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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Sandy : I know it is scary for caregiver/spouse to see survivor trying to do things independently, but my argument to my hubby when he was afraid for me. I was like if I don't try something how will I ever know I can do it, and ofcourse being strongheaded I won that argument. My instructions to him always don't help me unless I ask for it, I know he is loaded with lot of other responsibilities which I cant' & won't take care like our taxes so whatever I can do is one less responsibility for him & which also helps me feel useful. So I feel even though it is scary for you, you should allow & encourage bob to do more for him & your household. Asha
  2. Fred : sex is good medicine to get rid of headache too Asha
  3. susan : Debbie has great suggestions. For me personally dealing with my depression I think doing multiple things along with meds helped me, I don't think just plain meds would have done the job. please give a shot to these few things & see if that helps. 1. have routine in life (its very important makes you feel less anxious) 2. do exercises (atleast 30 minutes or longer) 3. eat healthy food 4. read inspiring books for me reading spiritual books helps me start my day with right mindset 5. write 5 things you are greaful every day in the night. I have been doing this post stroke & feeling so much better about my post stroke life that I am able to wean myself off my antidepressant pills. hope this helps Asha
  4. HostAsha


    henry: that's great news journey of thousand miles begins with one step. Keep on adding those steps & you will see life improves so much. Asha
  5. I love reading Jean riva's blogs on different site, recently she wrote wonderful blog where quote of English author Neil Gaiman speaks volume to me, so here I quote it “I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something. So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever." Written by Neil Gaiman you can read Jean's blog in entirety at Asha
  6. Jessica : morning sickness will end soon, I know when you are going through them you feel its never going to end, but like everything else this shall pass too, try eating food you can tolerate. & don't forget to enjoy this amazing grace of God in your life. Asha
  7. :congrats: jessica. Enjoy the pregnancy & motherhood, I am sure you will do just fine with good obgyn & oter doctors on team. just take one day at a time to enjoy every moment. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Hello 2013!

    Sue : I loved that idea of choosing one word for coming year & I think I will choose word joyful, to be joyful in all situations in life. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    God's Thoughts

    Leah : thank for sharing such a beautiful thoughts. Wih God everything is possible Asha
  10. Lenny : I am so happy you had great New year party with your loved ones & had great time, wishing you happy, healthy & prosperous New year too. Asha
  11. Cat : Mike is doing great in his recovery, now he has to build on his recovery. start doing functional things with it more times & in time it will become stronger. I can not oen my left hand yet, but I had good recovery in my foot & I focused on whatever was moving. For example today I walk 11+ miles on my treadmill on my exercise days. use my left hand to close lights, kitchen cabinets, & holding things down while opening our mails. idea after stroke is start living your life again with adaption. fat lady hasn't sung yet so show must go on of our life. once you realise that life feels great again just little different Asha
  12. HostAsha

    my story

    Henry : welcome to wonderful therupetic world of blogging. ymore you blog better you will feel & will feel less alone in your life's journey. we are all rooting for you from sidelines to finish this life's marathon in style. Asha
  13. Can't believe 2012 is coming to end time just flies by when you are having fun. I am so greatful for all this new lease on life after stroke greatful for all the wisdom and awareness about joy of life which I will never dare take for granted. So thank you stroke for making me person I am proud and happy of today. I hope and pray all of you have happy,healthy and prosperous new year Asha
  14. Katrina : I don't believe in faith healing, I believe earth is school & we are here to learn our lessons in life. As a human I feel sometimes we learn more valuable lessons in adversity than in joy. when you start focusing what you can still do even after going through frustration of doing with one hand, you will find joy in it. hope you start writing 5 things you are greatful every day in the night.its one of the tool I have used & it has brought me lot of peace. Asha
  15. Leah : so glad you bloged, I want to wish you Merry Christmas & Happy, Healthy & Proerous New year too. love & hugs, Asha
  16. Yvonne: thanks for sharing your childhood memories, reminded me of mine sharing all holidays with family, didn't have lot of "things" but had lot of love for our family & that's what matters who cares about gift they get old pretty quick but those fond memories stay forever. Asha
  17. Lenny : Merry Christmas to you & your family. snow is icing on top for your already wonderful time with family. wishing you & your family merry christmas & happy, healthy & prosperous New year. Asha
  18. Fred : for me doing exercise while watching TV keeps me away from getting bored. I now have set routine with my shows & my treadmill & ofcourse this website keeps me entertained for whole day. Asha
  19. Sandy : I love your attitude towardsyour life & your husband. with attitude like that there is no way but to go in positive direction in his recovery, physically & emotionally. Asha
  20. Ken : I am so happy for you, hope and pray you get good benefit from this personalized therapy. Asha
  21. Jeannie : I am so glad you checked in for 2012 & now I know you are doing well & ready for 2013 with good health Asha
  22. I am so saddened by recent elementary school shooting, there are so many factors here at play gun control, mental illness every thing. I don't understand why would any responsible parent will keep automatic weapon at home. mental illness I understand, I went through that feeling myself, but ofcourse in my state of despair only person I want to hurt was myself so in that regard antidepressant helped me look beyond my grief, and loving support of my family specially my soulmate my husband & my purpose to fight on was my son, and this support group helped me hang on till I found my inner strength back again to see sun shining again in my life. I don't know maybe being spiritual person & great books also helped me deal with my new normal sooner than later. I am so greatful for all these blessings in my life that I am able to wean myself off all antidepressant, and pretty happy about it. Asha
  23. Sandy : I am so glad he didn't hurt himself & both of you learnt few lessons along the way, don't keep things lying on the floor since we survivors tend to get antangled in them lol. Asha
  24. Orlando : great job on your walking, giving up is not an option Asha
  25. HostAsha

    small steps

    Sue : I am so sorry you are going through all this unpleasant changes in your life, but I just want to share with you lesson I have learnt after my stroke. Even though we don't like change in our life change brings in growth & learning in life. Sometimes it is easier to just remind yourself goodness of God & tell yourself God will take care of my problems in most beautiful way even though it does not see or feel that way, but trust God & life force. just flow with life instead of resisting it. Asha