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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. lenny : I agree that this was so sad, in the world there are all kind of people evil & good. let's not forget so many other good people who rose to the occasion & took care of so many injured if all ow one evil person to make us cynic about beauty of life, than evil won over good, and I know for sure boston & US will come out stronger than before. yesterday night at the yankee stadium they played sweet carolyn in honor of boston when yankee played against red sox. it was so heart warming to see newyorkers standing with boston in their time of need like they did during Newyork's 9/11 Asha Asha
  2. HostAsha


    congratulations Cindy. you both look great Asha
  3. HostAsha

    Quick blog

    Nancy : good to read this good blog where every one seems to have found their even keel except mother nature, hopefully she will find soon too. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    The Time Has Come!

    Fred : My prayers with you, come back fast with your blog, could you please tell your wife to drop us a line saying all is well, so God will be able to focus on something else since we all will be praying for you. miss you already Asha
  5. Donna : As a survivor in the beginning I resisted taking anti-depressants since I thought it was natural to feel the grief over loss of my left side of the body, but after coming home from rehab & still could not stop crying & look beyond grief of mine to cater need of our small kido. I decided to take anti-depressant, and it was amazing, that black cloud lifted & I could see bright future again. Though I strongly feel along with antidepressant, this online support group & blogging helped me deal with my new normal in better way. Slowly I weaned myself off antidepressant pills. Today I feel I much better equipped with dealing life's ups & downs. Asha
  6. Sue : please don't feel guilty of sharing positive blog. I believe that we should write both kind of blogs so that new blog readers in our blog world get to see life does go on after all the adversity & can find their resilience too. I love the idea of your pastoral visit. It will be win win situation for every one involved. thanks for your blog, I always enjoy reading blogs. Asha
  7. HostAsha

    So many questions

    Debbie: I am always amazed by your organization skills. no wonder with caregivers like you we survivors thrive in our recovery. Asha
  8. Terry : this is such a great news. I feel I turned corner in my emotional recovery once I reached my acceptance. life becomes so much joyful once you cross that hurdle on your life's journey. Asha
  9. hi Cindy : As a survivor I was never clingy to my husband though I needed lot of assurance from him that he still loves me and will never leave me.Of-course during that same time, I tried to be as much independent as I can be, so that I can live alone if ever need comes. but of-course every stroke is diffent & every one deals with their insecurities differently. as women I like to tell my hubby everything, of-course he is man of few words so will never share his feelings. Asha
  10. Fred : you will be in my prayers on the day of surgery for speedy recovery. My mom & brother-in-law both have gotten cataract surgery & it went well for both of them. Brother-in-law was back to work in a week. people say sometimes after the surgery your vision becomes better than before. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    back from vacation

    lynn: welcome back, glad you had great time with your family in florida. Cold has power to drag you down emotionally, though don't let it win over you. remember happiness is a choice so on down days show those down thoughts who is the boss & choose happy thoughts. Asha
  12. Dyan : thanks fir updating us about our little cayden, I often wonder how you all are doing. I am glad things are going on great with you guys. Asha
  13. hey katrina : start doing 5 things you are grateful every night & you will see law of attraction & how more positivity comes in your life Asha
  14. George : you are much braver than me. Have a safe trip to texas, hope to hear from you when you return from your trip Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Another War Again?

    Fred : I pray that this will not escalate in war, I am thinking N Korea is just flexing his muscle to gain young ruler some footing & respect in his own country, so all politics. hopefully he will not be stupid enough to start war. like others I salute you & thank you for your service. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Birthday Prep

    & pictures debbie, I am all excited about your party Asha
  17. Jhari : I pray for strength for you to get through this difficult period. Just remember that you are trying to do your best, even when sometimes it feels not enough.
  18. Fred : hubby is CPA & uses turbotax for our home taxes, he already finished our taxes, but I am taking initiative this year saying I want to learn & when I try his filing system does not work well for me, so for next year I am going to get filing system which will work for both of us, that's my goal for myself, and other one is to finish our taxes this year just for sake of learning with his filing system. Asha
  19. Prestroke I was not very organized person though I was very fast on my feet and brain so never had need to be organized. Post stroke realized being organized I spare myself lot of searching for keys or cell phone and unnecessary aggravation. My sisters family take pride in being organized and clean, which used to turn me off from organizing. Of course I love their clutter free home. Finally I bit bullet and started organizing few areas in our home like my plastic containers for food and our bathroom sink. I never knew you can get so much joy out of looking at no clutter place. Now I know why some people get so much joy out of cleaning. My next project is get organizes for our taxes too, right now system works well for hubby, but since I want to learn and do our taxes his filing system does not work well for one handed person like me, so will have to create something which will work for both of us so here I'm again sharing joys of my new goal Asha
  20. HostAsha


    mc : :congrats: your move sounds wonderful. I bet they will have laundry facility in the basement of your high rise building. I know we had when we lived in NYC high rise condo. I have moved few times before my stroke & we are move will be moving kido out to college lol Asha Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Sad days

    Jhari : My prayers with you & your family. Nancy nailed it now I can understand my hubby's behavior better Asha
  22. Nancy : I am so sorry for your loss. We can never understand God's grand plans on why some people surviving & some people not making. I like to believe we all come on this earth school to grow spiritually & when our work here is done we all go back to our real home in arms of God. I tell my hubby I survived for you & kido since at your age where will you find good looking woman like me lol Asha
  23. HostAsha

    i fell again

    Katrina : I am so sorry for your fall, but glad you were not hurt badly, but I know when you fall unexpectedly your body does ache for few days since we fall so awkwardly. I know my body ached for few days when car hit me & I fell on the floor even though I didn't bump my head or anything still muscle ache was intense for few days. Asha
  24. Sue : you are amazingly compassionate, kind & intelligent woman, I hope & pray you find your acceptance soon, though with loving family around you I am sure you will get there sooner than later. Asha
  25. Lenny : wish you the same, enjoy another great holiday with your family Asha