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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Mary : I am sending you lot of virtual hugs. I know when hubby was going through my old clothes & donating the ones I can no longer wear due to stroke was such a heart wrenching experience for me, luckily he was able to stay detach from it & able to donate those clothes away. that's hardest thing to do after loved one passes away, but I am sure you will get through this tough patch too. Since I know caregiving is not for sissies. & you are one stromg lady. hugs, Asha
  2. HostAsha

    moving - again ...

    Nancy : good luck with your move & enjoy your new home. I am so happy you already have kind people who are ready to help out in cleaning your driveway which is so nice. We just stained our deck today & I know if you keep on doing one box or plank at a time, job does get done. yes it took us close to 8 hours but we finished the job & that's what counts. so even when job looks too big just keep doing one box at a time & you will get to comfortable place sooner than later. Asha
  3. Fred : I am sure you will feel better soon with right medicines, so take it easy & follow doctors recommendations. I am so happy for you that you both finally found soul-mate in each other. having good life partner makes life so much more enjoyable. Asha
  4. hey Katrina : so happy for you, keep on doing all the new things with that left hand of yours. your persistence to find right therapists & doctors paid off. you are tuly inspiration. Asha
  5. Julie : I feel as a caregiver you can just take horse to water then its their choice which creates their destiny. that's what I tell kido, all I can do is tell him & provide him the opportunities to do well in his studies but then it will be his choices which will create his grades & GPA. at the end of the day I want to feel that I did my duties (karma) well then its his destiny. Asha Asha
  6. Sue : you express your emotions so well. you are so blessed to have wonderful children & grandchildren & ofcourse amazing daughter-in-laws. fruits don't fall too far from tree. Asha
  7. Katrina : so happy for you, you need to prioritize & get your e-stims done in lunch time or late in the evening, and also more you use that hand faster it will become. your blog is inspiring me also to start using my hand where I can even as fist. Asha
  8. Ruth : I am so glad William just bruised his tailbone & hopefully will heal soon. its good to have doctor in family can right away take his opinion. Asha
  9. We are blessed to have wonderful bright child but ofcourse he is teenager & does not use his brain in all decision-making. he will make silly decisions based on what he talked with other teenagers without thinking it through consequences. I don't know what would I have done if hubby wasn't there with me in keeping him on right path. I keep on trying to get him understand we are in his team & want best for him & there is no ulterior motives for us to make him take right decisions. Ofcourse he never listens to my speech thank god listens to his dad & does the right thing. its so frustrating thing to see as a parent. I guess I will keep my fingers crossed & keep on praying till he is in college & in his chosen field. Asha
  10. Fred : you are welcome to vent. getting old as it is tough pill to swallow & with the stroke deficits on top of it has ti be equally hard. Hope you find your relief from pain soon. you will be in my thoughts & prayers. hugs, Asha
  11. wow Debbie : you are such meticulous planner ofcourse after all this planning nothing else to do but to enjoy your break. I used to think hubby is good organizer but he is nothing compared to you Asha
  12. As I am growing older in age & in my wisdom, I guess got lot of time in my hand & think of lot of things. like every one I also look at my past & think of things that have hurt me which was said by my parents or siblings, which have made the person I am today. I got lot of regrets about something I did not do right while growing up & I blame my mom for not handling it correctly. I was just venting it to my husband about it & telling him about something beautiful I read in the book which said start forgiving others who you think did hurt you, and hubby pointed beautiful thing which made sense to me so wanted to write down my spiritual partners wisdom so that I don't forget & ever blame others. he was like when you say you forgive your mom for what she did not do or did, you are thinking how great you are, instead forgive yourself, you did what you knew at the time with information given to you. so no one is at fault & start with forgiving yourself. & finally at the ripe age of 42 it clicked. I am so fortunate to be married to such a amazing spiritual guy. love him dearly. Asha
  13. we can see your blog david Asha
  14. Sue : first few years are the hardest after any major life changing event. but all we can do is put one leg before another & place us outside of comfort zones & something interesting will happen in your life. I know giving advice is easy thing to do. Change is hard thing to adjust to, but who knows future something beautiful might be waiting for you at the bend of that road. Asha
  15. Sally : Be careful though. I ditched my AFO long time ago too though I stumbled lot in the begining too, but always was able to catch myself. I guess no guts no glory. Asha
  16. HostAsha


    Debbie : sounds like fun. I am happy that Bruce is stepping up with his chores at home. I feel if you have space in your house than you can buy cheap treadmill so that he can exercise independently inside home. More he is able to walk it is less stress for you during vacation. Asha
  17. Amy : that sounds amazing. I am sure aquatic therapy will be very helpful to charles. Its easy to walk in water than on land. Hope to hear more once he starts. Asha
  18. hi Amy : welcome to best online stroke support group & therapeutic world of blogging. Stroke affects whole family, and every one reacts differently. in the beginning every one goes through why me & mixed emotions, some try to find others to blame. every one is different & all have different coping mechanism. I know for me when I stroked at age 34 I depended heavily on inner strength of my husband & family till I found my own inner strength again. just hang in there, it does become easier. Asha Asha
  19. HostAsha


    David :welcome to best online stroke support group. I am glad you are doing better in your recovery. Stroke recovery is long process. Asha
  20. HostAsha


    atleast you got to enjoy wild life in your backyard, hopefully next time you will be able to capture it. Asha
  21. HostAsha


    Judy : I also get that tingling sensations from time time, it comes & goes so I just plow through it on days like that. I am sure doctors can prescribe some meds for that, but I am afraid to take any unnecessary meds since they all have way too many side effects. Asha
  22. Julie : thanks for an update, you have been busy. hopefully everything is turning around, lucky your son was not injured badly & your skin cancer is completly taken care of, hopefully with new food taster will add more pounds on larry. hang in there Asha
  23. Sandy : glad you did this adventure with Bob, I can tell you from my own survivor experience this kind of outings provides better therapy. Asha
  24. Katrina : if my comments to your post ever hurt you than I am really sorry that's never my intention, I know when you are depressed one forgets to look at the good things in their life & that's what I try to do to remind you of your accomplishments. and just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. I know no one can understand others journey since we have not walked minute in your shoe, but I know this for sure that in life every one has some struggles in their life & God is providing us strength & resources to overcome those. happiness is a choice & state of mind is my form belief. Asha
  25. Sandy : I am so happy that you started finding you again. you know its very important to put oxygen mask on yourself before trying to help put on our kids face. I feel that advice is wisest,as a caregiver you need to take care of yourself first than only you will be more useful & helpful in saving others lives. Asha