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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. I understand your pain, I know I had gone through similar lost feeling after my stroke & loss of my old way of life. feeling of hopelessness & afraid of what my future will look like after stroke till I realise I need to just trust in higher power & flow with my life's flow instead of resisting the life is right now, the moment I decided hapiness is a choice & only in my control. I feel I turned corner. Hope you find that comfort soon. I understand no one likes change in life.
  2. My Stroke anniversary is aproaching soon. it will be 9 years since day of my stroke. We have grown so much as a family in last 9 years. We celebrate my stroke anniversary as our valentine's day. since we started as our valentine's day I don't even dread it & look forward to my stroke anniversary. today after 9 years I can view stroke just as speed bump in my life's journey to slow me down, so that I don't forget to enjoy scenary along the way. I love the wisdom I acquired after going through rough period in my life. I am thankful it did not make me bitter person but better person. My stroke taught me to play the hand given to you with best of our ability & live life to fullest. So I am making every day count. Asha
  3. Babz : I am so happy that Eddie is doing well & back home with you. I love Sue's great advice. hope you feel better both have been through wringer for sure, enjoy your NOW easy said than done. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    From: self esteem

    Jamie : you nailed it, its very informative blog, I better reread it few times to understand everything in it. I know I have struggled big time after my stroke feeling worthless after I lost my job to stroke. It was hard internal struggle to find myself again & build that self esteem of myself. Asha
  5. Leah : post stroke I can't multitask well, & most of the people don't. Now I am from the camp you get no medals by doing multitasking & not doing single job perfectly. Though watching TV with treadmill is exception. I loved your list, some of those things in you makes me feel much closer to you. Don't beat yourself with guilt trips, if we learn from our mistakes then they have not gone to waste. Asha
  6. Fred : I hope & pray you feel better soon.getting old with stroke dficits is not easy. Asha
  7. hi Englishlady : I feel surrendering to God releases all the tension for me too. I say my serenity prayer at all the time. "God grant me serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change things I can and wisdom to know the difference." By saying this prayer itself dials down my worrying. Asha
  8. our house is on little hill so when it snows kids r always outside going on tube down, even I enjoy doing that even after stroke, ofcourse coming up mom needs hand. Its so much fun to watch kids play in snow Asha
  9. Sue : I am so happy to read this blog. I know in time you will find new Sue again & your joy again. i know in our deepest despair we forget we are here for reason & there are lot of people who loves us even though they are not in constant touch. we all play lot of roles in this lifetime, but you are much more thn role you are playing at the time. hugs, Asha
  10. Sandy : you are so right, thank you for sharing your wisdom. I feel life is great since we can all grow up & learn from our & others mistakes. Asha
  11. Mary Jo : I am glad you got to enjoy your vacation with your friends. couple of years ago we also rented house on beach with our friends & it was amazing experience, I am so happy for you. Asha
  12. Sue : that's exctly what I was thinking when I came up with that conclusion. I am learning my mistakes & sharing along the way with you guys. I know biggest pet peeve of mine is hubby does not show his love & affection the way they show couple in love in movie & ofcourse he is man of few words. where my expectations are different so I am learning I am looking at things wrong way. I know now only person I can change is myself. Asha
  13. lately hubby is working late hours so got plenty of time to think & get my AHA moments dime a dozen. I love this wisdom. recent one I realized that sometimes its so easy to think how someone's life is so perfect based on image they project in movies or on facebook. I suddenly realised that when people project those images, you don't really know their reality It could be completely different than what they are projecting. I tend to compare my life to other people & get unhappy about some minor things in my life which are usually totally nonsensicle things to get upset about. So have to remind myself from time to time to grow up & stop comparing. thought would share this AHA moment so that it might cementify into that thick skull of mine Asha
  14. HostAsha

    Silly Me

    Jhari : thanks for update on mom. your Mom is fortunate to have caring daughter in her life. caregiving is not an easy job even if you are not doing hands on caregiving. she gets better care at nursing home since you have been visiting her more often. Asha
  15. Terry : good one, my husband has that dependable quality, I am still working on mine lol Asha
  16. George : I love your ramblings valuable lessons in them. I agree with you in our life we have seasons, need to learn to enjoy all eason of life. I feel when bad season comes along if we learn something from it then its not gone to waste. Asha
  17. Fred : no we have only one child sometimes I talk about my nehew alon with my son, maybe that's why you thought that. Asha
  18. I am following Jamie's footsteps in trying to come up with 10 things I like about myself. Since I have that negative person sitting in my head & telling me all the time how I am not good enough & all other lies. So I am going to give it a try, I am sure it will take me long time to come up with the list. 1. I am good mom & wife 2. I will do anything for our son and my family. 3. I am go getter person 4. I am spiritual person 5. I am very hard working person 6. I am very straightforward person 7. I am honest person 8. this is harder than I thought will be 9. I am good friend 10. I am still smart even after stroke
  19. HostAsha

    There's Hope

    Katrina : I am so happy for you, its your persistence to never give up on that hand that you found right therapist. Asha
  20. Fred : :congrats: on your 9 th stroke anniversary Mine is coming up in feb too. like you I feel blessed to survive & raise our son with my soulmate. I have realised bad things do happen with every one. & we have to win the hand we are dealt with positive attitude. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    I am From

    Jamie : you must be from where great writers come from( can't even say that right way sorry lol). I guess I am from where English was my second no 5th language lol Asha
  22. Jamie : this is good, have you done 100 things about me blog? that was quite challenging too. Asha
  23. Sandy : I understand your dilemma. It shows that no two strokes are similar. fortunately my cognative skills were not damaged just physical skills, so things were different in our household. Asha
  24. Cindy : I am so happy for both of you, I am glad Mike is slowly reclaiming his life back doing all the things for himself & your family & feel fulfilled by life. As we have realised life post stroke is still good just little different on how we achieve certain things in our household. keep on doing what you both are doing. Asha
  25. hey sting : that's perfect you can celebrate ray's second anniversary with your friends, even though it is sad occasion, but if you think about it, it is also great day to celebrate Ray is still here, and even with his disabilities you both can still enjoy life together, what more one would want from life. I started celebrating my stroke anniversary as our valentine's date from second year onwards, & once I started celebrating my anniversary I don't dread it anymore. Asha