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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Carolf Update

    Sally : thanks, I was wondering about her. so glad you were able to update us. tell her she is in our constant prayers & we miss her in our afternoon chats. Asha
  2. HostAsha


    Ben : I hope you post here too along with our since unless you remind me I will not go there to read your blog there. but as you know blogging writing & reading very therapeutic for one's soul. & I have learned & grown more from reading & writing blogs. Asha
  3. hey moonstone : just hang in there, stroke affects whole family, but in my post stroke journey what I learnt is nothing lasts forever good times or bad times & sometimes it helps big time to take just one day at a time, sometimes just one moment at a time Asha
  4. Fred : you are valued member of our blog world & we love to have your wisdom around. I remember I felt so lost as newbie when I joined this site & without mentors like you, Sue,Jean I would not have been able to cross that darkest tunnel of my life. Ihope as your health permits you still guide those newbies who might be joining our site. Asha
  5. Jamie : you are such a great writer. reading this blog I felt as if I am reading my own thoughts. I know I have struggled with change my stroke brought in my life & went through heavy depression cause I wanted to open the closed door & won't even appreciate open window in my life Asha
  6. Sue I think joining singing group is great idea. I know at its root we all human being want to belong somewhere. I know I am still trying to find great girlfriends who I can hang out without my family. Asha
  7. HostAsha


    Julie : I feel caregivers are angels here on earth & I am so gld Larry is able to tell youhis appreciation for all you do for him & your family. Asha
  8. Katrina : you need vacation. so take a vacation to break out your job monotony & go home for vacation & see how you like it before making any drastic decisions will keep you in my prayers. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    almost three months

    olga : welcome therapeutic world of blogging. its just 3 months give yourself time to adjust to this sudden change in your life. BTW start making small goals for yourself & start allocating enough time to finish it. stroke recovery is not a sprint. it is marathon. & worrying about things not going to help. Asha
  10. Nancy : I so agree with Sue. hope you have better days ahead. Asha
  11. Julie : I am so happy that you both had great time meeting Larry's old friends. & left early to enjoy your game & food at home smart move. Asha
  12. hi Mary Jo : I am so happy for you, you did right thing & I am sure Dan is smiling from above. Asha
  13. between two of us hubby is better parent, he has better control on kido where as I do daily management of providing food & making sure he is doing his job right. So I am mostly nagger making sure he has done his homework & prepared for his upcoming tests. My mom thinks that parents play very pivotal role in children's lives, so I guess if your kids are doing well than as as a parent you have done good job of raising them, & if not than you failed as a parent. versus hubby think very differently about it. he was like as a parent you are just dog underneath bullock cart. bulls are the one doing job, you as a dog underneath r just making sure they are on right track. you are not the one doing any workload. just keeping eye on bulls that they r following right path. I love hubby's theory it relieves me from pressure of what if kido did bad on his test than I failed our family lol I know its extreme. but I m happy being just dog underneath bullock cart making sure bulls r on right path lol, so yes sometimes I m pain to kido but seeing him on right path does make me happy. so if you see me barking in chatroom don't be alarmed lol Asha
  14. Sue : I am sending you lot of virtual hugs, just heard something very wise & going to implement in my life, when going through those blah feelings just say thank you for knowing every cloud has rainbow. isn't it great that you still got good friends you could ring to & get some comfort in knowing you are doing right things with your reconstruction projects. I am sure it will look better than before when it will be done Asha
  15. routine normal day are good to have, wishing you many more. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    I'm Engaged

    hey Bill : thats great news congratulations to lovebirds. I am so happy for you in price of 1 you got bud also great friend. please keep us updated on your wedding plans. Asha
  17. lenny : I am glad you are enjoying world series, good luck for your team Asha
  18. not much is going on in chandra's household except school, exams & birthday celebration. no big AHA moments either just routine. though I am grateful for my routine life, we all are healthy, happy & enjoying amazing fall colors. kido is very busy with his SATs & school load, since he is driving usually he takes me to his classes & activities. today hubby & I rook part in walkathon for American heart & stroke association. It was fun walk. nobody was running it was peaceful enjoyable walk in park, which we finished in an hour & as a group had raised enough money for stroke association. my birthday is coming up fast since it is falling on weekend, hubby is planning to take working day off so I guess will be celebrating 2 days. some days when everybody is behaving feel so blessed.
  19. katrina : congratulations on your stroke anniversary. I am glad you are still here among us & been inspiration to so many people Asha
  20. Fred : good to see you back & blogging again. things change in our life & we try to adapt to best possible way we can. glad you got your angel wife & that dog which gives you company. Asha
  21. Sandy : once you start living your normal life after all therapies are done then real emotional & physical healing starts. encourage bob to do more for himself & in the house. more he will contribute in family dynamics better he will feel above his life. invest in treadmill & stationary bike & make him do all exercises at home & make those part of his routine. once you start living you realize there is life after stroke too and that too good one. Asha
  22. HostAsha


    hey Joan : welcome to best online support group & wonderful world of blogging. you are quite fighter & inspirational, also blessed to have wonderful family & friends by your side to come out of that tunnel. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    first day at the gym

    David : you have such a great attitude about everything in life. I strongly believe its not circumstances that defines the person its how you react to it define you as a person. Asha
  24. Sue : its so sweet you are still dancing with grandkids the way you danced with Ray nice. want to be that kind of grandma when I will become. Asha