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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Lydia : I am so glad to see your blog, I am so happy for you that after little shake up in snowglobe things are starting fall in place again for you. you are life survivor & will do great no matter what. you got us monster & your kids. though do come often since we missed you around here Asha
  2. hi Perino : is it possible that your son can join this online support group, I know it made huge difference in my outlook on life. tell him not to project his life based on his life today, worst part of his ride is over, now ride is going up so all of you just enjoy the ride. Asha(now 42 year old survivor)
  3. Sue: thanks for update, I am glad you are coping it well, you have been through lo of adversity in life and know that you have lot of friends online who are thinking & praying for you Asha
  4. welcome back oldman, I m glad your computer woes are sorted out & you are doing well Asha
  5. HostAsha

    Returning to work

    Debbie : I don't like to call my hubby my caregiver, he is my soulmate & he was my strength in the begining part of my stroke journey till I regained my inner strength back. Right after my stroke when I was in ICU, he & rest of my family rallied around me & stayed by my side. once I moved to rehab my sister came to be with me so that hubby could go back to work & take care of our young son. Every stroke is different & so is recovery, but having great family support & young family depending on me helped me and luckily I had only physical damage & no cognative damage so I could see more I will be able to do myself & for our family it will be one less work for my husband, Even though he was bit reluctant in begining leaving me alone. After my sister left he hired full time help for us, whose main job was not to leave me alone & take care of our home duties like cooking, cleaning, ofcourse that added more to my depression since it made me feel worthless, once hubby got comfortable leaving me alone & we got rid of help, which made me do more around the house that gave huge boost to my self esteem. today after 8+ years on this post stroke journey I view stroke just as speed bump in my life's journey which made my marriage stronger & allowed me to appreciate simple joys of life Asha
  6. HostAsha

    Been a while

    hi jlight : I don't have any advice on feeding tube, though have advice on balance & feeling of despair. If possible tell him to start getting active on this board by reading forums or blogs & tell him to start his own blog. for me I found being active on this site , blogging & chatting with other survivors made me feel less alone & found very therupetic for my soul. Also for balance walking more on treadmill helped me big time in my balancce issues. Asha
  7. Fred : hope your heart monitor catches your problem & gets succeesfully treated. Asha
  8. Katrina : I am happy for you that you were able to take bath on your own without any injury. I tried once before to see if I can do it, once I realised I am able to do it, I did not care as much later on with all the risks involved in falling, anyway for me showers r more enjoyable. Asha
  9. cat : Nancy & Dan will be in my thoughts and prayers for succesful surgery & favorable outcome Asha
  10. hey Debbie : don't try to control everything in life, relax & just go with flow that will help you enjoy life more with Bruce. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Host Sue

    Debbie : Sue & her family is in my constant prayers. I know her faith & loving support of her family & friends will get her through this another difficult period in her life. Asha
  12. Dyan : I am glad nothing bad happened so no one to blame hopefully every one learnt lesson you & teachers both though please let teachers know about this so that next ime they can look out for dehydration in other children & keep fluids handy for their future field trips. you & cayden in my prayers. Asha
  13. hi Englishlady : I am no doctor or nurse but could not agree 100% with debbie. stroe without major deficits is also hard adjustment, make sure you take care of your BP & diabetes like doctors have asked you, cause they are big risk factors for another one, hope you feel better soon. Asha
  14. cat : OMG thank God you guys home & Mike is doing better & you were home to get him to ER. Asha
  15. Sue : Even though I never met you, Ray, Mum & your family before through your writing I feel close to all of you, and along with you I will miss Ray too, though I know you both have gave good fight to difficult circumstances of your life, hope you find peace & comfort knowing Ray is on his happy trails till you meet him again. I am gld you have comfort of your family & non virtual friends in your hour of need. as your virtual friend all I can do keep you in my thoughts and prayers & send you lot of vitual hugs, Asha
  16. Lenny : you are so right, by keeping great attitude you are making your present for every one around you who loves you unconditionally great right now which ofcourse will leads to great future. you have to start living your life in Now & not in future when you will be better, but what about right now when you are still here. Asha
  17. funny Fred. hardest & most fulfilling job is parenthood for sure Asha
  18. Sandy : insurance companies does not make it easy for overloaded caregiver with all this. just keep your head above water & keep on pushing it, its in insurance comany's interest that caregiver gives up & they don't have to pay it for rest of survivors life, I bet insurance companies might be giving their agents incentive to approve minimum applications & throw lot of roadblocks on the legit cases so that people give up. make sure to get organised & give them fight of your life which will make life easier for both of you. you are going after what is legally yours. Asha
  19. for me ots on top left cornet of web page Asha
  20. I am reading this great book dying to be me written by Anita Moorjani, it talks about what she learnt in her near death experience. she returned fully healed from cancer after her near death experience. It is quite interesting book, Some of the parts of it makes sense to me spiritually but thinking analytically it is hard to believe, but ofcourse I feel no harm in having that attitude nothing to loose but only gain with that mindset. one of her point which sticks out is with God nothing is impossible, so I still have to work on removing those limiting thoughts which tells you this is only recovery possible. hope some of you will read it too & we can have book club discussion on it. Asha
  21. Fred : well said, the big trick is not to give up on ourselves & our recovery great thing this site does for us survivors, it makes us realise we are not alone fighting this tough battle, and you get strength from others tough battle to keep on fighting & not give up, and ofcourse perserence pays off. Asha
  22. hey Diane : this is such a great news, give yourself pat in back too, you kept on pushing trying to find right therapy for your child, your perservance paid off, your example is teaching me you can achieve whatever you put your mind to it, God helps us win the lottory, but we need to do our part & buy that lottory ticket lol in short God helps people who try for things. so happy for you. Asha
  23. Ken : I am so happy for you, you found your calling in your work, how cool is that. Asha
  24. Ruth : reading all caregivers blogs I realise we survivors would not have done so well in our recovery without significance contribution from caregiver, who would take us where we need to be. Asha
  25. Diane : thats such a great news, you will see all this small gains will add to great new normal for all of you, the only condition is you don't give up. Asha