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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. George : Thanks for the update on your life. I also feel the same way about risk management in life, luckily for me my prestroke life was pretty imple routine & I am glad I am able to go back to those, ofcourse with us stroke urvivors falling is so easy, but that will not make me sit in sidelines. I enjoy your updates, thanks. Asha
  2. I am so sorry to hear this news, you, Tootie & whole of your family will be in my prayers. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    After The Storm

    Fred : thanks for your concern & prayers, we were fortunate with hurricane sandy this year no loss of power or any damage though lot of treees are down on the roads & power is out for many people. Asha
  4. dyan : you are doing great thing for cayden & you got smart kid on hand who will get lot of benefits out of this. Asha
  5. Sandy : as he walks more stumbling & catching balance will become part of his life always encourage him to walk inside house. more he walks less he will stumble. I always wear shoes inside the house so that when I stumble on my toe won't hurt my toe. falling after stroke is easy, but required part of growing up Asha
  6. HostAsha

    Expectations vs. Hope

    Jamie : I love your last line hope magnifies what expectations minimizes wow its deep one & so true. I enjoy your blogs they make me think. don't listen to that inner voice who keeps on telling you wrong stories about you. Asha
  7. HostAsha


    ken : you have such a great attitude, wish everybody reads your blog & realise that we have to live life to fullest even with all the difficulties life throws at you. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    My Time To Blog Again

    Fred : I agree so much with you. when you think positive even in negative circumstances positive things happen in your life & life is not so bad Asha
  9. Maxine : keep on reading, writing blogs & commenting on blogs, you will feel much better & see therupetic power of blogging. I am telling you from my own exprience I call my blogworld my happy pills. Asha
  10. Jamie : that's such a great news that you don't have MRSA & can be treated with antibiotics in the comfort of your home. you will be in my thoughts and prayers for feeling better soon Asha
  11. Jamie : I am sure this will be better taken care in hospital & not at home. so feel better soon. Asha
  12. Hi Maxine : over the eriod when you stop seeing bulk of improvement coming it is so easy to get discouraged, but realizing you are still here and going to make best of life with whatever is left for sake of yourself & your loved ones who have decided to stick by you in your life's journey. After my stroke at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side, I thought how can I ever be happy without my left hand, till I realise with right attitude & right hand I can accomplish almost every thing inside & outside house which includes driving too. Give yourself some time things will improve. In life we all get good & bad days. On good days be thankful for those & on bad days think tomorrow is another day, and remember This shall pass. Asha
  13. Ruth : that's exactly what I am wondering you were pushing yourself to limit, I am glad now you will have time to focus on both of you. I am sure with routine like yours, you won't have time to get bored or depressed. Asha
  14. Jamie : I hope & pray you take enough rest before jumping into action again, take it slowly, things will be still waiting for you when you are fully healed Asha
  15. Ruth : I am glad that financially you can retire & stay home. BTW I feel for women & caregiver there is always lot to do. Make sure you do something for you also, learn something you always wanted to do, and also very important have routine in life otherwise it is very easy to fall into deapth of despair. Asha
  16. hi harris : welcome to therupetic world of blogging. I suffered atroke at age 34 which retired me from the job I loved & made me depressed till I realised how my depression made my loved ones suffer specially my then 7 year old son to act out at home. that itself woke me up & I decided to pick up pieces of my life & do my job as mother & wife to best of my ability. I feel our family deserves that for decided to ride this life's journey with us. I quickly learnt hapiness is a state of mind & my choice which I have control over, if negative thoughts are getting me down then I better choose better thoughts. Just with this small shift in thinking my post stroke life has become so much better. Today after 8+ years on this stroke journey I view my stroke as just speed bump in my life's journey it made me slow down & enjoy the scenary along the way. hope you use all the tools this site has to offer like blogging & chatting with other survivors to find your new normal again. Asha(now 42 year old survivor)
  17. Greta : thanks for updating us about your life. life becomes so much joyful once you realised & adjust to your new normal, there is still great life post stroke too. you survived for a reason & not as punishment, there is some great lesson to be learnt in this stroke experience.letting go & let God take care of us is good way to start on this post stroke journey. Asha
  18. Katrina : I am so sorry you are feeling down again on your stroke anniversary. For me along with antidepressants reading good spiritual books & inspiring survivor stories helped me deal with my stroke. I also use gratitude journal as one of my tools & reading blogs & writing positive only blogs, all these steps helped me get out of whyme stage. I guess having young son at home & seeing him suffer due to my depression woke me up & I decided I survived for a reason & not as a punishment even though I didn't see it that way back then, but God has plans for my life was the story I told myself when I used to feel down during my stroke journey. some chirstian girl told me story one time which stayed with me & made sense to me so I m going to share with you, saying we all have to carry our crosses in life, one time person was complaining to God this cross is too hard to bear, then god said go and pick up any cross from that room, person exchanged cross & then after while complained again to god this one is too hard too, & god asked him to go & select the other one, he kept on exchanging those crosses, then at the end finally he took his original cross & felt more comfortable with it. you get the idea moral of the story we all have some crosses to bear in life, but God is providing enough support so that we are able to carry our cross. when I feel down I focus on things I can still do & improve on it. yes it will be good to use both hands, but that's not the choice, I am greatful I can almost do everything in life single handely & with good attitude. at the end of the day that's what matters. atleast I am right hnded & can do almost everything with my right hand, which includes wearing my beautiful ring & all. Asha
  19. Pam : first & foremost you have great attitude, I feel same way about my stroke, we don't have control over lot of things in life, might as well do our best & make life worthwhile for us & others in oour life by doing our best. no point in worrying about another stroke, just enjoy your today & make best present possible for yourself & people in your life. Asha
  20. Kelly : you are not alone in the way you are feeling, I know after my stroke my selfesteem took nose dive, I felt worthless since I wasn't making big bucks& walked funny, till I realised I survived for a reason, & I am worth it since God loves me & created me the way I am. I realised thoughts inside my head does not define me as a person, and I won't give permission to any outside circumstances or people to typecast me or define me as a person. hope you don't give your ower away to any one. I learnt this lesson hard way & still working on watching my thoughts every day Asha
  21. Sue : thanks for the update. you are handling this new change in life quite nicely, I guess with being life survivor you are doing right thing of doing one day at a time, and let God take care of rest. Asha
  22. Sandy : I do understand where you are coming from, I am biggest blog junkie & I spend most of my time in this blog world, reading all kind of blogs positive or negative make me feel less alone, and don't feel that I was being punished by suffering stroke. what I was trying to say that when I started looking at positive things in my life & writing about it, it made those ordinary moments with family extra ordinary for me & I call my blogs my happy pill now. by writing them down & getting support from others makes them more memorable for me. & all I was saying what worked for me & by sharing with others, I hope they will learn from my experience & not make same mistakes I made & suffered pointless in my first year. I used to say right after my stroke that I will be happy "when my left hand works", till my hubby said what abut now when you are surrounded by so much love right now, be happy now since who knows what tomorrow will bring. Asha
  23. Sandy : I was so delighted to read your positive blog. I feel strongly & follow to the T more positives I think about & write about, more positivity happens in my life. Even though sometimes I feel writing guilty just writing good things in my life, but I like my positive feedback loop life, what I think about come true, so my day starts with I am healthy, wealthy & feel wonderful lol, so my blogs only focus on positives in my life & let hubby take care of negative parts like dealing with insurance & other stuff though it was rough in the begining, now there is not much to do & I have taken over lot of things in those regards. Asha Asha
  24. HostAsha

    Race Day

    wow Dave : thats amazing accomplishment. I am sure your muscles wil heal soon give them rest for few days. :congrats: once again Asha
  25. Fred : wow God works mysterious way, otherwise you would have gotton those shots in back lucky you, your job here on earth is not done yet, enjoy this second chance to fullest. Asha