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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Sue :


    Thanks for update on your life, isnt life is wonderful in someways & you find reason to all your troubles when you see how Ray inspired his grandchild to go in research & f ind a cure for future generation, what a legacy. When our son decided to purse applying for medical college, it gave me huge solace knowing me going through all the pain due to stroke was not just for nothing, eve if it inspired our son to even think about it, its not gone to waste. & now I sit here & worry about him getting admitted into one of his college of choice & praying for him to become succesful dotor who can make a diffrence in people's lives.


    All we can do is just take one day a a time, sick or healthy with so many uncertainities lfe throws at us. I am glad you are enjoying your garden right now. like Tracy for e you are always hostsue with her loquent blogs showed me journey og my caregiver who would not share his feelings he was going through while trying to hold our fort.




  2. I love your writing, have you thought about writing novel, you express your thoughts so eloquently. I am glad you had good conversation about liliac with your husband. I admire all of you caregivers in our life, thanks to you guys we survivors have somewhat normalcy in our life.





  3. Kelli :


    its acceptance phase you are struggling with, is that all my life will be mount to? but once you stop resisting, accept & go with flow, you will find out that life will open up lot of new opportunities & things  will turn out to be better than you ever imagined. yes some things are less than desirable, but whatever things you are left with is more attractive. Try to be better person you were the day before. Only competition we have is with our own self. be best mom, grandma, daughter, friend.


    hope you feel better soon.





  4. Tracy :


    I am glad things are going pretty well for you, I have heard once very wiseman say this "obstacles will be there". but he believed obstacles were there to make sure how badly you want certain things, & if you want something bad enough you will keep on working & find a way around it, so he used to say obstacles are there for "other people" 🙂 not for him. google Randy Pausch  and his last lecture on youtube,very inspiring guy.


    I had read book on cognative therapy quite impressive




  5. Sue you will be in my thoughts & prayers, though one of our dear family member was also diagnosed with thyroid cancer decade ago , & her husband & both of her children are doctors, her treating doctor told her that if my family has to get cancer I wish they  will get thyroid cancer its easily treatable & curable cancer. so keep faith & don't make Ray look bad, he has taught you how to live with courage even after going through so many troubles himself. so you have to make him feel proud of you. and teach this diseases  lesson of picking on strong opponent.





  6. Sue :


    I am glad all is well with your recent visit with specialist. you  have changed  so much in me reading your blog journey. I no longer feel depressed  while reading your blogs, but feel uplifted by seeing your fighter spirit.   I feel you are mastering skill of going with flow now. I guess you always had that spirit in you, which came in forefront now when you handling your physical troubles bravely. you  know need to find this site was sad event for me, but my life is so much richer due to people I met  met here.




  7. Sue :


    have you noticed change in you, you are no more that blogger who will see life very realistically & look at things negatively. Now even similar circumstances you are looking life with glass half full. so going more with flow without resisting it.  Dennis sudden death was very shocking. One never knows what tomorrow will bring. I feel as long as we lived happily today & brought joy to people in our lives, life is well lived. & he just did that, he loved his family fiercely & supported all newcomers who came here looking for support.






  8. Tracy :


    wish you happy, healthy & prosperous New year. We all have to take responsibilities for our choices we made in life, that created our destiny. you can not blame any one. We all need to forgive ourselves & move forward. Your mom made her choices based on what she thought was right thing to do for her, which she might have regretted later. But oh well, we all make mistakes, it was nothing to do with you. you start living & enjoying your life. reading your blog makes me realize oh man I have also never lived alone & it must feel so scary to take care of everything alone, but I know its doable & must feel so empowering too. I will be praying for you. piece of advice from immigrant who came in this country with nothing but willing to work hard & start my married life "penny saved is equivalent to penny earned". cooking at home has lot of benefits, you save money & end up eating healthy food.





  9. Sue :


    you write so beautifully. reading your blogs reminds me that we all will face similar situation  or know someone who might be going through that. I feel in the end all we have in this life is just ourselves , so need to become self reliant & independent. I know its hard thing & I just shiver thinking about it.


    I wish you lived closer since I ache for having meaningful friends I can count on.




  10. Tracy :


    beautifully said, I feel I am more spiritual than religious person  & I find comfort from all religions. For me my faith in higher power who one can call whatever they feel comfortable with, my faith in higher power gives me hope to hang on when my depression was making all situation look so bleak, I held on tight on my family's strength till I found my own inner strength back. So anyway I am actually thankful to stroke it made me the person I am very proud of  today. I feel I have grown up so much & learnt to be better human being after dealing with my own adversity. I feel we all are spiritual being having human experience.




  11. sue :


    I am so glad you got such a great set of friends & family you can spend time together. I have realized lately it all in us we can choose to go & have fun anywhere we go or get grumpy because some of the things didn't go right way, happiness is a choice enjoy your family & friends, none of these things have guarantee in life, so got to enjoy every minute of it




  12. kelli :

    That's amazing story even though outcome was sad. It's great to see that when time comes you can step up to the plate, that;s beauty of stepping out of comfort zone where we can see growth happen at all levels of ur life. I am so proud of you.





  13. Tracy :


    so happy for you, I read somewhere which I know real truth & worked for me, don't look too far in future that increases anxiety, don't look back in past that creates depression, stay in present & enjoy your NOW now.  everything will fall into place, just take one step at a time & in positive direction



  14. Tracy :


    I agree with all the earlier comments, I feel you should talk to your sister & letting her know before she donates or throws out things, to let you know cause you could use some of things from there, & that will help you out starting your journey. Sometimes just having open communication with family members might help too, once you tell her truthfully, hopefully she can also tell her fears & feelings to you truthfully

