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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey George : you have been busy between your electronic & non electroic projects. you can put even non survivor to shame with your to do list. Asha
  2. Ruth : I am so happy things are working out for both of you. No one likes change in their life, but change brings in growth & learning in life, valueable lesson learnt from my stroke experience. nothing is permanant in life only change is, & its better not to fight with change its better to flow with life rather than resisting it. Asha
  3. Terry : welcome to wonderful therupetic world of blogging. I can't believe you doing such manly hardworking jobs like cutting wood post stroke which is hard for so many able bodied people. I am sure yu are going to enjoy that wood for your campfire soon. Asha
  4. Ruth : I learnt hard way not having routine sent me in despair of depression. I was like what's the point of getting up if I don't have to do anything, since that time hubby had hired full time housekeeper. for me having routine helped & now I look forward to my laundry day & exercise days lol. Asha
  5. HostAsha


    Hey Mrs Debbie Sparks : :congrats: you both look lovely. Wishing you both many happy days & years with each other. Asha
  6. hey Katrina : you made my day today, I am so happy for you, you are finally focusing what is still working well in your life instead of focusing on your left hand. I am so proud of you, you are amazing young girl who has made best lemonade out of your lemons love you Asha
  7. HostAsha

    It's December!

    Fred : thanks for update. I am glad you are enjoying life with your family. Asha
  8. Debbie : I am so looking forward to this weekend & pictures, want to show your lovely wedding pictures to hubby. I know you both r going to have grand time this weekend & then ofcourse every day there after. lots of love Asha
  9. sandy : you & your mom wil be in my prayers for speedy recovery. Asha
  10. I love NYC in all seasons & love going there once every few months, good luck & hve fun. More you try out vacations like these paris will be defintely in agenda. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    I Be Back!

    funny, kids can say darnest thing. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    Count down

    Debbie : I also want to be in your bachelorrette party even though I am survivor & not caregiver & I will wear whatever color you want me to wear, so hope you don't mind me crashing the party. Asha
  13. Ruth : call the other place & let them know that you need to decide which offer to accept so if they can let you know quickly. do pros & cons & then pick the one you like Asha
  14. Lenny : we don't have those things here in US, but with everything when I go to same store or restaurent multiple times things start becoming easy for me. I used to get very confused in the begining but got easier as I did more. when I take my time & don't feel rushed by people waiting on me, I do better. Asha
  15. lynn : I am so glad it was not broken & bad srain, hopefully will heal soon, till then take it easy, have a great holidays. Asha
  16. Sandy : sometimes people are ignorant & don't think before dolling out advice, you have to forgive them & move on, by getting upset about it, you are going to harm your own health which will not be good for your survivor. Asha
  17. Katrina : thanks for the update, don't worry what others think about you at work, do your job at best of your ability. make able community appreciate what a great job disabled person is doing when so many able bodied people whine & not do their job. asha
  18. Debbie : I am so excited for your wedding plans. I know & pray all will go great. Just enjoy the day, you both deserve & earned this day. after all this planning realise its your day just go with the flow & enjoy your day to fullest. ton of blessings your way. Asha
  19. Sue : I strongly feel same way about hope & faith, those do take you over the hump & while doing that you learn valuable lessons in life. I do feel this earth is our school, we are here to learn valuable lessons of life & spread our love. Asha
  20. Ruth : I am glad interview went well for you, things have changed in job market for sure. Asha
  21. Katrina : please get it checked by neurologist. I strongly feel you need to start working on your acceptance. As I have told you before don't make yourself happy or unhappy based on whether your left hand works or not, you are so much more than your left hand, please realise happiness is a choice & state of mind. you have accomplished so much even with your disability, so be proud of yourself. Asha
  22. Lenny : I am so happy for you, you went to concert walking & achieved everything independently without getting tired, you are rebuilding your strength & by doing more independently I can see lot of travel with your lovely wife in your future. I am glad you had great time at concert. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    mind games Kens blog

    Ken : you have such a great attitude towards life. I feel with that attitude half battles are won in life. Asha
  24. Sandy: am so glad you caught it before it could have become bad headline of the local news. some guardian angels were watching over you guys. please don't be so busy that you miss on imortant things like this. glad everything turned out well for you guys. Asha
  25. Sue : you are in my thoughts and prayers again in this difficult time. listen to your son-in-law's advice he is right on, do what you think is right & need to do. hopefully your sister will understand in her own time. Asha