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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Sue : I am so glad you guys had nice birthday with grandpa Ray & your dauhter & Trev could join & make ot special day for all of you. I can't believe it has been already year now, I know he is away from you, but with hands off you will be able to create more good memories of it. caregiving is hard job. I wish al of us can learn that resilience & acceptance from kids, who accetps pa pa Ray the way he is today no less or more. hope we all can do that. love Asha
  2. Sue : you are in my prayers for strength to conquer another mountain. Asha
  3. HostAsha


    Fred : good one, thanks for taking time to share with all of us Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Mason Alexander

    :congrats: grandma Asha
  5. keep on working on it & small steps will add up & become big step for bobkind Asha
  6. can you believe summer is over already & school will be starting tomorrow. This summer kido went to India for couple of weeks alone to go on hiking trip with his cousins & had great time. while kido gone to India our nephew came here from India for higher studies so we were all busy getting him settled in this new country & new environment. he moved to apartment closer to his college since traveling from here was turning out expensive time & money wise. kido's school will start from tomorrow so we are getting all ready for it. kido just got one day to get over his jetlag & his sleepover party. At the urging of our nephew I finally joined facebook & keeping up with all of my extended family in India. Now I guess got one more website to waste time on lol. Now at spiritual front read great line which like to share with all of my friends here "life provides losses & heartbreak for all of us but the greatest tragedy is to have the experience, and miss the meaning". I am so glad I found meaning in my loss, which makes life great again. Asha
  7. Sue : Its nice you guys are creating great memories with Ray, you got great kids. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Peg tube tiem

    Nancy : for once I feel it is easier being survivor than caregiver lol stroke is hard on every one & its really not for sissies for sure. Asha
  9. Jessica : you are great artist. for me my first stroke anniversary was hard, but since it was in feb & I felt immense love of my hubby for me we made my stroke anniversary as our valentine date, & since then I look forward to my stroke anniversary valentine day combo. I bet if you look hard you might find some positives coming out of this seemingly negative event. look for it & you might find it. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    The Long Journey

    Ken : you are doing great in your recovery. I stroked at age 34 & have realised along with hysical recovery emotional recovery is also equally important. would love to know you more through this blog window you provided to us. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved, but fortunately I found satisfaction by volunteering at different places & got time to be stay at home mom who now enjoys raising our son. Asha(now 42 year old survivor)
  11. Sue : wow gossips in nursing home too lol. hope you are not jealous of ray's girlfriend lol Asha
  12. lenny : can't wait to see your finished kitchen pictures , I am sure you wife will be ready for your cooking, Asha
  13. Geroge : your trip looks amazing & quite adventurous, though i don't think I would have ever done it even prestroke days, so post stroke I can't even imagine doing this kind of trips, since I can't swim, I don't miss I can still enjoy beauty through your pictures. Asha
  14. Sandy : thats great idea, also if you have sace buy treadmill, and tell him towalk on it for few intervals of 5 mins 12 time holding, first start with low speed then slowly as endurance increases keep increasing speed 0.1 at a time & you will see his stamina & walking speed both will improve, only thing I wanted after my stroke was able to walk by myself to bathroom without audience, today I walk 11 miles 4 times in a week. nature walk is now one of my biggest joy in life only survivor can understand & appreciate. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    scary times

    Sue : you and Ray will be in my thoughts and prayers, hands off caregiving is equally hard & commendable job. Ray is lucky to have you Asha
  16. Cat : I am so happy for both of you, you got each other. I feel the same way about my husband, actually I feel my stroke brought us closer & made our marriage stronger. Asha
  17. Fred : such a well said blog, great pearl of wisdom, I think you should post on our message board too, & should made part of required reading for all newbie survivors & caregivers. make best out of what you are left with is my motto too & keep on adding new item from your caregiver's list of things to do. Asha
  18. George : I disagree with you where you think your good recovery might make other less fortunate envy your recovery. I feel having voth types of blogs gives newbies hope & strength to fight on. so I hope you don't feel guilty for your good improvemt & stick around to show all newbies & oldies so much can be achieved with perservence. Asha
  19. In my long post stroke journey, I realised I tend to be too hard on myself for not able to do things perfectly or doing simple unharmful mistakes. for example right after my stroke when I was still adjusting to my new way of life, and not seeing things which is right there on left side of the counter because I didn't scan the table, I used to be so hard on myself, chatter in my brain will not hesitate to tell me oh I m such a looser for messing up simple things in life, well as I am growing in wisdom with my life experience, I am realising how wrong I was & hard I was & made myself unnecessary unhappy, now I am realising I was so wrong, I had never scaned whole table in my previous 34 years to start doing now but just because I didn't do it does not make me big failure. So wanted to tell all the survivors & caregivers who are doing something new with new limitations to not do the same mistakes I did & created unnecessary unhappiness. Asha
  20. Fred : I am so sorry to hear the loss of wounded soldier. maybe someone should start online support community for this wounded soldeirs, I know for me this online community saved me from my dark demons. other than family & friends having this community gave me comfort of knowing I m not alone in my journey & there are lot of others who have walked before & came out of this dark tunnel, which gave me hope too. I am so glad I did not quit then when I felt like quitting. I am so happy you are volunteering at the base & offering your support Asha
  21. hi englishlady: I am glad you found us and don't feel alone, try to join our chats scheduled every day in the afternoon & evening & you will feel much better. I agree with cathy don't allow stroke to take more than it has already has, get back into action, & don't stay on sidelines. there is great life post stroke, but choice will be yours. Asha(now 42 year old)
  22. Sue : I am sending you ton of virtual hugs, I m sorry you re feeling blue today & miss your Ray so much, maybe spending time with him in his room might help boost your mood, its ok to sit on pity pod but don't forget to flush it & remind yourself tomorrow is new day and sun always comes out Asha
  23. Ruth : I am so happy you both had great time at the show, now that you have mentioned we will go & see that show sometimes. Asha
  24. Dyan : this is such a great news, keep on working with him & all your hard work will pay off in really good way. It shows good things happen to peole who don't give up & keep pushing brick wall has to open up. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    Oh Darn!

    Cat : I am so happy for both of you. I believe in posting only good things about my life I feel positivity brings in more positivity in please don't feel guilty sharing good news, it lifts every one's spirit. Asha