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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Remember me??

    mc : thanks for update I was missing our chats on yahoo & on SN. I really pray your son gets some wisdom that mom is adult & can make her own decisions which can be good or bad but she wil lbe responsible for its consequences, since he is not taking care of his mom anyways. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Remember me??

    mc : thanks for update I was missing our chats on yahoo & on SN. I really pray your son gets some wisdom that mom is adult & can make her own decisions which can be good or bad but she wil lbe responsible for its consequences, since he is not taking care of his mom anyways. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    My Personal Best

    Dave : that's amazing. you are quite inspiration. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    A Stroke Is No Joke!

    hey Fred : hope & pray you feel better soon, and with right therapy back in action again. Asha
  5. Katrina : I am so glad you are ok after accident. I also got hit by car while walking on walkway. luckily no injury for me too though body ached for couple of days due to the fact how I must have went down on floor. I also agree with debbie about taking any rash decision after your accident. give yourself time to get over your whyme phase. based on all the things all of us gone through its safe to assume our job on earth is not done yet.So just keep on trusting God that something good will come out of this new ordeal even though you can't see it right now Asha
  6. Stingray : you are so right. I felt my real recovery began after I came home & started reclaiming my life back which included going on vacations, interacting with people, taking care of my family. those all things added up to have fulfilled life. thats what I was trying to say i my comment, accepting & moving on with your life is not defeat. It is win over adversity in my mind. Asha Asha
  7. kelly : Jamie describedmy feelings to . I decided I am not going to spend my time, money & life looking & running after cure on how to use my left hand. I decided I will start living with just one hand & when my left hand decides to come back I will use it, but till then I am not going to run after therapy & miss enjoying my present moment. & I don't care what others thinks as giving up or whatever. I can't let stroke take any of my joy it had already taken from our family. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    just checking in...

    Nancy : I am so happy for you both finally some peace. enjoy Asha
  9. HostAsha


    Sue : I know its scary feelings sometimes when we try to look too far in future & make ourselves sick with worries of whatifs. but I know this you are stronger than you think you are & God will provide you that inner strength & people in your life to get through whatever will come your way. just go with flow is my motto. yes you stay prepared for worst but then expect best & then go with flow. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    OK! I'm back!

    Sally : so happy to see you back, we missed you in our chats. good luck with all new learning. Asha
  11. Katrina : glad you are home with family to take care of you. I hope & pray you never get any seizures & can go on with your life. Asha
  12. Sue : welcome back, I missed you around here. I can imagine how hard it must be to rebuild your new life without Ray, but its good to have your children & grandchildren around you to make life interesting. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Burn Out

    Debbie : wow I just got tired reading your chores & things to do. I guess no wonder I was not organized person prestroke you end up doing lot more chores lol. now post stroke I believe plan it & then just go with flow with how things unfold. Asha
  14. Katrina : just hang on for little while longer & don't make any hasty decision to retreat & then later regret when all this seizures dust settles down. good luck with your test & will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. Asha
  15. HostAsha


    Nancy : thats great. I am so glad you are settling nice into your new home & got good neigbhours too. Asha
  16. Leah : thank you for blogging. I do wonder from time to time how my friends are doing in their post stroke life. I think there must be some option you ca set it in facebook so that it does not send you notification. I will let you know if I find out how to turn off those things Asha
  17. Julie : that sounds so serene & wonderful. being out in nature is best medicine for the soul. Asha
  18. since this is my blog I am going to write about myself. I have been on this post stroke journey close to 9+ years now and I can still look back & see how far I have come in my post stroke journey. I know how bad & frustrated I felt right after my stroke when I would mess up simple things I could do before. I felt like huge failure when I would misplaced simple things around the house. I spent lot of time in the beginning looking for phone, keys or anything which was in my hand. It used to be so frustrating in the beginning, since I was not used to living in this 2 handed world with just 1 hand. & hated that internal voice who always said yes u r such a looser can't keep track of simple things in life. anyway fast-forward to 9+ years & I have become pro in compensating & doing things with just one hand. Being mom of teenager & having zero patience for waiting for someone to come & help me, I find lot of work around to get job done around house which includes cooking., cleaning & all other jobs in running household. recently I found a way around to make baked ziti on my own without any one's help. for me draining pasta with just one hand used to be very difficult now I found way, made me so happy. over the years my right hand has become very strong & I can easily carry 1-2 gallon with my right hand. in the beginning my right hand used to shake, shiver & drop those heavy things, not anymore. So feeling very happy & proud of myself about how I have made best lemonade possible for our family after our adversity.
  19. Sandy : Bob is so lucky to have diligent caregiver who is providing him all tools to get better. with all this hardwork he is going to get better only Asha
  20. Debbie : if you have room in the house then time to get treadmill or stationary bike for bruce. since I am up from 6 am. I watch TV too but that while doing my treadmill & bike so its my therapy time in the morning. I feel doing those exercises has kept me happy & healthy. Asha
  21. Kelly : God's works mysterious way. its big lesson to learn when we get frustrate over some things that something better is going to come out of this misery even though we don't seem to see at the time. Asha
  22. HostAsha


    Debbie : its amazing how much caregiver has to plan when going with their survivor with disability. hats off to you for attempting thiese vacations with Bruce. I am sure it wil get easier as more time goes on Asha
  23. HostAsha

    tired with my boots

    David : baby steps, rome wasn't built in a day. slowly build your strength & endurance.Things will improve it just takes time. keep on rebuilding your post stroke life again with all things you can still do. Asha
  24. School started for us and since its his junior year kido is busiest than ever before. Though lot of things are added in his plate. Now I am meeting lot of his friends who are girls, this chapter is new for me, but ofcourse its sweet too. girls used to be pain before not anymore. I used to know all his friends parents before since we used to meet at recreation games. now have to find way to meet all this girls parents too. Recently hubby & I stained our deck, we did it after 10 years, and I can see I helped quite good since I still have body pain for last 2 days after doing the labor intensive 8 hour work. I thought I have always helped in hubby's outdoor projects, I guess I was just ballboy back then since never had this much body ache compared to this time lol. but anyways I can't believe in just 2 years we will be empty nester & I will have to find some other great purpose in my life. though on bad days of raising teenager I take solace knowing this shall pass too & he will be gone in 2 years lol. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    Tough week

    Judy : you and Oliver in my thoughts & prayers. Asha