, don't let others opinions about your condition steal your joy, what do they know about your journey to make such stupid comments. you have come so far in your journey & God works mysterious way. you are still here for a reason & not as punishment. So march on & make best life for your life. Asha
  17. Cindy : so happy for u both & this made my day today. tell Mike to practice it every day if he really wants to play that guitar. I feel we always have brick wall in our path brick wall are not there to stop you, its there so that you know how badly you want things behind that brick wall. if you want badly enough you will find way to go around that brick wall. I am so happy Mike found way around brick wall. Asha
  18. Sue : The area you live sounds so beautiful, hope we can visit you some time in future. you are blessed to have great family & friends Asha
  19. HostAsha

    About Carol

    thanks sally : I was jut thinking about her & looking for her number to give her call. hopefully find it & will give her call tomorrow afternoon. please let us know her new numbers when sje moves to new place. Asha
  20. Ruth : you got great routine & keeps every one busy & happy. Asha
  21. same to you Sally enjoy your day Asha
  22. vyonne : happy thanksgiving to you, I am so happy that you guys could do something good for other person. even after our adversity we still have lot to be grateful for. Asha
  23. thanks sally : I am so happy for carol. she is fighter. amazing woman Asha
  24. Leah : happy thanksgiving to you. hope & pray you get back on that horse again & keep on riding. I understand sometimes life is not easy, but we have ti make best out of each day given to us. Asha
  25. Cat : I exactly understand where you are coming from & still feel guilt of not doing right thing with my dad. please listen to all wonderful suggestions you got wish I had all these friends back in my time of need. do the right thing so when you look back in your life you won't have that guilt gnawing your heart. you are in my prayers. loved sue's thoughts. Asha