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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. nancy : we all are praying with you, just go with flow & keep your head above water, whatever will be will be, anyways we don't have much control over it anyways, just leave all your worries in God's hands & just believe he will do what is best for your family even though at times it does not feel that way. but believe something good is going to come out of this even though it does not look that way right now, but trust in HIS plans for your life. Asha
  2. George : I am glad you did cause we want balance view in this forum good & bad things both happens to people. Sometimes I feel guilty too of posting my feel good blog, but we have to give readers both views of life nothing in life lasts forever good times or bad times, so I m happy you blogged. Asha
  3. Katrina : what I see in this blog & underneath reason for your unhappiness is that you are looking outside world to bring happiness in your life. No outside world or person can complete you or make you happy. you need to find happiness within you, I learnt same lesson hard way since for me if hubby like to do what I like to do then I will be happier, it took stroke & this disability to realize I am responsible for my own happiness, my actions. I learnt that I better watch my thoughts, it has power to bring me down with sadness or make me happy. so please watch your thoughts that's the only control you have in life. For me reading good books like "when bad things happen to good people" and similar books helps me see beyond my grief. Also maybe you should start volunteering, it will help you look beyond just your problems. all humans on this earth school are fighting their own battles. we all have our crosses to bear & god does not gives you more than you can handle. there is story in bible where person is complaining to god about his difficulties & cross he is carrying, god tells him go in that room & pick whichever cross you feel belongs to you. person goes into room & after looking at all crosses he picks up one cross & it turns out to be his own cross. I m not saying this story correctly, but idea is that basically we all carry some kind of burden cross in life & God does provide help to carry them. I also feel you need ti accept that *beep* happened to you, you have fallen but now have to make best lemonade out of this situation. Asha
  4. Terry : wow, I am glad you fixed the house, I would have stayed in the bed than working outside. Asha
  5. Sue : I love your blogs, reading your blogs your blog reminds me of quote of winnie the pooh ""how lucky I am that saying goodbye make it so hard". you were so fortunate to have wonderful years with Ray, wish every one can find that kind of love in their spouse. give yourself time in grieving loss of your soulmate. I am sure it will become easier as time goes on. hope you find that peace & joy soon. Asha
  6. Today Got another aha moment while watching super soul Sunday on tv. I know my love definition is conditioned by romance books and movies where lines like you complete me in Jerry McGuire movies and others make you wish oh I wish I had hubby who says those romantic things lol. Of course no one can complete me but myself so that is my new learning just like happiness everything is within me and I am enough and complete, should not depend on outside world to define or complete me Asha
  7. hey Ruth : your dog sounds like great addition to family & providing joy & distraction to both of you. Working outside home always have that layoff or firing sword hanging, that's why I love being retired & be my own boss of the house & family if they let me lol. but I am sure with your experience you will find something new quickly if need arises. Asha
  8. Debbie: congratulation on Bruce's 4th strokeanniversary. I am glad you are realizing Bruce's deficits & working on it, instead of blame game, cause I don't think I would have been that understanding. I still blame hubby in my mind for his shortcomings instead of accepting as his nature. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    update on Dan

    Nancy : I am glad they found out whats wrong with him & working to get it improved. you both will be in my thoughts & prayers for speedy recovery. Asha
  10. Nancy : wow you both are in my thoughts & prayers, hope everything gets straightened out for Dan soon. you both have been through some wild rides for sure. Asha
  11. hi cheryl : welcome to best online stroke support community. from your blog you sound like strong woman, I am sure you will do well in your post stroke journey. I have found blogging & chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul. Asha
  12. Nancy : belated happy birthday, I am glad you had great time & you got your kisses. God do work mysterious ways. when we look deeply, we do find great joys hidden in ordinary things. I know I have found that in my life in routine things of life. Asha
  13. Sue : I am so glad you are finding peace within you. I hope & pray you stay active here, your wisdom is so valuable to survivors & caregivers alike. sometimes I feel its time to move on from this site, but when I see newbie struggling similar emotions like I did in the beginning I feel tug to tell them there is life after stroke or any other grief you are going through in life. so hopefully you will be able to provide that support to newbies here in our blogworld Asha
  14. lenny : :congrats: you are amazing survivor who never gives up & is always trying things no wonder you are having great recovery even after so many years. I need to start exercising my left hand even though when I don't see instant response, I still need to do it. thanks for reminder. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Birthday present

    Debbie : I am amazed how you are able to manage all this relationship & friendships alive even after so many years. you both must have great talent. you are great planner & organized person Asha
  16. Nancy: Its so hard if the survivor does not see value in living. I am sure medical treatments given this time might save his life this time, but some thing he needs to find in life worth fighting for. Maybe reading him good spiritual books & inspiring books of other survivors who fought back & found joy in living again might be key if he can still understand it. Praying for you both. Asha A
  17. Nancy : hopefully doctors will take care of most of his issues. I know this must be so hard and scary take care of yourself & leave everything in God's hands. you both will be in my prayers. Asha
  18. nancy : please keep us updated how everything is going on. please take rest now that he is in hospital & being looked after Asha
  19. have fun fred & good luck with your gambling outings. My sister's family are crazy about these casinos, so when she visits us from India we go to casinos more often, ofcourse I just stick by her side in her table games after loosing my $20 in slot machines lol. Asha
  20. sometimes I feel my blog is my dear diary with who I talk to lol though I thrive on supporting comments I get from, well what do you know that is my love language I feel loved by words of affirmation, so no wonder I enjoy blogging so much since with positive comments I feel so loved lol. Recently read 5 love language by Gary chapman, great book learnt so much. ofcourse hubby & I both speak different love languages, but over the years learn to adjust accordingly so we never had trouble. After stroke I have realised I am responsible for my own happiness & what my hubby or family did should not affect my happiness. important lesson thanks to stroke Asha
  21. Jhari : you are doing great job of hands off caregiving. I know when person is in hospital having loved ones around or checking on them often does make huge difference in level of care they get. Asha
  22. Nancy : you and Dan in my thoughts and prayers, I can imagine what he must be going through to think dying is better option than living. I know I thought along same line in my beginning years had it not been our young son giving up was so easy. Maybe reading him spiritual books & maybe telling him more often how much you love him & need him in your life might help him to see he survived for a reason & there is something good will come out of this. For me loosing job after stroke was hard pill to swallow since I thought if I don't bring in paycheck home then I m worthless.It took me some time to realize I am still worth it without paycheck. God does not make mistakes, tell him his job on earth is still not done & suicide is not an option. Asha
  23. vyonne : enjoy your time with your family along with your husband, that will be so much fun. we will be waiting for your fun filled report with photos when you come back. I have traveled lot after my stroke & have done well. so don't worry just enjoy your time with your family. Asha
  24. Fred : I am right behind you in my 9 year stroke anniversary. It's nice feeling to know we have come out alive out of fire of destruction stroke caused, & is able to rebuild our life again. God is great, better make best use of this second chance Asha
  25. Mary Jo :: I am so sorry for all your troubles. you & Dan will be in my thoughts & prayers for quick recovery. Asha