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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. wow kevin :


    great job on your first blog all goals accomplished, it will be easier if you create new blog for your every new entry instead of adding into same blog, since we don't realize if somone just adds the comment, but new blog gets publishes & people get to read it.




  2. kevin :


    welcome to wonderful & therapeutic world of blogging. you will see huge benefits of logging like I discovered for myself which has made me blog junkie.  I feel this site & blogging played huge role in my life in getting rid of my depression. Happy New year & I am planning to do good things jar this year, it will be my to do list task every sunday along with my watching supersoul sunday series.


    keep on blogging.





  3. Pam :

    I am so sorry you had to go through this, but I am glad your son was with you & you got your treatment right away. Its not your time yet.  I never thought about heart attack is more stressful than stroke, & you are so right about it, stroke was so peaceful there was no fear of anything. hope you feel better soon & find your new normal soon, prayers & hugs





  4. Sarah :


    I know how hard it must to feel, you have been doing this for past 15 years, care-giving is one tough & thankless job, I pray you find good solution where you can hands off heavy lifting job , though you will be overseeing others who will be  doing the job,  praying for good solution you can find which all of are content in it.




  5. prayers for your son & daughter in law Sarah, I know it is so hard not being with our kids when they need us most but God will provide them support through good network of doctors, nurses & friends & other family members.


    we all are paying for your son's family too




  6. Tracy :


    moving into new home is stressful, I am glad you are settling into it, & making your own now. Enjoy decorating, find your zen place where you can chill when world eels overwhelming, start having routine, go out for walk, nature is biggest healer of anxious mind, watch birds, read great books, life is wonderful once you start making routine & start following it. It takes 21 days to form habit




  7. oh man Sarah :


    hope his wife's parents can help them out till you get your caregiver back so that you can eventually help them out . Change is scary thing, but sometime really amazing thing comes out of drastic change in your life, I am so happy for your son, he got better opportunity & hopefully his wife will feel better soon too.





  8. Sarah :


    Gary & I are stroke survivor buddies in our stroke anniversary, I suffered stroke on Feb 8 2004 just few months before Gary suffered, We celebrate my stroke anniversary as our valentine date & always go out for Broadway show  or some other fun activity on that day, since we started celebrating my stroke anniversary as our valentine day I have stopped dreading it though now I look forward to it, fortunately even though my stroke was massive, which left me paralyzed on my left side, but still allowed me to raise our young son with help  of my husband & create my new normal. I bet Gary is able to live independently for so long is because of your support. Enjoy your party, I remember Jean riva whose husband was severely disabled had thrown party for her husband "thank god I am still here party".







  9. Tracy :


    Usually when person is sick they are most self centered person, cause they are just thinking about themselves & how illness has all messed up  their life. So you should not take anything your dad or stepmom says right now personally, right now they just need love & support from their family no lectures or advises. If they chose not to tell you something , you got to be bigger person & forgive them. let them be at-least in control of what little they are able to control right now. These are strictly my own viewpoints, please forgive me if I stepped out of line.

