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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Wedding news

    :congrats: debbie. you both are made for each other even stroke could not break you apart, I just wonder what took you so long, I am sure wedding will be most beautiful & meaningful ceremony to all your family & friends, please update pictures here too so that we can share your joy. love Asha
  2. HostAsha

    My Stroke Story

    hi leone : welcome to therupetic & wonderful world of blogging. I found blogging hugely therupetic for my soul. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved I never thought I will find joy in living again, but with the help of family & firends & this site I found my new normal & love it. Asha (now 42 year old)
  3. Colleen : thanks for writing this wonderful blog, I am also guilty of doing some of those things with my mom. but I am great believer in when you know better you do better. Now that you realised what you need changing doing will be easy. Asha
  4. Fred : thanks for posting our thoughts in such a beautiful blog. Sue you will be in my thoughts & prayers. hugs, Asha
  5. HostAsha

    a very long time

    kimmie : you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers, hope he comes to his senses by seeing hiw it is affecting his loved ones & family. hopefully you guys can find him councelor so that he can wean himself off drugs. Asha
  6. Sue : you were so fortunate to be present at your friend's passing which felt like right way to go instead of stuck in the hospital, its nice to be surrounded by God's love & few people who cared enough to be present at your passing. It would be nice to go to our next journey like that. I am glad mom is doing better & you are there for her. I wish I will get that kind daughter-in-law. Asha
  7. Dyan : I am so happy for you both, hope you are teaching him Maths too, BTW what I found out for my son to excel in maths, I made sure he knew his tables 1 to 10. practice makes Maths easy & perfect. practicing those tables made him strong in maths & since then Maths has been his favorite subject. Asha
  8. Leah : its nice to be awakned to that fact earlier than later & take each day & people who make difference in our life as blessing & enjoy them to fullest. Asha
  9. hi jhari : welcome to therupetic world of blogging. I am glad your mom has you as her voice in nursing home. caregiver plays important role in recovery of survivor even if it is not actual heavy lifting. hope to get to know you more throug your blogs. Asha
  10. Ruth : congratulations once again, I feel job does lot more than bringing in money, it aso provides lot of other satisfactions in life, that's the reason lot of men die quicker after they retire compared to women who can find things to do aroud house versus men are so used to working outside the house and when that is taken away they feel lost. I was more deressed about my job loss than my stroke deficits till I found feeling of accomplisment in raising our youg son though I know I have to find joy in other things since he will be off to college soon. Asha
  11. hey Cindy: all the caregivers who don't let their survivors struggle a little to do their own ADLs and other required things are doing disservice to their loved ones. as a survivor all I needed from my caregiver was encouragement & patience. when stroke happens & you are so dependent on other for your basic needs, self esteem takes big hit so allow urvivor to contribute in household chores & make them self reliant so that they can live independently in case something happens to csregiver. Stroke recovery is marathon & not a sprint. Asha
  12. Katrina : I am sorry you got disappointed with bioness results, what I have realised that there is no magic pil in getting my hand back, So I work hard on my acceptance, I know I can accomplish everything with just my right hand, & I am not less of a person because my left hand does not work. I can't stop living my life to fullest cause I don't have my left hand working yet. Asha
  13. susan : hope you feel better soon. being home has its own advantages, you can decide & control when you want to do certain things like cooking,cleaning, exercise everything you can do in your own time, no deadline to beat & boss to reort to. Asha
  14. I have been guilty of this, in my younger years where I would listen to my parents, siblings criticisim about the way I do certain things in my life and ofcourse would label myself wrong labels like too lazy or not too pretty or whatever. Recently read wonderful story & realized how wrong that little voice in my head telling me wrong things about myself. I realized people will say things sometimes not meaning a thing or sometimes to get what they want from you. At the end of the day you are adult and have to do what is right for you and your family. for example my mom would always criticize the person if he spends too much, ofcourse she will also criticize the person if he is thrifty, so there is no way you can win her aproval, I realise now she had same style even when I was young, if spent too much time on clothes & outer appearance than she will get mad that wasting time & resources on frivelous things, and since young I was never interested in those girly things any ways so I will not do them, then she will say oh Asha she never cares about how she looks, all she cares about is going to her classes, ofcourse that always made me feel I m not sofiscated or pretty enough like my other sisters. Now after 30+ years I am realising stop listening to others & their view points about you, when you do that, you are giving away too much power to outside world. you have to do what you feel right for you. and every action with right intention behind is right thing to do. So my new action plan for my life is follow my heart on things I want to do which brings me joy & not because what others will say or think about it. I will do what I feel right thing to do. Asha
  15. Ruth : congrats with new job. pray to God & do what you feel is best for both of you. please let us know what you decide. BTW filling of scripts sound more closer to your field than other one, but ofcourse you have to do what you feel right for you both Asha
  16. same to you Fred, I have never shopped during black friday, but have dropped people to stores for black friday & its nightmare, to save few bucks there can be stempede Asha
  17. Katrina : :congrats: I am so happy for you, sometimes in life we have to knock on lot of doors before one finally opens, give your best in your new job, hopefully even with your disability you will be able to perform well at your job. please let us know how H200 is helping you out Asha
  18. Fred : I for one never worried about weather, why worry about things we don't have control over, while picking out vacation spot I just make sure its holidays in school & its moderately warm. our travelling hapens usually in spring & summer breaks. Asha
  19. Jamie : you nailed it, I was that person for nearly first few years of my stroke recovery, I felt worthless, useless. till I figured I am not my thoughts & I am more than that. Though I love my this new awakening which happened thanks to stroke. So I am not mad at this stroke experience in my life. I am proud of person I have become today because of all my experiences in life. love your thoughtful blogs, it reaffirms my beliefs. Asha
  20. Ruth : change is never easy to adjust, but ofcourse it provides lot of growth opportunity in our life. I agree with Debbie that this change has turned out to be blessing for william & as he improves more you can look into stress-free other job opportunities. For me job loss was tougher than my stroke since so much of my self worth was attached to how much money I made, so my job loss made me feel worthless till I found out how much difference I was making in life of my loved ones and at the end of the day that' what matters. I amsure you will find new door of opportunity in your life which will make you more happy. Asha
  21. Bonnie : thanks for your blog & updating us about your life. I know it must be so hard for you without your cheerleader John. I will keep you & your family in my thoughts and prayers. ometime in the midst of grief its hard to believe God's reason behind the loss, but please have faith light is just at the end of tunnel & something better going to come out of this ordeal. hugs, Asha
  22. Fred : great blog once again. for me personally when I surrendered to God's will in my life I felt as if load lifted off from my heart. I learnt valuable lesson in my life thanks to stroke, which is do your duties right with good intentions & don't worry about the outcome. whatever the outcome will be believe something better is going to come out of this even though it does not see that way right now. learn from those mistakes made in life & move on. Asha
  23. lenny : thanks for encouraging blog again. you are truely insspirational survivor. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    A Gift

    Debbie : you are doing such a wonderful job in nudging Bruce in right direction. It's hard for me to comprehend survivor don't want to work towards its own recovery & independence, since that was never issue for me. Though as a survivor when I accomplish something in the begining used to like being applauded about it. Asha