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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Debbie : yesterday site was down for few hours & I can't login with my new IE to chatroom, though I can get into chatroom from google chrome, so I use google chrome to login to SN. I hate computers too, though love them when they work fine without my intervention lol. Asha
  2. Fred : such a great blog, I am realizing now after my stroke, even when life was perfect prestroke I was still not happy since I was focusing on minor imperfection in my spouse & my child, post stroke found my perfection in everything including myself, kido & hubby, so life is good again, I learnt valuable lesson in my attitude adjustment after stroke, so that's why I find my stroke experience also perfect now lol how weird is that Asha
  3. Sue : welcome back, I am glad you got to spend time with your daughters family & enjoy her company. We all missed you on board, I missed your thoughtful comments & support in our blogworld. Asha
  4. Sandy : I am sorry I missed the important points in your blog since I was so focused on giving you good pointers on getting good price for your house. being caregiver is hard job being responsible for everything is scary. I get amazed by how you all caregivers accomplish so much during day. congratulations to both of you for marking first year stroke anniversary. first year is the hardest, soon things will start to fall in place & become easy. kudos to you for getting everything in order. Asha
  5. as our experience in house sale 1. keep it clean, turn on all lights & open up shades, so room looks brighter 2. also it help to bake cookies before open house, so house smells great any home improvement in bathroom & kitchen brings good returns. Those were things which helped us sale our house within one weekend & we got asking price for our house, but ofcourse this was long time back when there used to be bidding wars on good houses. Asha
  6. Terry : you are going to have lot of fun on cruise. In cruise they take care of you well. good food, entertainment & no cooking & no dishes what more you can ask for, enjoy the trip & family. Asha
  7. sometimes stroke recovery is so slow that you don't notice minor improvements, but slowly I have started noticing minor changes in me which I am happy & thankful about so thought about writing. No one likes change in their life & learning new things given choice I was not interested. I know every time this board changed for upgrade or yahoo e-mail or microsoft office changed I would hate learning new things & will go back & use my old ancient way of using products I am so used to it, but it used to frustrate & aggravate me thinking whole world is against me and out to get me lol. not anymore now I view it as a challenge to my brain & it no longer annoys me & I am enjoying in solving new puzzle. Who would have thought learning how to bookmark your page & create folders will bring so much joy in my life. I am grateful for this new mindset Asha
  8. Sandy : I am so glad Bob is able to express his feelings to you on good aphasia days, so many men without aphasia still cant & won't express their feelings. Asha
  9. Sandy: I am glad you are getting all your ducks in order. I have noticed for me post stroke if I am organised well to take care of needs of our son, I feel better, but of-course he being teenager does not do what he has been asked to do right away. I used to be big procrastinator of not doing things which I don't like doing. Prestroke I could hurry up & get things done, post stroke not so much so learnt my lesson & have become good in organizing. I am so glad you are doing it, life becomes so much easier when things are organized. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Been a While!

    hey cat : thanks for updating every one was worried about you. I am glad you are back home now & recovering well. Asha
  11. hi there : welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I too stroked after delivering & loosing premature baby in 2004. my stroke paralysed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved. luckily for me it did not retired me from stay at home mom & wife job, and I am having time of my life. It feels great that I can enjoy all growing years of our son. For me blogging & chatting with other survivors hss helped me deal with my new normal & also helped me combat my feeling of worthlessness. Though for me using calender for my son's activity helped me. Thanks to stroke I have become organised person now. things will improve, don't destroy your present moment by thinking horrible future (I did that & suffered, so please don't do same mistake). nothing lasts forever good times or bad times, so go with flow of life without resisting. you will be driving soon & things will be changing for good. Asha(now 42 year old survivor stroked at age 34)
  12. I have been married to my hubby for 20+ years & we have gone through lot of ups & downs of life together,its surprise to me that even after 20+ years I am still learning something new about him every day, ofcourse makes me love him more deeply. There are some things about him I don't like but ofcourse no one is perfect even though when I would like to believe I am, but even I am not perfect lol. Anyway I know we make perfect team as parents for our child. I am bad cop who nags & micromanage kido's daily activities, and he takes care of being good cop, so we are perfect in that respect. Yesterday we had meeting with our financial advisor & while coming from meeting & on the road noticed something else, he is very adventurous on road & in finance, versus I am very conservative. I will not go on road unless I know the way. I am same way in finance. I don't know since we r married for long time thats why we compensate for others deficits or what, but I know this I am luckiest & greatful women in world to have such a wonderful partmer who completes me. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Winter Blues

    Debbie : I know you are seasoned & intelligent caregiver & I don't have to say anything to comfort you, but just want to tell you I understand fully. I just want to tell you sometime it is okay to let go of some less important things & just do what we can do in our day, rest leave it on God & then don't worry. what I am trying to say is everything will be fine just do your duties & then let it go & have no attachments to results. Asha
  14. Fred : I am so happy for you & your wife, not only you can stay alone, but be caregiver to those animals. you have come quite far in your recovery. I am glad your wife was able to go alone & attend and enjoy the wedding with her family. Its nice that your wife feels confident enough to leave you alone that in itself is big milestone. Asha
  15. HostAsha


    Ken : I am so happy for you, you got great workout tailered towards your recovery, do them regularly, more you workout better life will become. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    12 years

    Katrina : congratulations on your 12 year stroke anniversary. you are becoming wonderful young lady who have seen depth of despair & survived to tell the beautiful story of resilence of human spirit. keeping positive attitude towards life is such a huge blessing. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    IM back home.

    wow Little Jo : welcome back home, you have been through wringer between your blogs, but I am glad have kept positive attitude about it. hopefully you will update us more frequently than before now. Asha
  18. Fred : sometimes being separated from each other for little while makes love little stronger. you have come so far ahead in your journey that she can feel comfortable leaving you alone. that is testament to your recovery. not only you can stay alone but will also take care of pets. Asha
  19. Sandy : I hope & pray he feels better soon. I know it is very hard on us survivors to slam down with another hurdle to jump through. we feel e already have enough please no more pain. but ofcourse cheerleading & attitude of our caregivers helps us also to keep that positive mindset going. Asha
  20. for me learning to accept myself the way I am today was hard work, but it was so worth, I like & love new me. now I don't even remember prestroke way of doing & accomplishing things around the house, now new way is the only way & it does not matter as long as job gets done. good enough is perfect enough. so life is great once again. hope you find that acceptance soon. Asha
  21. Fred : at our house we don't exchange any gifts for valentine's day. We both have different love laungage. I feel loved when I am appreciated, and show my love my apreciating what he does for us, his love language is act of service, he will do things for us & around the house without me even asking. we both buy things when we need it, so no pressure there. enjoy your valentine's day with your family. Asha
  22. Leah : enjoy your time with your sisters, things don't have to be perfect, good enough is pretty perfect if you enjoy it. Asha
  23. Jamie : so hapy for you. you ket on knocking on doors & God opened this wonderful window of opportunity Asha
  24. Julie : Stroke affects whole family, I am sometime greatful that it was me & not him, I know I would have fallen apart had the role been reversed. He is much stronger caregiver, was not afraid to step out of his comfort zone & get the job done. he was my rock till I collected pieces of my life. As a survivor I can tell you this without good caregiver we survivors could not have handled this adversity. Larry is lucky to have you in his life. As years pass by things will become easier Asha