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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    50 more things...

    Jamie : wow thanks for sharing your 50 things about you, I was cracking up on mot of them, you got great sense of humor & now I feel I know you better you have led some interesting life. Asha
  2. Dyan: thanks for updating, I was wondering about you & cayden, who is the girl? hope to bump into chat soon. Asha
  3. Ruth : Iam vegatarian but not vegan, I do eat eggs & dairy products. I am vegatarian by birth & choice now, never felt need to try any meat since love the way I cook our vegtables with all the spices & stuff. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Culinary Therapy

    Jamie : thats great, wish we lived close by so that I cold have gotton some great food lol. Asha
  5. Sue : :congrats: on becoming grandma & to match your title as granny getting one year old in the same week lol. belated happy birthday. Its good to see you are surrounded by so much love in your family. love Asha
  6. Nancy : that's such a great news, I am so glad for both of you that Dan is able to express his love for you. I know how special this must be for both of you Asha
  7. wow jamie : keep that positive outlook & you will find the pony in there somewhere. Asha
  8. last weekend chandra household was filled with lot of joy & gratitude. I am all into celebrating birthdays, for my birthday I start reminding my immediate family atleast week in advance, hubby & kido don't care about it as much, but since I care & make enough noise about, I make sure we celebrate their birthdays with our family, last weekend we celebrated hubby's birthday right after our grand niece's birthday. I also found out in nearby state park there was river front pooja was going to be performed on very auscipous day. It was right on the bank of hudson river, since we had never been to this particular park before so made sure we go there along with my mom, luckily hubby agreed without any resistance so we went & had great time, I have travelled extensively & have seen real beautiful places, so visiting this another beautiful place should not make me that happy, but it did. I was so happy & content to be at another beautiful place with love of my life. The whole experience was so serene and brought so much contentment in my present moment, that I had to share it with all my friends so that it doubles, I am greedy that way lol Asha
  9. HostAsha

    here we go again

    Nancy : I am sorry to hear about this new seizure in your life, I know it rattles every one involved, hopefully you will be able to rebuild better new normal after this another hurdle in your life. I hope & pray God gives you strength & stamina to get through all the hurdles in your life. Asha
  10. I heard this line in the promo of the movie "best exotic merigold hotel", & ofcourse I got interested in the movie, finally it got released to close by theatre. hubby is not interested in any movie, but since he had taken few days off, I was able to drag him to movie & it turned out to be fun experience, both of us immensely enjoyed the movie, it's small budget movie & not summer blockbuster but has great cast & storyline. its story about british retirees going to India & staying at the best merigold hotel which was nothing like what was advertised in brochure. we were cracking up so hard There are some things which are so normal & acceptable to us Indians, can come across as hilarious to Foreigners. there were lot of one liners which were funny but this one stands out in my mind, and I know it for sure that Everything will be alright in the end & if its not then its not an end yet. this line is most comforting in both ways, it gives you strength for your present tough moment & hope for future. If you get a chance watch the movie, if not in theatre then on DVD. still cracking up thinking about movie. Asha
  11. Lydi : I am sorry you are feeling down today after visiting doctor today, but think of this as we get old none of us will be like we were in past or 20 years ago. yesterday is gone for all of us all we have now is our today & the way we are, like it or not, we have to make best out of what we have today & does it matter what doctor says or confirms your losses. I feel we are still here & we have to make best out of every day, happiness is a choice. Enjoy today rather worying about future & crying over lost past. I hope you get serenity in serenity prayer :God grant me serenity to accept the things I can not change couage to change things I can & wisdom to know the difference Asha
  12. Fred : love your blog & agree with you completly wish I had this wisdom right after my stroke then I would have saved myself from agony of my depression. but ofcourse today life is different & I am thankful to my stroke it allowed me to be fully present in my today to enjoy my family. Asha
  13. Leah : I am so glad you updated your blog after long time. you are amazing survivor in your own right, love the way you are handling difficulties in your life one thing at a time. I know how hard it is to step out of your comfort zone & accomplish things which Jerry used to do before, but I am sure Jerry is watching over you to help you out. Asha
  14. Susan : for me making it as part of my routine & using pill organiser I never forget my meds, right after my breakfast is my med time. Asha
  15. Mary : I am so happy for you that your party went according to plan & you guys all had fun. Asha
  16. Sue : I am so happy for your lovely mothers day weekend celebration with your family. Asha
  17. Fred : I am sorry to hear loss in your family, your wife & her family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  18. HostAsha

    Ah, Sleep

    I am so happy that you had good night sleep that shows that Bruce is doing well in his recovery too. My hubby is very light sleeper too versus once I am down, I am totaly opposite, once I am down I m out Asha
  19. HostAsha


    hey leese : more you go out on adventures like these easier it will become. I remember hiking first time in my first camping trip post stroke. my leg hurt whiole night after walking just couple of miles & today I walk more than 11 miles atleast 4 times in a week. Asha
  20. Yesterday in Oprah's master's class heard something very beutiful so wanted to write it down so that I can ponder on it on my difficult days which I know do come once a month lol. Oprah was talking about which I believe in completly, be responsible for amount of space you hold on earth. basically be responsible for your actions in life. her another word of wisdom was be the flow in life you can be either in flow or out of flow, when you are in the flow in life then life is so easy. flow in your life is direct proportional to divine with in you. I know this very true, when I am doing something I feel is important for my kido & even with his fighting & resisting, I find it easy. When you align yourself with the flow you are your authetic self. Her another pearl of wisdom nothing lasts forever your youth, beauty, money, what lasts is who you are &w hat gifts you are meant to give & nobody can take that away from you. I know I struggled with that question lot longer after stroke till I figured I matter in this world whether I bring big paycheck or not, when I see how I made a difference with family & friends, it does not matter to them that now I don't make big bucks, they are just happy to have me in their life & so am I. anyway now I am done with my spiritual blabbering. Asha
  21. Susan : I m sorry you are feeling lonely & miserable today. but I believe that those days make you appreciate good days better. For me when I am feeling low ging for a walk, or counting my blessings or listening to great music cheer me up. Asha
  22. Fred : I love your attitude, you are making best lemonade out of your lemons, I personally feel that is wise way to go, when you keep on resisting what it is, you ruin your present day which is the only thing guranteed to be there, so I believe in going with flow & enjoying & appreciating blessings along the way. Asha
  23. Nancy : :congrats: on your motor home purchase, hope you build lot of happy memories in it. Asha
  24. hey Jamie : you sre so fortunate to have great friend like kelly & each other. wish had that kind of girlfriend. Asha
  25. Katrina : I am so proud of you, find you so inspiring you are taking active role in your recovery, and with that kind of attitude positive things has to happen. Once I see your results I might look into it too. Asha